900字范文 > 自旋-电荷分离 spin-charge separation英语短句 例句大全

自旋-电荷分离 spin-charge separation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-15 17:45:44


自旋-电荷分离 spin-charge separation英语短句 例句大全

自旋-电荷分离,spin-charge separation

1)spin-charge separation自旋-电荷分离

1.Because one of the key features of one-dimensional systems is the phenomenon ofspin-charge separation, Charge velocity is also calculates analytically.由于Luttinger液体的一个重要特性是自旋-电荷分离,因此我们专门讨论了电荷速度的精确表达式,这些量揭示了与极化相关的物理效应。

2)charge spin separation电荷-自旋分离

3)spin and fractional charge of a particle粒子的自旋与分数电荷

4)charge separation电荷分离

1.Nano-structure enhancedcharge separation in optically excited TiOPc/C_(60) thin films纳米结构C_(60)薄膜对TiOPc电荷分离的增强作用


1.Charge-separated resonance structures do not contribute very much to the resonance hybrid of butadiene.电荷分离的共振结构对丁二烯没有很大的贡献。

2.Investigations of Modification and Interfical Photoinduced Charge Separation of Nanosized TiO_2;纳米TiO_2的改性及表界面光生电荷分离研究

3.Nano-structure enhanced charge separation in optically excited TiOPc/C_(60) thin films纳米结构C_(60)薄膜对TiOPc电荷分离的增强作用

4.The essence of photosynthesis is the light梚 nduced chargeseparation and electron transfer.光合作用的实质是光诱导的电荷分离及电子转移。

5.Theoretical Investigation on Photo-induced Electron Transfer and Influence of the Solvent Effect on the Charge-separated Excited State;光诱导电子转移的理论研究及溶剂效应对电荷分离激发态的影响

6.Numerical Calculation of Tokamak Plasma Edge Radius Electric Field Induced by Charge Separating;托卡马克边界电荷分离产生边界电场的计算机数值研究

7.A molecule carrying both a positive and a negative charge.两性离子带有正负电荷的分子

8.Theoretical Analyses of Slow High Charge Ions-molecules Collisions;低能高电荷态离子与分子作用的理论分析

9.The remaining negative charge can be spread out, or delocalize over three atoms.剩下的负电荷被分散或离域遍及到三个原子。

10.They lack the ability to delocalize the electron deficiency on oxygen.它们没有使氧原子上的部分正电荷离域的能力。

11.Electric Power Load Profile Estimation Based on Blind Source Separation基于盲源分离技术的电力负荷曲线估计

12.Electrophoresis is a technique that separates macromolecules according to their net electrical charge and shape.电泳是根据分子的静电荷和形状分离大分子的技术。

13.The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge.电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程

14.As the two charge distributions separate, leaving positive and negative sheaths.当两种电荷分布开始时,就留下正离子鞘和负离子鞘。

15.Diagnosis of the Plasma in the EBIT and the Experimental Study of the Sputtering Induced by the Impact of Highly Charged Ion on Solid SurfaceEBIT中等离子体的分析和高电荷态离子与固体表面溅射实验的研究

16.Research on the Mechanism of Corona Plasma Discharge Atomization and Finite Element Analysis of Electrostatic Oiler;电晕等离子体荷电雾化机理及涂油机结构有限元分析

17.He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion.他假定电子的电荷数与一氢离子的电荷数相等。

18.The Coulomb repulsion results in the potential maximum of doubly and triply diatomic ions.指出双荷电或三荷电双原子分子离子势能极大的出现主要是来自于库仑排斥。


charge spin separation电荷-自旋分离

3)spin and fractional charge of a particle粒子的自旋与分数电荷

4)charge separation电荷分离

1.Nano-structure enhancedcharge separation in optically excited TiOPc/C_(60) thin films纳米结构C_(60)薄膜对TiOPc电荷分离的增强作用

5)self consistant charge discrete variational method电荷自洽离散变分Xα法

6)self-consistant-charge discrete variational method电荷自洽离散变分法


自旋-自旋弛豫自旋-自旋弛豫磁共振成像术语。又称T2弛豫或横向弛豫(transverse relaxation),指垂直于外磁场B0方向的磁化矢量的指数性衰减过程。磁共振成像时,对置于外磁场B0中的自旋系统施加90°射频脉冲,则自旋系统被激励,其净磁化矢量指向与外磁场B0垂直;射频脉冲终止后,被激励的质子与邻近的原子核之间发生相互作用,逐渐失去相位,净磁化矢量指向恢复与外磁场平行,该过程称自旋-自旋弛豫。自旋-自旋弛豫过程无能量交换。
