900字范文 > 价格革命 Price Revolution英语短句 例句大全

价格革命 Price Revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-15 10:53:02


价格革命 Price Revolution英语短句 例句大全

价格革命,Price Revolution

1)Price Revolution价格革命

1.American Silver and EuropeanPrice Revolution;美洲白银与欧洲价格革命

2)price revolution of Europe in the 16th century欧洲16世纪价格革命

3)revolutionary quality革命品格

1.Therevolutionary quality is embodied in all the stages of development of commercial law.商法的革命品格体现于商法发展的整个历史过程中,它顺应经济时代的发展,自我革新、自我完善,有着顽强的生命力。

4)value revolution价值革命


1.Internet and the Subject and Value Revolution of Traditional Movies;网络与传统电影艺术本体、价值革命

2.Fate in the Perspective of Ancient Chinese Astrology and the Revolution of the Value of Law;古代中国“天学”视野下的天命与法律价值革命

3.The value of cultivating contemporary soldiers" core values当代革命军人核心价值观的价值意蕴

4.The Revolution of Value: The Value Orientation of the View of Continued Development;价值观的革命:可持续发展观的价值取向

5.On the Innovation of Educational Value in the Revolution of Modern Physics;试论现代物理学革命的创新教育价值

6.Mao Zedong s harmonious values and China revolutionize and the construction;毛泽东和谐价值观与中国革命和建设

7.Review on Cultural Value of Modern Female Revolutionary Novel;现代女性革命小说文化价值的再认识

8.The Industrial Revolution and the Changes of Value Reflected in Hardy s Novels;哈代笔下的工业革命与价值观的变迁


10.Lei Feng Spirit and Contemporary Revolutionary Soldiers" Core Values雷锋精神与当代革命军人核心价值观

11.The Revolutionary Change of Marx s Dialectics Theory and Its Contemporary Value;马克思辩证法理论的革命性变革及其当代价值

12.Local Revolutionary Tradition and Education of Core Values for College Students地方革命传统与大学生核心价值观教育——以弘扬闽西革命传统为例

13.The Value Transformation from the "Literary Revolution" of the May 4 Movement to the "Revolutionary Literature" of the Proletariat从“文学革命”到“革命文学”——论五四新文学运动的价值转向

14.Neither country had yet produced any worthy revolutionary song.两国都还没有制作出任何有价值的革命歌曲。

15.On the Humanistic Value Orientation of the Development of Science from the Three Revolutions in Science and Technology;从三次科技革命看科技发展的人文价值趋向

16.On Significance of Revolution of Style and Value of Style of English Visual Poetry;论英语图像诗的文体革命意义及文体价值

17.The Resource of the Value Quality of the Commodity under the New Technological Revolution;论新技术革命条件下的商品价值量来源

18.On cultivating contemporary soldiers" core values from four dimensions略论培育当代革命军人核心价值观的四个维度


price revolution of Europe in the 16th century欧洲16世纪价格革命

3)revolutionary quality革命品格

1.Therevolutionary quality is embodied in all the stages of development of commercial law.商法的革命品格体现于商法发展的整个历史过程中,它顺应经济时代的发展,自我革新、自我完善,有着顽强的生命力。

4)value revolution价值革命

5)Price Reform价格改革

1.An Economic Analysis on thePrice Reform of Chinese Exhaustible Energy Resource;我国能矿资源价格改革的经济学分析

2.The Review and Thinking of ChinesePrice Reform;中国价格改革的回顾与思考

6)pricing reform价格改革

1.The paper puts forward suggestions and assumption ofpricing reform which is mainly based on railway tariff.对以铁路运价为主的价格改革提出建议和设想。

2.Proceeding from the basis,we need to scientifically identify factors in price formation,promote resourcepricing reform,and establish and improve the price formation mechanism,enabling resource prices and resource product prices to reflect market supply and demand,resource scarcity and environmental damage costs.从资源价格形成基础出发,科学确定资源价格形成要素,推进资源价格改革,建立并完善资源价格形成机制,使得资源价格和资源性产品价格能够反映市场供求状况、资源稀缺程度和环境损害成本,是我国实现又好又快发展的必由之路。

3.Strategic Analysis on Pricing Reform in Guangdong Province;案例研究的结果表明,在包括价格改革在内的经济改革中、选择适当的策略有着十分重要的意义。


