900字范文 > 规范经营 standardized management英语短句 例句大全

规范经营 standardized management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 23:27:28


规范经营 standardized management英语短句 例句大全

规范经营,standardized management

1)standardized management规范经营


1.Counseling on Sticky Issues on the Authentication ofGSP;对《药品经营质量管理规范》(GSP)认证有关难点问题的商榷

2.Analysis on the Trend of the Development of Chinese Drug Retailing by Comparing Chinese Good Supply Practice(GSP)with Those of the Foreign Countries;从中外药品经营质量管理规范之比较分析我国药品零售企业的发展趋势


1.Detailed implementation measures and procedures for the" Standards for Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Trading" shall be stipulated by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments under the State Council.药品经营质量管理规范》的具体实施办法、施步骤由国务院药品监督管理部门规定。

modity quality management specificatioGB/T16868-1997商品经营质量管理规范

3.Improvement of Drug Wholesaler Marketing Management and Regulation of Drug Circulation;搞好批发企业经营管理 规范药品流通秩序

4.The Study about GSP s Applying of HK Retail Pharmacy;HK单体药品经营企业GSP质量管理应用研究

5.How to Establish a Perfect System of Drug Quality Management;药品经营企业如何建立完善的质量管理体系

6.The detailed implementation measures and implementation process of the" Standards for Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Production" shall be formulated by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council.药品生产质量管理规范》的具体实施办法、施步骤由国务院药品监督管理部门规定。

7.Brief Discussion on the Problems in Current Good Manufacturing Practice and the Countermeasures;浅析现行《药品生产质量管理规范》中存在的问题及对策

8.Enlightenmen and Investigation for Professional Ability Promotion Demand of Quality Control Staff in Pharmaceutical Operation Enterprise药品经营企业质量管理人员职业能力提升需求调查与启示

9.The Study on Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) of Shezu Medicine Chimonanthus Salicifolius S.Y.H;畲药柳叶蜡梅生产质量管理规范(GAP)的研究

10.Prospects of GAP Came into Effect in Our Country;对我国实施《中药材生产质量管理规范》的展望

11.A Discussion on Some Clauses of "Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) of Chinese Medicinal Materials;对“中药材生产质量管理规范”中某些条款的商榷

12.Implementation Situation and Problem Analysis on GAP of Chinese Traditional Medicinal Materials《中药材生产质量管理规范》实施现况及问题解析

13.Good Quality Management Norms Including GAP and Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine浅谈GAP等优良质量管理规范与中药现代化

14.Discussion on the Laws and Regulations Construction in the Management of Retail Pharmacy Chain论我国药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规建设

15.The code of quality management by enterprises of construction industry施工企业质量管理规范

16.Quality Management Is the Base of Enterprise Implementing Brand Run;质量管理是企业实施品牌经营的根本

17.Supportive documents Include management rules, product specification, quality records.支持性文件,包括管理制度、产品规范、质量记录等。

18.The brand value of adult education college and standardization of quality controlling;对成人高校的品牌价值与规范化质量管理



1.Counseling on Sticky Issues on the Authentication ofGSP;对《药品经营质量管理规范》(GSP)认证有关难点问题的商榷

2.Analysis on the Trend of the Development of Chinese Drug Retailing by Comparing Chinese Good Supply Practice(GSP)with Those of the Foreign Countries;从中外药品经营质量管理规范之比较分析我国药品零售企业的发展趋势

3)highway tolling operation standardization公路收费经营规范化

4)standardizing operation规范运营

5)business scope经营范围

1.Reconstruction of Business Scope System of Business Organizations within WTO Frame——On the harmony between right of foreign trade andbusiness scope;WTO框架下商事组织经营范围制度的重构——兼谈外贸经营权与经营范围之协调

2.There are different understandings in the theoretical circles concerning the existence of conflict between judicial interpretation and relevant laws and regulations in identifying the civil force of the contracts entered into by parties beyond theirbusiness scope.对当事人超越经营范围订立合同的民事效力的认定,在司法解释和相关法律、法规之间是否存在冲突,理论界有不同的认识,在社会主义市场经济条件下,当事人签订合同是否还应受到经营范围的限制,越权经营行为是否还应受到行政处罚?一国的法律、法规乃至司法解释应当保持高度的协调、统一性,对越权合同的民事效力及行政后果必须有清晰、明确的规定,以正当事人的认识和司法、行政的准绳。

6)scope of operation经营范围

1.That a business must manage its operation within thescope of operation which is checked and approved is meeting a challenge of practice and theory.企业必须在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营活动 ,受到实践和理论的挑战。


