900字范文 > 面向对象建模 object-oriented modeling英语短句 例句大全

面向对象建模 object-oriented modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-03 19:09:11


面向对象建模 object-oriented modeling英语短句 例句大全

面向对象建模,object-oriented modeling

1)object-oriented modeling面向对象建模

1.The progress ofobject-oriented modeling on aerial armament test system software has been introduced in details.详细介绍了对军械测试系统软件进行面向对象建模的过程。

2.In this paper, theobject-oriented modeling technology is used to design the air conditioner simulation system, and the structure, function and components of the system are designed and described in detail by using Unified Modeling Language (UML) to design the Use Case Diagram, the Class Diagram and the Sequence Diagram.仿真建模是仿真系统开发过程中最重要的环节 ,面向对象建模技术应用在仿真建模中有着无可比拟的优点。

3.The root basis of the model was extended object model,which was constructed by augmenting the conventional object model inobject-oriented modeling methodology with relationship object set R and constraint object set C.在面向对象建模方法中的传统对象模型的基础上添加关系对象集合R和约束对象集合C以构成扩展对象模型 ,在此基础上进一步扩展构成事例对象模型 ,作为事例表达模型的直接基础。


1.Object-Oriented Modeling for Sale Post System;对“销售点终端系统”进行面向对象建模

2.Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation of Spillway Excavation溢洪道开挖的面向对象建模与仿真

3.Applications of Oriented-Object Modeling Mechanism Based on the Unified Modeling Language;统一建模语言面向对象建模机制的应用

4.Application of Object-oriented Modeling Methods in Performance Modeling面向对象建模方法在性能建模中的应用研究

5.Object-Oriented Modeling and Optimizing Technology for Building Quantity Calculating;建筑工程量计算中的面向对象建模与优化技术

6.The Object-oriented Modeling Design and Realization of Petroleum Product Sale System油品销售系统面向对象建模设计与实现

7.Research on Object - Oriented Simulation Modeling Method for Cruise Missile飞航导弹面向对象仿真建模方法研究

8.The Object-oriented Technology of Modeling Real-time System with UML;基于UML的面向对象实时系统建模技术

9.Research and Implementation of Object Oriented Workflow Modeling;面向对象的工作流建模研究及其实现

10.Object-Oriented Requirements Modeling Based on UML;基于UML的面向对象需求建模研究

11.The Object-orientated Product Information Modelling for CAPP Open Architecture;面向对象的CAPP开放结构产品信息建模

12.IED modeling based on object-oriented technology of IEC61850 standard基于IEC61850标准面向对象思想的IED建模

13.Object Classcification and Modeling of FMS Based on Object_oriented Petri Net;基于面向对象着色Petri网的FMS对象类划分及建模

14.Object-oriented Modeling for Directed Acyclic Graph of Process Industry System面向对象的流程工业系统有向无环图建模

15.Object-oriented LOD modeling of marine simulator面向对象的航海模拟器细节层次视景建模

16.Research on modeling method of object-oriented fuzzy Petri nets一种面向对象模糊Petri网建模方法的研究

17.A Modeling Methool of Object-Oriented Engineering Graphics Library Management System面向对象的图档管理系统数据模型建模方法

18.Research on Base Object Model and Web Service Oriented Modeling Technology面向基本对象模型BOM和Web服务的建模技术研究


object oriented modeling面向对象建模

1.Application ofobject oriented modeling in the non-uniformed section beam visual computing;面向对象建模在变截面梁内力变形可视化计算中的应用

2.The related key technologies for constructing and developing this system, such as high level architecture, FEDEP process model, Hierarchical Software Architecture, computer generated forces,object oriented modeling and collision detection based .着重论述了该仿真平台的构成、开发过程及其关键技术 ,包括HLA、基于FEDEP(FederationDevelopmentandExecutionProcess)模式的开发过程 ,层次化软件结构、计算机生成兵力(CGF ,ComputerGeneratedForces)技术、面向对象建模以及基于包围盒的碰撞检测

3.Theobject oriented modeling is one of advanced modeling methods, according to the defects existed in the product structure and configuration management of product data management system, this paper presents a kind of structure model based on a class of product, which is called product class model(PCM) , and realizes the object oriented product structure and configuration management.面向对象的建模方法是目前较为先进的建模方法之一 ,本文针对目前产品数据管理 ( Product datamanagement)系统中的产品结构与配置管理模块存在的一些不足 ,根据面向对象建模的思想提出了一种基于一类产品的结构模型 ,即产品类属模型 ,以此为基础 ,提取产品类属模型中的各实体并建立相应的类 ,从而实现一种面向对象的产品结构与配置管


1.For realizing the self-adaptive simulation of the whole transient process,this paper proposes the theory of Object-Oriented Modeling(OOM) by analyzing the class structure of power system elements.为实现暂态全过程的自适应仿真 ,首先分析了电力系统元件类结构 ,提出面向对象建模的思想。

2.The object oriented technique (OOT) and Object oriented modeling (OOM) are mainstream methods of developing software nowadays, as they provide the approaches of analysis and modeling to sole software crisis with the traditional structured developed mode, which limits the geophysical software developing at some degree in China.这里以测井资料多井解释系统的面向对象分析和建模为实例,阐述了面向对象建模的技术思路及其特点,为高质、高效地开发易于扩充和维护的大型地球物理应用软件系统提供了建模实例。

4)object oriented modeling面向对象的建模

1.In this paper, the characteristics of theobject oriented modeling method are discussed firstly, then the parametric object expression, object construction and assembly, and the mechanism of establishing and managing the parametric object model are described.文章首先讨论了面向对象的建模方法 ,然后结合实例描述了面向对象建模技术在工程图离线参数化对象的表示、构造和装配等建立及管理参数化对象模型的应用机理 ,同时给出了部分参数化对象和总控对象类及其实例的代码表示和对象的求解策

5)Object Modeling Technology (OMT)面向对象建模(OMT)

6)protection object oriented automatic modeling面向保护对象自动建模


