900字范文 > 教学互动 teaching interaction英语短句 例句大全

教学互动 teaching interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-02 05:53:28


教学互动 teaching interaction英语短句 例句大全

教学互动,teaching interaction

1)teaching interaction教学互动

1.Theteaching interaction in multi - media internet teaching;多媒体网络教学中的教学互动

2.On decorative painting creation andteaching interaction;论装饰画创作与教学互动

3.There are three main factors to support "teaching interaction" in the class, namely, speech, emotion and motive.教学互动是教师与学生双方间主动的合作与对话,是教学主体的生命活动过程,是实现教学创新的关键。


1.The Interaction of Research andTeaching in the Regional University;教学型地方高校科研与教学互动探析

2.The Key to the Realization of Interactive Teaching : Skillful Teaching and Willing Study;实现教学互动的关键在于“善教”与“乐学”

3.Encouraging Interactivity of In-class Teaching and Learning,Improving English Teaching Effect;促进课堂教学互动 提高英语教学效果

4.The Mediation of Teacher in the Interactive Activities of Foreign Language Class;外语课堂教学互动中教师的中介作用

5.Deepening of interactions--course teaching mode of "multiple interactions";互动的深化——“多元互动”课程教学模式

6.A Study of the New Teaching Mode"Interaction"Applied in the Teaching of Colleges and Universities;“互动式”教学模式在大学教学中的应用

7.The Influences of the Interactive Outside Teaching on the Mathematic Teaching;课堂外互动式教学对数学教学的影响

8.Application of Interactive Teaching Theory in ESP Teaching;互动教学理论在ESP教学中的应用研究

9.Apply Interaction Patterns to Senior English Teaching in Middle Schools;在高中英语教学中应用互动教学模式

10.Application of the interactivity methodology in the teaching of biology;互动探究性教学在生物教学中的应用

11.On Interactive Teaching Mode from the Teaching Characteristics of English Class;从英语课堂教学特性谈互动教学模式

12.The Application of Interactive Teaching in PE Teaching;浅谈互动式教学在体育教学中的应用

13.The Application of the Interactive Teaching Pattern in Universities;试论互动式教学在高校教学中的应用

14.Reflection on An Effective Interaction between Teaching and Learning in Multimedia Network Teaching;多媒体网络教学中教与学互动的思考

15.The Application of Mutual - influence Teaching Mode to English Teaching;互动式教学模式在英语教学中的应用

16.Adopting The Interactive Teaching Method And Increasing“Two Courses”Teaching Effects;采用互动式教学法 提高“两课”教学效果

17.The Inter-effects between College English Teaching and Aesthetic Appreciation Education;大学英语教学与审美教育的互动作用

18.The Effect of Interactive Teaching on Education of Secretarial Specialty;互动式教学在秘书专业教学中的作用


interactive teaching教学互动

1.The practice and study ofinteractive teaching and student-based orientation in bilingual teaching;在双语教学中的教学互动与以学生主体的教改实践与研究

2.Design and Realization of Graduate Student Interactive Teaching System Based on WEB 2.0;基于web2.0技术的研究生教学互动系统的设计与实现

3.The Design and Implementation of Interactive Teaching System Based on PHP Techniques;基于PHP技术的教学互动系统的设计与实现

3)interaction between teaching and learning教学互动

1.This study is conducted on the basis of theories ofinteraction between teaching and learning.优化课程教学模式,是提高教学质量的一个重要手段,本研究以教学互动理论为依据,结合细胞生物学教学的现状,采用选择式多结合模块教学,旨在激发学生的创新思维,提高细胞生物学教学的质量。

4)interaction in teaching教学互动

5)Interaction Teaching教学互动

1.The Paper discusses the way in Linux system and the terminal model of network computer to realize resource management and interaction teaching.重点讨论在Linux系统、终端为网络计算机的模式下实现资源管理和教学互动。

6)interactive teaching互动教学

1.Probing into application ofinteractive teaching in professional courses of science and technology;互动教学在理工专业课中的应用探索

2.The relationship between teachers and students in theinteractive teaching activities;论互动教学中的师生关系

3.Implementinteractive teaching and improve student s ability;谈礼仪课程中的互动教学


