900字范文 > 市场微观结构 market microstructure英语短句 例句大全

市场微观结构 market microstructure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-28 08:29:41


市场微观结构 market microstructure英语短句 例句大全

市场微观结构,market microstructure

1)market microstructure市场微观结构

1.Review of Empirical Research on Financial Market Microstructure Based on High-frequency Data;基于高频数据的金融市场微观结构实证研究综述

2.The Research on Chinese Market Microstructure;中国证券市场微观结构研究


1.Research on Security Market Microstructure of China;中国证券市场微观结构若干问题研究

2.An Analysis on Share Market Microstructure in the Process of the Split Share Structure Reform;股权分置改革中的市场微观结构分析

3.Market microstructure noise error under high frequency finance data;高频金融数据市场微观结构噪音误差

4.Research on the Effect of Market Microstructure on Price-Volume;市场微观结构对量价关系的影响研究

5.A Market Microstructure-Based Model of RMB Exchange Rate Determination;人民币汇率决定的市场微观结构分析

6.The Micro Composition of Market and Its Impacts on Market Liquidity;市场微观结构及其对市场流动性的影响分析

7.Study on microstructures comparison between cash market and futures market现货市场与期货市场微观结构比较研究

8.Research on FX market-makers’pricing behavior--Review of theories on market micro-Structure;外汇市场做市商定价行为研究——外汇市场微观结构理论综述

9.Research on the Microstructure of the Futures Market-Theory and Pratice;中国期货市场微观结构理论与实证研究

10.Microstructure analysis on the Theory of Exchange Rate Fluctuation: A Survey;汇率波动的市场微观结构分析:文献综述

11.Impaction of Disclosure of Annual Reports on the Stock Market s Microcosmic Structure;年度盈余报告的发布对市场微观结构的影响

petitiveness,Micro-market Structure and Evolution of Stock Exchanges;竞争力、市场微观结构与证券交易所变革

13.On the Characteristics of Microstructure Noise in Chinese Stock Market and its Pricing Ability中国市场微观结构噪音特征及其定价能力研究

14.Empirical Study on Bid-Ask Spread of Shanghai Stock Market Based on the Market Microstructure;基于市场微观结构的上海股票市场买卖价差的实证研究

15.New Trend of Evolution of Capital Structure Theory: Development Based on Market Microstructure Theory and Methodology;资本结构理论新趋势——基于市场微观结构理论的拓展

16.Study on Chinese Listed Companies" Financing Decision Based on the Viewing Angle of Market Microstructure;基于市场微观结构视角的我国上市公司融资行为研究

17.Research on Volatility s Characters of Chinese Security Market from Perspective of Microstructrue;市场微观结构理论视角下的中国股市波动特征研究

18.Describing and Forecasting Exchange Rate Behavior Based on Micro-structure Theories and Cointegration Analysis;基于协整技术的市场微观结构汇率行为描述与预测



1.Research on the Microstructure of the Futures Market-Theory and Pratice;中国期货市场微观结构理论与实证研究

2.Liquidity is an important component of the marketmicrostructure.流动性是市场微观结构的重要组成部分,通过调整的Hui-Heubel流动性比率模型对主板及中小企业板的流动性进行实证分析,得出了主板相对于中小企业板有更高的流动性,并从机构投资者的比例、市场规模、公司规模和收益率的波动方面对产生差异的原因进行了分析。

3)market mivrostructure微观市场结构

4)the microstructure of the market市场的微观结构

5)market microstructure noise市场微观结构噪音

1.In the volatility study field in recent years,the effect of themarket microstructure noise error on the high frequency finance data has become very serious.文章针对近年来高频金融数据在波动率研究领域的研究应用中出现的市场微观结构噪音误差影响严重的问题,以"已实现"波动率估计为载体给出了2种有效的市场微观结构噪音估算方法,即微观结构噪音的自协方差估计和以高频数据的"已实现"波动率估计市场微观结构噪音误差,并对两者通过蒙特卡罗模拟试验数据作了比较,得出了相应的结论。

2.First of all, we propose several kinds of the estimation method ofmarket microstructure noise error under different assumptions and deeply test between them and old ones.本文所做的工作就是市场微观结构噪音方差的估计问题以及两个资产跳-扩散定价过程中的二阶波动率阵的估计问题。

3.Research on Estimation Method and Application of Volatility Considering Jump and Market Microstructure Noise本文在金融市场微观结构理论视角下沿用“已实现”波动研究的主流框架,从理论和实证角度研究了考虑跳跃和市场微观结构噪音条件下资产均衡价格波动性的估计方法以及均衡价格波动性估计方法在资产配置中的应用。

6)Market Microstructure普通商品市场微观结构

1.Pure-intermediary versus Dealer——a Model of Ordinary Commodity withMarket Microstructure Determined Endogenously;纯粹中介与套利中间人——一个普通商品市场微观结构内生化模型


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
