900字范文 > 有限责任 limited liability英语短句 例句大全

有限责任 limited liability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-27 01:37:23


有限责任 limited liability英语短句 例句大全

有限责任,limited liability

1)limited liability有限责任

parison On Limited Liability Legal System;有限责任法律制度之国际比较

2.Analysis about the validity of transferinglimited liability companies shares;有限责任公司股权转让效力分析


1.The Scope of Limited Liability in the Limited Liability Partnership有限责任合伙中的有限责任保护范围

2.On Corporation of Limited Obligation under Bond--Shareholders of limited liability companieslimitedly undertake obligation under bond;论有限担保责任公司——有限责任公司股东有限担保责任

3.Boere-Saamwerk bpk农民有限责任合作社

4.Limited Liability and Protection for Creditors in the Limited Liability Partnership;有限责任合伙中有限责任与债权人利益保护

5.A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability.合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任。

6.Unlimited Liabilities of the Limited Corporations:Comment on Article 12 of Corporate Law;有限责任公司的无限责任——《公司法》第12条及简评

7.Extension and Constraint of Liability Limited:In the Perspective of Extension of Liability Limited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises有限责任的扩张与限制——以有限责任向中小企业的扩张为视角

8.The Research for the Restrictions on the Outside Shares Transfer in the Limited Liability Company;有限责任公司对外股权转让限制研究

9.Study on the Restriction on Transfer of Shares in Close Corporation;有限责任公司股权转让限制制度研究

10.Analysis on Rationality and Limitedness of Limited Liability System;有限责任制度的合理性与局限性分析

11.A Study on the Civil Obligation of Shareholders Withdrawing Capital Contributions from Limited Liability Company;有限责任公司股东抽逃出资民事责任研究

12.On Shareholder s Capital Contribution to Limited Liability Company and Related Civil Liabilities;有限责任公司股东出资及其民事责任研究

13.Probe on the Shareholders Civil Liability of the Flaws Capital Contribution In Limited Liability Company;有限责任公司瑕疵出资股东的民事责任

14.A Probe into the Civil Obligations of the Initiators after the Establishment of a Corporation Limited;股份有限责任公司成立后发起人民事责任探讨

15.Other Limited Liability Corporations refer to limited liability corporations other than exclusive state-funded corporations.其他有限责任公司:指国有独资公司以外的有限责任公司。

16.The shareholder shall, in a lump sum, pay the capital contribution as specified in the articles of association.该一人有限责任公司不能投资设立新的一人有限责任公司。

17.On the Legal Regulation of the Limited Liability Corporation--Centered on the Adaptability of the Limited Liability Corporation;论有限责任公司的法律规制——以有限责任公司的适应性为中心

18.Does incorporation provide for a favorable tax effect?有限责任形式是否使对公司税务有利。


limited responsibility有限责任

pany system withlimited responsibility as the representative is one of the most rational forms of modern enterprise organization.以有限责任为代表的公司制度是现代企业组织形式中最具理性的制度设计之一。

2.Social security is not equal to government s guarantee, government only takeslimited responsibility in conformity with its financial burden ability and social security nature; social security is not enterprise s guarantee, enterprise only takeslimited responsibility of paying social security fee for its staff to the social security organization; person who receives guarantee not only benefits f.社会保障不等于政府保障 ,政府在社会保障中只承担与财政负担能力和社会保障性质相适应的有限责任 ;社会保障也不是企业保障 ,企业在社会保障中只负责依照法律规定向社会保障机构缴纳本企业员工的社会保险费的有限责任 ;受保障者不光是社会保障的受益者 ,也必须履行缴纳保险费的责任。

3.From the view of sociology,bankruptcy discharge is a legal affirmation of basic human rights;from a legal point of view,bankruptcy discharge could be viewed as a path for individuals to takelimited responsibility;from the view of economics,bankruptcy discharge system brings more benefit to the whole society than it costs.从社会学角度而言,破产免责是对基本人权的一种法律确认;从法理学角度而言,破产免责可视为自然人承担有限责任的一种途径;从经济学角度而言,破产免责制度发生的成本比较小,而为整个社会带来的效益比较明显。

3)limited liability有限法律责任;有限责任

4)limited liability rents有限责任租金

1.The theory of incentives shows that headquarters has to trade off the incentive cost including the ex antelimited liability rents and the expected revenue produced by induced effort due to the moral hazard and limited liability of division managers in capital budgeting within decentralized firms.根据激励理论,在分权化企业的资本预算中,若分部管理者存在道德风险与有限责任,总部管理者必须对包含事前有限责任租金的激励成本与激励努力带来的预期收益进行权衡。

5)Limited liability system有限责任制度

1.The transition from the unlimited liability system to the limited liability system lies in that a more efficient system is employed to replace the original system.从法经济学的交叉点上考量有限责任制度的合理性与局限性;指出经济增长的源泉来自有效的制度安排,公司发展的关键在于设置合理的制度;由无限责任制度变迁为有限责任制度,是用一种效率更高的制度取代原有制度或是一种更有效制度的生产过程,是制度主体解决制度短缺,从而扩大制度供给以获得潜在收益的行为。

2.Limited Liability System,as an outcome of system revolution evolving from Unlimited Liability System to Limited Liability System,is more efficient than any of systems in the past and gain potential profits by extending system relief.由无限责任制度变迁为有限责任制度,是用效率更高的制度取代原有制度,或者是一种更有效制度的生产过程,是制度主体解决制度短缺,从而扩大制度供给以获得潜在收益的行为。

6)The limited liability company有限责任公司

1.The partners investment is the precondition when the limited liability company manages in gear.股东的出资是有限责任公司正常运营的前提,现实中存在着大量的股东违反出资义务而影响了公司的发展。

2.As one of modern company important forms, the limited liability company s unique superiority receives the multitudinous investor s favor from the establishment to the present.有限责任公司作为现代公司的重要形式之一,从被创立之初到现在,其独特的优越性就受到众多投资者的青睐。


