900字范文 > 个人知识管理模式 the module of personal knowledge management英语短句 例句大全

个人知识管理模式 the module of personal knowledge management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-02 16:33:23


个人知识管理模式 the module of personal knowledge management英语短句 例句大全

个人知识管理模式,the module of personal knowledge management

1)the module of personal knowledge management个人知识管理模式


1.Research on the Blog-based PKM Mode of Middle School Teachers;基于Blog的中学教师个人知识管理模式探索

2.The Construction of Personal Knowledge Management Model in the Teacher′s Professional Development教师专业化发展中个人知识管理模式的构建

3.Constitution,Management Pattern and Management Tool Design of Teacher Personal Knowledge;教师个人知识构成、管理模式及管理工具设计

4.3-3 Human Resource Management Patternin Knowledge-based Enterprises;知识型公司人力资源管理三三制模式

5.Research on Knowledge Transfer Mode in Customer Knowledge Management;客户知识管理中的知识转移模式研究

6.Knowledge Management Pattern for Knowledge Enterprises;知识密集型企业的知识管理模式研究

7.Study of Individual Knowledge Management Applied in Distance Education Teaching Model;个体知识管理远程开放教育教学模式研究

8.Knowledge Management-The New Management Mode under the Background of Knowledge Economy;知识管理——知识经济背景下的管理新模式

9.Knowledge Management--the New Model of Enterprise Management in the Era of Knowledge Economy;知识经济时代的企业管理新模式——知识管理

10.KM Integration Solution through Employee-oriented E-HR System;基于知识管理的人性化E-HR平台模式研究

11.Research of Talent-cultivating Model in Colleges and Universities Based on Knowledge Management;基于知识管理的高校人才培养模式研究

12.Characteristics and Mode Innovation of Human Resources in Knowledge-based Enterprises;知识型企业人力资源管理特点及模式创新

13.Establishing Management Mould of Human Resources for Intellectual Personnel in Institutions of Higher Education;建立适合高校知识型员工的人力资源管理模式

14.Knowledge Management--A Brand New Mode of Business Management;知识管理——一种全新的企业管理模式

15.Method and Application of Personal Knowledge Management in Knowledge-oriented Society;知识社会个人知识管理的方法及运用

16.Analysis of Knowledge Management and Personal Knowledge Management;论组织知识管理和个人知识管理及其关系

17.New mode of government s human resources management in era of knowledge-driven economy--Flexible management;知识经济时代政府人力资源管理的新模式——柔性管理

18.The Mode of Merging Sort for Enterprises" Knowledge Source Based on Archives Management基于档案管理的企业知识源梳理模式


individual knowledge management个人知识管理

1.Application of individualized net education based onindividual knowledge management;基于个人知识管理的个性化网络教育应用

2.Along with the matureness of knowledge economy and the development of information technology,individual knowledge management,as an important technology and method in management knowledge,has already applied to many fields.随着知识经济的日益成熟和信息技术的发展,个人知识管理作为一种重要的管理知识的技术和方法已经应用到许多领域。

3)Personal Knowledge Management个人知识管理

1.Personal Knowledge Management of Modern Secretaries;现代秘书人员的个人知识管理

2.ThePersonal Knowledge Management Based on Blog;基于Blog的个人知识管理

3.Talk about the staff s personal knowledge management of librarians;试论图书馆馆员的个人知识管理

4)On Personal Knowledge Management论个人知识管理

5)knowledge management / individual knowledge interaction知识管理/个人知识交互

6)model of knowledge management知识管理模式


