900字范文 > 梯形波相电流 Trapezoidal wave phase current英语短句 例句大全

梯形波相电流 Trapezoidal wave phase current英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-15 11:19:24


梯形波相电流 Trapezoidal wave phase current英语短句 例句大全

梯形波相电流,Trapezoidal wave phase current

1)Trapezoidal wave phase current梯形波相电流

1.With the complexity of the control of multiphase machines,a novel control method was proposed in this paper,namely six-phase motor trapezoidal wave phase current control.针对多相电机控制模式复杂性的特点,提出一种新颖的控制方式:即六相感应电机梯形波相电流控制。

2.A novel control method is proposed in this paper,namely six-phase motor trapezoidal wave phase current control.针对多相电机控制模式复杂性的特点,本文提出一种新颖的控制方式:六相感应电机梯形波相电流控制。


1.Research on Electromagnetic Torque of Six-phase Induction Machine Based on Trapezoidal Phase Current Waveform梯形波相电流驱动下六相感应电机转矩研究

2.Performance of Six-Phase Induction Motor With Trapezia Phase Current Waveforms基于梯形波相电流驱动的六相交流感应电动机性能

3.Performance Analysis and Implementation of Six-phase Induction Machine Based on Trapezoidal Phase Current Waveform Control基于梯形波相电流控制的六相感应电机性能分析与实现

4.Research on the Air Gap Flux Density of the Six-Phase Induction Machine Based on Trapezoidal Phase Current Waveform梯形波相电流驱动下六相感应电机气隙磁密研究

5.Novel Twelve-phase Trapezoidal Wave Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Generator新型十二相梯形波永磁无刷直流发电机

6.Research and Design of Electromagnetic Flowmeter Excited by Trapezoidal Wave;梯形波励磁电磁流量计的研究与设计

7.Research on Low-frequency Three-value Trapezoidal Waveform Exciting Mode for Electromagnetic Flowmeter;电磁流量计低频三值梯形波励磁方法的研究

8.The Application of Multi-phase Semiwave Rectification Circuit to Analyzing the Usual Rectifying Waveform;多相半波整流电路在整流波形分析中的应用

9.Study on Numerical Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow in Trapezoidal Microchannels;梯形微流道中电渗流的数值模拟研究

10.CT Saturation Detection Method based on Mutuality Coefficient波形相关系数法的电流互感器饱和检测

11.The electric currents and the magnetic fluctuations, which cause them are, very similar in form.电流以及产生这种电流的磁场波动在形式上极为相似。

12.Effect of Train on the Cutoff Frequency of Trapezoid-Tunnel列车对梯形隧道中电磁波截止频率的影响

13.WSVMs-based Prediction Model of Elevator Traffic Flow基于小波支持向量机的电梯交通流预测模型

14.Modeling and Analysis of Single-phase Rectifier Capacitor Ripple Current单相整流滤波电容纹波电流的数学模型与分析

15.subcarrier phase correcting steps副载波相位校正梯级

16.Applications to High frequency of BilinearResistance Modeled Switched capacitor Stepped Filter;双线性电阻模型的开关电容梯形滤波器的设计及其高频应用

17.When the actual operating current waveform differs from the given waveform in the catalogue当实际工作电流波形与给出的波形不同时

18.Realization of current wave based on DSP controller in square-wave alternating current TIG welding基于DSP控制方波交流TIG焊电流波形实现


phase current waveform相电流波形

3)derivative of the phase current相电流梯度

4)keystone waveform,trapezoidal wave shape梯形波形(电信)

5)current waveform电流波形

1.Effect ofcurrent waveform on electroplating of copper on AZ91D magnesium alloy;电流波形对AZ91D镁合金电镀铜的影响

2.A self optimizing intelligent control algorithm ofcurrent waveform parameters of CO 2 gas shielded arc welding is put forward.研究并提出了一种CO2 气体保护焊电流波形的多参数自寻优智能控制法 ,电流波形的模糊寻优计及弧焊过程特征参数的综合影响 ,并以表征短路过渡综合性能的特征综合值作为弧焊过程定量评价和目标实时寻优的函数。

3.The article makes a theoretic analysis based oncurrent waveforms of several types of locomotives′ no load turn-on tests,combines with the characteristic data of type TM2 locomotive,calculates and simulates the no load turn-oncurrent waveform of the locomotive,and then gets the existing reason for the no load turn-on current.对几种电力机车空载合闸试验测试的电流波形进行理论分析,结合TM2型电力机车相关参数进行计算,并模拟出其空载合闸电流的波形,得出产生空载合闸电流的原因,提出了解决空载合闸电流造成的跳主断误保护现象的建议。

6)current wave电流波形

1.The electrode life experiment is carried by controllingcurrent wave and the relation between work piece surface spattering rate, electrode life and the amplitude of current pulse before spot welding, the current time before spot welding is investigated.作者通过分析镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命降低的原因 ,提出了提高镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命的电流波形控制法。

2.Spot welding is greatly affected by the current,so the real-time display ofcurrent waveform in the welding is very necessary.焊接电流对电阻点焊有着重要的影响,因此在点焊过程中实时显示焊接电流波形是十分必要的。


梯形梯形trapezium git trapezoid梯形Itra详口..或tra详zoid;Tpane”。al一个凸四边形(见完全四边形(q业如卿e,com-plete)),其中两边平行,另两边不平行(见图).平行的两边称为梯形的底(加ses),不平行的两边称为它的腰(lateral sides);连接梯形两腰中点的线段称为中线(服diallline);梯形的中线平行于两底,并且等于两底之和的一半.梯形的面积等于梯形中线长度与其高之积,或者等于两对角线之积乘以对角线夹角正弦的二分之一两腰相等的梯形称为等腰梯形(equ口ate-阁t功砰涸uIn).厂二入EC3一3杜小杨译
