900字范文 > 技术供水系统 technical water supply system英语短句 例句大全

技术供水系统 technical water supply system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-11 13:03:44


技术供水系统 technical water supply system英语短句 例句大全

技术供水系统,technical water supply system

1)technical water supply system技术供水系统

1.HPPtechnical water supply system of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project;百色水利枢纽水电站技术供水系统

2.Thetechnical water supply system for the Shahe Pumped-storage Power Station has the problem of insufficient pressure and discharge.沙河抽水蓄能电站技术供水系统存在压力和流量不足的问题。

3.Taking thetechnical water supply system as an example,this paper expatiates the process and great effects of the reliability-centered maintenance(RCM)applied to the constitution of new maintenance strategies for the equipment of various systems in the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station(GPSPS).以技术供水系统为例,阐述了广州蓄能水电厂运用以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)方法制定各系统设备新的检修策略的过程及其所带来的巨大成效。


1.Technical Reform for Technical Water Supply System of the Three Gorges Power Supply Station三峡电源电站机组技术供水系统技术改造

2.The Application of Closed-Cycle Water-supply System in Bapanxia Hydropower Station;闭式循环技术供水系统在八盘峡水电厂的应用

3.Initial Research on Adjustable Jet Pump Used for Units Technical Water Supplying System at Powerstation电站技术供水系统中可调式射流泵的初步研究

4.Improvement of Pressure Relief Valve for Technical Water Supply System in Zipingpu Hydropower Plant浅议紫坪铺电厂技术供水系统减压阀的改造

5.The technical water supply system for the Shahe Pumped-storage Power Station has the problem of insufficient pressure and discharge.沙河抽水蓄能电站技术供水系统存在压力和流量不足的问题。

6.Research on Water Saving and Energy Saving Technology of High-rise Building Water Supply System;高层建筑供水系统节水节能技术研究

7.Water supply network dispatcher s system based on SCADA and GIS technology;基于SCADA和GIS技术的供水管网调度系统

8.Analysis of technical economic indicators for city drinking water supply system城市管道饮用水供水系统技术经济指标分析

9.Constant Pressure Supply Straight Drinking Water System Based on Neza PLC and Inverter基于Neza PLC与变频技术的直饮水恒压供水系统

10.Modification of Technical Water Supply Forward(Backward) Control System for Units of Longtan Hydropower Station龙滩水电厂机组技术供水正(反)向控制系统改造

11.Study on Automatic Control and Remote On-Line Monitor Techniques of Dual Water Supply System;管道分质供水系统自动控制与远程监测技术

12.Study on Key Technology of Water Supplying Enterprises Management;供水企业营业管理系统关键技术的研究

13.Based on GIS and SCADA Technology Water Supply Pipe Network Information Management System Design;基于GIS和SCADA技术的供水管网信息管理系统设计

14.Application Research of GPRS Technology in Water Supply Monitoring Net;GPRS技术在供水管网监测系统中的应用研究

15.Principle of VFSR and application in control system of constant-pressure water feeding;变频调速技术理论在恒压供水系统中的应用

16.A Wireless Data GPRS Transmission Monitoring System Based on Configuration Technology for the Water Supply Network基于组态技术供水管网GPRS无线数传监视系统

17.Water Supply System Based on the PLC and Frequency Converter基于PLC及变频技术的自动控制供水系统

18.Application of frequency control technique in the electrostatic dust collection water supplying system变频技术在静电除尘供水系统中的应用


water supply技术供水

1.This paper researches the jet pump performance in thewater supply of hydropower station technology,through numerical value calculation to determine the geometric size of the flow components,and ensure the efficiency to be the highest value,and Derives the expression for efficiency and performance,protracts operating characteristics of jet pump and efficiency feature curve under different area.本文针对水电站技术供水中的射流泵进行性能研究,通过数值计算,确定各过流部件的几何尺寸,以保障效率达到最高值。

3)technical water supply技术供水

1.Introduction and application oftechnical water supply system for Xiaolangdi Hydropower Plant;小浪底水电厂技术供水系统的介绍及应用

2.Aiming at the faults of thetechnical water supply system of Unit 1 at the Xiaoshan Hydropower Station,such as solenoid valve block,oil leak,fluctuation of pressure,etc.针对小山电站1号机技术供水阀门存在电磁阀卡塞、漏油、阀后压力波动等故障,对蜗壳、钢管取水阀门及减压阀进行了全面改造,改造成以色列多诺特公司生产的30-PR/EL/CV水力自控阀门。

3.and to counter the analyzed cause of fault oftechnical water supply pump pf four pumping stations in urban flood control project of Jiaxing City, it is used some methods such as to implement back-flushing, adjust the poison of intake, reform sewage barrage and make pretreatment etc.为解决泵站技术供水泵因水质等原因造成易堵的问题,针对嘉兴市城市防洪工程4座泵站技术供水泵故障分析原因,采用实施反冲洗、调整取水口位置、拦污栅改造及进行预处理等方法,实现取水畅通的效果,保证了4座排涝泵站的安全运行。

4)water supply technology供水技术

1.The defects ofwater supply technology with constant pressure and variable frequency are analyzed.分析了恒压变频供水技术的不足之处,提出采用远程末端闭环控制技术实现用户端管网压力的可控性和稳定性。

5)Technological Services Delivery System技术服务提供系统

6)water-supply system供水系统

1.An exploratory model of secondarywater-supply system and tactics of pumping water;二次供水系统用水模型与抽水策略

2.This paper introduces the operating modes of and some existing problems in thewater-supply system of SM1/SM2 pump station in Wanjiazhai YRDP,analyzes the reasons of these problems,and advances some corresponding solving methods.介绍了万家寨引黄工程SM1/SM2泵站供水系统运行方式及存在的问题,分析了产生问题的原因,提出了相应的解决办法。

3.From aspects of the principles and components of thewater-supply system,the configuration of thewater-supply system,and the pipeline pressure detecting equipment,etc.从供水系统的原理及构成、供水系统的配制、管网压力检测装置等方面,介绍了一种由单片机与变频器组成的新型多功能变频恒压供水闭环自动控制系统的软硬件设计。


