900字范文 > 会计信息披露 Accounting Information Disclosure英语短句 例句大全

会计信息披露 Accounting Information Disclosure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-31 03:28:45


会计信息披露 Accounting Information Disclosure英语短句 例句大全

会计信息披露,Accounting Information Disclosure

1)Accounting Information Disclosure会计信息披露

1.Analysis on the governance factors of accounting information disclosure quality of Northeast listed firms;东北上市公司会计信息披露质量的治理因素分析

2.Discussion on the normalization of accounting information disclosure of listed companies in China;我国上市公司会计信息披露规范化之探讨

3.VoluntaryAccounting Information Disclosure:Critical Mass,Selectiveness and Regulation;自愿性会计信息披露:临界水平、选择性与管制支持


1.The Economics Analysis on Revelation of Accounting Information and Governing;会计信息披露与披露监管的经济学分析

2.Exploring Accounting Information Disclosures from Game Theory--Study on Accounting Information Disclosures of Listed Companies;从博弈论看会计信息披露——兼谈上市公司会计信息披露现状及思考

3.Constructing the Credit System for Accounting Information Release in Stock Market;证券市场会计信息披露诚信体系建设

4.Study on National Social Security Fund Accounting Information Disclosure;全国社会保障基金会计信息披露研究

5.The Study on the Accounting Information Discloser of Corporate Social Responsibility;我国企业社会责任会计信息披露研究

6.On Information Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting;企业社会责任会计信息披露问题研究

7.On the Accounting Information Disclosure of the Scocial Responsibility of Chinese Enterprise;略论我国企业社会责任会计信息披露

8.Researeh on Infornoation Diselosure of State Owned Enterprises Social Responsibility Accounting国有企业社会责任会计信息披露研究

9.The Accounting Information Property Right in the Accounting Information Disclosed the Application Grinds;会计信息产权在会计信息披露中的应用研究

10.Study on Accounting Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in China我国上市公司会计信息披露问题研究

11.Nonstandard Accounting Information Disclosure of Listed Companies and its Governance上市公司会计信息披露失范及其治理

12.On Accounting Information Disclosure in Corporation Governance;公司治理中的会计信息披露问题研究

13.An Empirical Analysis on the Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure;我国上市公司会计信息披露质量研究

14.Research on Internet Accounting Information Disclosure Model Based on XBRL;基于XBRL的网络会计信息披露模式研究

15.A Study on Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure about Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司环境会计信息披露研究

16.Research on Disclosure Mode of Accounting Information about Listed Enterprise in China;我国上市公司会计信息披露方式研究

17.An Study on Information Disclosure of Green Accounting in the Condition of Recycling Economy;循环经济下绿色会计信息披露的研究

18.Research on Problems of Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure in Chinese Enterprises;我国企业环境会计信息披露问题研究


disclosure of accounting information会计信息披露

1.This thesis begins with the definition of accounting information,explains the general form and function ofdisclosure of accounting information, analyses the essential features of accounting information in forestry enterprises,and considers thedisclosure of accounting information in forestry enterprises from the information asymmetry and the game theory.本文从会计信息的涵义入手,阐述了会计信息披露的一般形式与作用,分析了林业企业会计信息的基本特征,并从信息不对称和博弈论角度对林业企业会计信息披露进行思考。

2.It was found that, in the development of a brief 10-year period of the security market, either the corporate accounting practice or thedisclosure of accounting information, or the auditing supervisions by the CPAs, is facing an impending realistic problem of normative requirement.本文首先针对证券市场中亟待规范的问题提出证券市场会计规范的涵义和必要性,再以有效市场假说理论、投资学理论、信息经济学为指导,分别对会计准则规范、有效市场假说与会计信息的关系、会计信息披露制度规范和审计监督在会计规范中的重要作用做了深入的研究。

3.At present, specific accounting standard has been promulgated ondisclosure of accounting information in oil & gas industries in the domestic an.目前,国内外关于石油天然气行业会计信息披露已发布了具体会计准则,但它不适用于煤炭等其他矿产资源;尽管国际上关于矿产资源的勘探与评价已发布了国际财务报告准则,但它只适用于生产程序的某一阶段;煤炭采掘业会计信息披露没有自己的行业规范,设计《企业会计准则——煤炭采掘业生产活动》是本文研究的重要目的。

3)information disclosure会计信息披露

1.Theinformation disclosure of listed companies is very important for corporate governance.上市公司良好的会计信息披露是资本市场健康运行的重要内容。

2.Stork market is founded and developed on basis ofinformation disclosure.上市公司会计信息披露是证券市场赖以建立和发展的基石 ,是证券法律制度的核心内容 ,也是证券投资者权益的有利保障。


5)accounting information disclosure transparency会计信息披露透明度

6)accounting information publishing system会计信息披露制度

1.Theaccounting information publishing system,which is the important part of the accounting supervision,encounters more and more problems along with the evolution of theaccounting information publishing system.会计信息披露制度是会计监管的重要内容,但是随着会计信息披露制度的演变,其暴露出越来越多的问题,要想规避这些问题而设计出良好的会计信息披露制度,必须为会计信息披露制度的演变找到理论上的解释。


