900字范文 > 身体协调能力 physical coordinate ability英语短句 例句大全

身体协调能力 physical coordinate ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-08 23:56:57


身体协调能力 physical coordinate ability英语短句 例句大全

身体协调能力,physical coordinate ability

1)physical coordinate ability身体协调能力

1.On the basis of practice of athletics training and combining with literature review,this paper makes analysis on athletics value of football player\"sphysical coordinate ability and discusses the effective way of training optimization.在运动训练实践的基础上,结合文献资料研究的方法,对足球运动员身体协调能力的竞技价值进行分析和讨论,并探讨其训练优化的有效途径,旨在为足球教学训练提供有效地参考。


1.A Brief Study on the lnfluence of Martial Arts Upon Body Co-ordination;略论武术运动对身体协调能力的影响

2.Research on Athletics Value and Optimization Countermeasure of Football Player"s Physical Coordinate Ability足球运动员身体协调能力的竞技价值与优化对策研究

3.It had affected her vision and co-ordination, but it took until November last year for it to be diagnosed.疾病已经影响到她的视力和身体协调能力,但是直到去年11月份才被诊断出来。

4.But for the more coordinated among us, they"re just way cool.但对我们当中身体协调能力较强的人来说,它们又是我们耍酷的资本。

5.Function of physical coordination and ability of technique and tactics in playing basketball身体协调功能与篮球运动的竞技战术能力

6.Cultivation of students’ sense of rhythm and body coordination ability in physical education体育教育中学生的节奏感和身体协调力的培养

7.Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.笨拙的缺少身体上的协调、技能或风度的;笨拙的

8.Lacking physical or mental coordination.不协调的身体或精神不协调的

9.inventiveness, good organization, and patience.创造性,协调能力和耐力。

10.Coordination Ability Training and High Grade Course in Gymnastic Instruction;浅谈协调能力培养与体操教学的优化组织

11.Training on Coordinated Ability in College Student’s Sport Dance Class in China我国高校大学生体育舞蹈课中协调能力的训练

12.My hand-eye coordination is zero.我的手眼协调能力是零。

13.ability to control one"s movements properly协调自己动作的能力

14.Manpower and the Energy Sector Coordinator人力和能源部门协调员

15.Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkward.笨拙的,笨重的缺乏身体的协调、技能或优雅;笨拙的

16.Influence of participation in the athletic association on college and university students lifetime sports consciousness and ability development;参加体育协会对大学生终身体育意识和能力培养的影响

17.The groups with strong coordination ability, organizational and communications skills and be a solid, making it easier to get along.具有较强的团体协调能力、织沟通能力,为人踏实,较易相处。

18.absence of coordination of organs or body parts that usually work together harmoniously.器官或身体部位缺乏协调。


body coordination ability身体协调力

1.Cultivation of students’ sense of rhythm andbody coordination ability in physical education体育教育中学生的节奏感和身体协调力的培养

3)physical ability身体能力

4)coordination ability协调能力

1.In combination with tradition culture,the writer finds out that how to developcoordination ability of athlete and characteristics ofcoordination ability in WuShu.采用文献法、调查法以及综合分析的方法,结合中国的传统文化以及武术套路运动的本质特征,研究协调能力的外在表现,结果表明了武术套路运动员的协调能力在运动中有其特殊表现形式。

2.The article analyses the concept,the performance character from external,the construction character from internal and the classification model of football playerscoordination ability.从足球运动员协调能力的概念、外部表现特征、内部结构特征以及分类模式四个方面对其进行探讨分析,研究表明,足球运动员的协调能力是一种复杂的能力,既不单纯的是身体素质,也不单纯的是运动技术。

3.Base on their applying specialty, the article has a discussion and analysis on primary features of football player′scoordination ability: accuracy fe.依据其运用特点总结出足球运动员协调能力的特征 :空间定向准确性特征 ,重心控制随意性特征 ,脚步动作节奏灵活性特征。

5)coordinated ability协调能力

1.Discussion on the approaches of the development of athlete scoordinated ability;运动员协调能力的发展途径

2.The necessity and feasibility to raise the studentscoordinated ability were analyzed in gymnastics teaching at college.分析了高校健美操教学中培养学生运动协调能力的重要性和可行性,并根据健美操中协调能力的指标体现,提出了协调能力培养的具体途径,以期为协调能力的培养和健美操教学提供参考。

6)coordinating ability协调能力

1.To explore developmental rule of the children scoordinating ability of movement, there are 539 children of 7-12 years old to try out with an nine-tests in this study.为探索 7— 12岁儿童动作协调能力发展的规律 ,采用创编九项测试指标对 5 3 9名 7— 12岁男女儿童进行了试验研究 ,对测试获取的数据资料 ,运用多种统计方法 ,制定并检验了对儿童动作协调能力的评价标准 ,结果表明 ,本系统对 7— 12岁儿童动作协调能力的评价是切实可行

2.Based on the theory of modern structural analysis method,the aythor puts forward the ideal that thecoordinating ability of movenenf is the combination of physiological and pschological factors,the author also thinks that the formation and developweat of coordinafing ability ane sulely affected by the physical and psychological abilities of the subject.运用现代系统学的结构分析方法与多学科理论,提出了动作协调能力是人的生物学要素与心理学要素有序组合的多层次复杂网络结构的观点。


