900字范文 > 监管体系 supervision system英语短句 例句大全

监管体系 supervision system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 15:45:00


监管体系 supervision system英语短句 例句大全

监管体系,supervision system

1)supervision system监管体系

1.New way of thesupervision system on treating sewage and garbage disposal in urban areas;建立城市污水与垃圾处理监管体系的新思路

2.The Perfection of China s Social Security Fund Supervision System;完善我国社会保险基金监管体系的对策研究

3.Thinking about the Food Supervision System of Safety;完善我国食品安全监管体系的思考


1.Amplify the System of Scientific Supervision and Improve the Efficiency of Industrial and Commercial Supervision;健全科学监管体系 提高工商监管效能

2.Strengthen Formative Regulation over Securities, Consummate Multi-level Capital Market Regulatory System;加强事中监管完善资本市场监管体系

3.The Microfoundation for Banking Regulation and the Optimal Regulatory Framework;银行监管的微观基础和战略监管体系选择

4.A Rethinking on the System and Mode of China s Financial Supervision;我国金融监管体系与监管模式的重新探讨

5.U.S. Big Bang of Financial Supervision System;美国金融监管体系的重大变革——《美国金融监管体系现代化蓝图》评析

6.Regulatory System of Banking in China--An Analysis Based on Regulate Preference and Anti-regulation Perspective我国银行业监管体系分析——基于监管偏好与反管制的视角

7.Research on Financial Supervision System Design of China s Joint-venture Railway;我国合资铁路财务监管体系设计研究

8.A Study on the Food Safety Control System in the Circulation Area in China;我国流通领域食品安全监管体系研究

9.Study on the System of the Accountant Making Fake s Oversight in Our Country s Listed Companies;我国上市公司会计造假监管体系研究

10.The Research of Risk Supervise System Problem in Commercial Bank of China;我国商业银行风险监管体系问题研究

11.The Supervision System Research to the Trend of China Financial Industry s Universal Operation;中国金融业混业经营之监管体系探讨

12.Study on Construction of Administrative Supervision System of Joint Program in China;中外合作办学行政监管体系构建研究

13.Research on Food Safety Monitoring and ManagementSystem in Developed Countries;主要发达国家食品安全监管体系研究

14.Study on the Trying-first of Foods safety Monitoring System in Fujian;福建食品安全监管体系先行先试研究

15.The Legal Framework and Supervision System of Broadcasting and Television of Germany;德国广播电视的法律框架和监管体系

16.Study on Construction of the Supervising and Managing System of Development Financial Institution;开发性金融机构监管体系的构建研究

17.The Study of Foreign-funded Bank s Development Situation and Supervision System in China;在华外资银行的发展现状及监管体系

18.Construct Evaluation System of the Pharmaceutical Market Supervision and Improve the Effectiveness of Administrative Supervision构建药品市场监管评价体系提高行政监督效能


Regulation System监管体系

1.An Discussion of theRegulation System Arrangement on Bank s Off-Balance Sheet Items;试论银行表外业务监管体系策略安排

2.Study on theRegulation System of Listed Companies Environmental Disclosure in China;中国上市公司环境信息披露监管体系研究

3.Government Investment in Afforestation Projects Entire ProcessRegulation System Research;政府投资营造林项目全过程监管体系研究

3)supervisory system监管体系

1.So we must establish perfectsupervisory system of commercial bank.商业银行是我国银行业的主力军,商业银行改革是我国金融体制改革的一个至关重要的方面,随着我国银行业的改制及对外开放的纵深发展,银行业的风险日益凸显出来,特别是我国国有商业银行的风险尤为突出,因此,构建完善的商业银行监管体系势在必行。

2.\"The basic norms of Enterprise internal control\" was issued in June, , by five ministries, and the Code will take effect for all listed companies from July 1st, , which represents thesupervisory system of internal control in our country has grown with more maturity.6月《企业内部控制基本规范》由五部委联合发布,并规定自7月1日起在上市公司范围内执行,标志着我国内部控制监管体系的进一步成熟。

4)regulatory system监管体系

1.This paper investigates experience of international electricity regulation,and disadvantages of Chinese traditional electricityregulatory system.为了建立符合我国市场经济要求的现代电力监管体系,在分析和借鉴国际电力监管体制改革的实践经验的基础上,分析我国传统电力监管体制在法规体系建设、监管职能、监管方式等方面存在着严重的制度缺陷,对我国现代电力监管体系的构建进行了探讨,并给出了相应的改进方法。

2.However,there are still some issues to be tackled regarding its regulatory policies,for example, operational model,regulation system on investment,comprehensiveregulatory system,information disclosure,information sharing,market potential,market behaviors,taxation policy,social recognition,professional management personnel,etc.但在企业年金监管制度方面,如营运模式、投资监管体系、综合监管体系、信息披露、信息共享、市场潜力、市场行为、税收政策、社会公众认知、专业管理人才等仍面临不少问题。

3.Taking as a reference the strategies of western countries corresponding foreign-funded banks entry,compared with the reality of China regulation of foreign-funded banks,it s necessary to build a foreign-funded bankregulatory system centered with risk monitoring,alternating function of regulatory authorities so as to meet the goal of improving risk management,p.借鉴西方国家应对外资银行进入的策略并与我国对外资银行监管的现实进行比较,构建以风险监控为核心的外资银行监管体系,转变监管当局的职能,以达到改进风险管理,促进银行业适度竞争,提高资源合理配置的目的。

5)supervising system监管体系

1.In market economy,particularly,in China s socialist marketing economic system,the enterprises must value credit service highly,train credit idea,direct the staff to build credit consciousness,create the phenomenon of credit service,setsupervising system on credit service,and guarantee their st.在市场经济中,尤其是在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,企业必须高度重视诚信服务,努力培育诚信理念,引导职工树立诚信服务意识,大力营造诚信服务的氛围,建立诚信服务监管体系,确保企业的稳定与和谐发展。

2.There exist some problems in stock marketsupervising systems in China: weak supervising function, low supervising efficiency, void self-disciplined management, unsound law and regulations and difficult to operate.目前中国证券市场监管体系存在监管主体职能不强、监管效率低下水平不高、自律 管理有名无实、证券市场监管法律法规不健全及操作性差等问题,亟需借鉴美国等发达证券市场 的经验,从多方面加以完善,如建立多层次的证券监督体系、加强自律管理、健全配套规则和法 制、健全上市公司治理结构、建立完善的信息披露制度等。

3.All the problems in securities markets stem from the unreasonable structures,imperfect management in the companies and incompletesupervising system.证券市场一切问题的产生 ,最终源于上市公司股权结构不合理 ,公司内部治理结构不健全 ,以及证券市场监管体系不完善。

6)the Integral Customs Supervision system大监管体系


