900字范文 > Logistic曲线方程 Logistic curve equation英语短句 例句大全

Logistic曲线方程 Logistic curve equation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 02:17:39


Logistic曲线方程 Logistic curve equation英语短句 例句大全

Logistic曲线方程,Logistic curve equation

1)Logistic curve equationLogistic曲线方程


1.Analysis and Making Good Fitting Degree Test for Logistic Curve Regression Equation;Logistic曲线方程的解析与拟合优度测验

2.Study on the fitting methods of logistic curve;Logistic曲线拟合方法研究

3.On Square Logistic Growth CurveLogistic平方生长曲线的性质

4.Delay Differential Logistic Equation with Linear Harvesting;一类带线性收获项的Logistic时滞微分方程

5.Study on the Application of Logistic Curve Simulating Tourism Destination Lifecycle;旅游地生命周期曲线模拟的初步研究——Logistic曲线模型方法的应用

parisons on Logistic Curve and Gompertz Curve;Logistic曲线与Gompertz曲线的比较研究

7.Asymptotically Almost Periodic Logistic Equation;渐近概周期的Logistic方程

8.Application of Logistic growth curve to investment analysis;Logistic增长曲线在投资分析中的应用

9.Research for Regressive Method in the Question of Logistic Curve Parameters;Logistic曲线参数回归问题及其应用研究

10.a constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied to yield a family of similar curves.曲线方程式中决定相似曲线族的常数。

11.Arps hyperbolic decline equation阿普斯双曲线递减方程

12.intrinsic equation of a space curve空间曲线的内蕴方程

13.The Relation between the Clairaut Equation and (Curve) Tangent Equation;Clairaut微分方程与(曲线)切线方程的关系

14.Application of the Generalized Logistic Curve Model in Gross Talent Resource Alternation Analysis;广义Logistic曲线模型在人才资源分析中的应用

15.a curve or surface whose equation (in Cartesian coordinates) is of the second degree.方程式是二次方程式的曲线或表面。

16.A Method on Applying of the Known Asymptote Equation to Solve the Hyperbola Equation;已知渐近线方程求双曲线方程的一种方法技巧

17.The Parameter Equation of Space Curve s Projection on the Plane;空间曲线在平面上的投影曲线参数方程

18.Pseudo almost periodic solution of a discrete logistic equation;离散logistic方程的伪概周期解


Logistic curveLogistic曲线

1.Simulation of crop accumulative evapotranspiration based onLogistic curve;基于Logistic曲线的作物累积蒸发蒸腾量模拟研究

2.Optimum combination predicted method and application to joint analysis ofLogistic curve and Gompertz curve. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 1998,24(4):443~446;最优组合预测方法及其在Logistic曲线与Gompertz曲线之综合拟合中的应用

3.Study on the fitting methods of logistic curve;Logistic曲线拟合方法研究

3)Logistic equationLogistic方程

1.Pseudo almost periodic solution of a discrete logistic equation;离散logistic方程的伪概周期解

2.Global attractivity for nonautonomous variable delay-Logistic equation;一类非自治变时滞Logistic方程的全局吸引性

3.Global attractivity in a Logistic Equation;广义Logistic方程的全局吸引性

4)Logistic functionLogistic方程

1.99,the point of the inflection for the body weight and age have no significant difference,and the Gompertz function was better than theLogistic function,as the maturity body weight was considered.利用14头杜洛克公猪1 596条连续日称重记录,进行了Logistic方程和Compertz方程的生长曲线拟合分析。

2.The main characteristics of innovation effect, which occurs in an economy, are described in this paper; the key characteristic parameters of the effect are determined by using the distance between twoLogistic functions to depict this effect.阐明了经济系统中的革新所引起的效应的主要特征 ,利用两个Logistic方程之差来描述革新效应 ,确定了这类效应的主要特征参量 ,并以此为基础给出了革新价值评估方法 ,讨论了决策中的时间偏好在选择革新中的作

5)Logistic equationsLogistic方程组

1.Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions ofLogistic equations with nonlocal boundary value conditions;带非局部边值条件的Logistic方程组正解的渐近性态

6)square logistic equation平方Logistic方程


方程式曲线在UG软件中的生成 Unigraphics-二次开发新闻摘要:在UG软件中,对于曲线的生成有多种生成工具,可生成直线、圆弧、椭圆、样 条、抛物线、双曲线等等,特别值得一提的是,在UG软件中,具有生成以方程 式表达的曲线的功能,且该曲线还具有相关性,即如果方程式变化时,曲线也 会跟着变化,这特别适合某些特定的需要,如凸轮的建模等。 在UG软件中方程式曲线的建模步骤主要由两在UG软件中,对于曲线的生成有多种生成工具,可生成直线、圆弧、椭圆、样 条、抛物线、双曲线等等,特别值得一提的是,在UG软件中,具有生成以方程 式表达的曲线的功能,且该曲线还具有相关性,即如果方程式变化时,曲线也 会跟着变化,这特别适合某些特定的需要,如凸轮的建模等。 在UG软件中方程式曲线的建模步骤主要由两步构成:第一步是建立表达式,第 二步是建立该方程式曲线,下面以一实例为例,说明其建立步骤。 下图是一凸轮曲线的展开图,其方程式是: y=30sinα+40 0≤α≤360 第一步是将以上方程转换为参数方程 x=35*cos(α) 35为外圆半径 y=35*sin(α) z=30*sin(α)+40 α=360*t 0≤t≤1 注意:将方程转化为参数方程时,一定要将其转换为以变量t为参数的方程,在 UG中,t的变化范围一定是从0到1。 第二步,将参数方程输入为UG软件中的表达式,对应以上参数方程,请输入以 下表达式: t=1 α=360*t x=35*cos(α) y=35*sin(α) z=30*sin(α)+40 第三步建立曲线: Toolbox->Curve…->Law Curve->提示定义X轴->选By Equation->提示定义X轴,输入参数表达式->输入t->提示定义X轴,输入方程表达式->输入 x->接着提示定义Y轴,同样按照步骤定义Y轴和Z轴->选择OK,生成所需曲线。 第四步建立实体模型,用UG软件的其他功能,完成最终模型。
