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关联函数 correlation function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-21 23:02:14


关联函数 correlation function英语短句 例句大全

关联函数,correlation function

1)correlation function关联函数

1.Boundarycorrelation functions of the six-vertex model with open boundary;开边界六顶角模型的边界关联函数

2.Two solutions ofcorrelation function of entangled photon pair;纠缠双光子态关联函数的两种解法

3.First-order moments,second-order moments andcorrelation functions are calculated.计算了该反应组分浓度的一阶矩,二阶矩和关联函数,并将这些结果和精确解进行了比较。


1.The Method to Construct Elementary Dependent Function Based on Infinite Interval正域为无限区间的初等关联函数构造

2.The binding between the performance assessment and the stimulating assessment with the function of connection;关联函数对绩效考评与激励考评的链接

3.Early-Warning Model of Irregular Flight Management Based on Correlation Function in Extension Theory;基于可拓关联函数的不正常航班管理预警模型

4.Classical Fileds Optimum of Independent Function Based on Artificial Immune Network Algorithm基于免疫网络算法关联函数经典域优化

5.Application of interval elementary dependent function in software project risk evaluation区间型关联函数在软件项目风险评估中的应用

6.The Structure of Dependent Function and Determination of Zero Boundary on the Extenics可拓学中关联函数的构造及零界的确定

7.Intensity Correlation Function of the Single-mode Laser with the Noise Cross-correlation Intensity Being Time Period Modulated交叉关联程度受时间周期调制情况下的单模激光光强关联函数

8.An area of the stack associated with a particular function call.一个关联特殊函数调用的堆栈区域。

9.Added get_defined_constants() function to return an associative array of constants mapped to their values.增加了 get_defined_constants()函数,返回映射所有值的常量关联数组

10.This flag is used to select a primary receive function used for correlation.此标记用于选择主接收函数,以便进行关联。

11.Bounds for Determinants of Matrices Associated with Classes of Semi-multiplicative Functions;与一类半乘法函数相关联矩阵的行列式的界

12.Application of whitening function and grey correlation degree in supplier selection;白化函数与灰色关联度在供应商选择中的应用

13.Two Propositions and Applications about Dualistic Function s Extremum;二元函数极值问题的两个相关联命题及其应用

14.The Steady Probability Current of Brownian Motor Driven by δ-correlation Noisesδ-函数关联噪声驱动下布朗马达的定态几率流

15.Algorithm of Association with Flight Plan and Radar Track Based on Fuzzy Synthetical Function基于模糊综合函数的飞行计划与雷达航迹关联

16.The mysql_fetch_assoc() function returns a row from a recordset as an associative array.函数的作用是:从结果集中取得一行作为关联型数组。

17.The Constant Theorem of Analytic Function in Complex Function;关于复变函数中解析函数的常数定理

18.Correlate this option starts only correlate function. The result is stored in correlation matrix.关联这个选项启动单一的相关函数。结果被存放在交互作用矩阵中。


dependent function关联函数

1.Factors affecting assessment based ondependent function;基于关联函数评价应注意的问题

2.The method to construct interval elementarydependent function based on the interval distance and side-distance;基于区间距和区间侧距的初等关联函数构造

3.Dynamic clustering algorithm based ondependent function and its application;基于关联函数的动态聚类算法及应用

3)Incidence function关联函数

1.The paper points out that incidence function of matter-element extension model is not convenient to calculate,and mutual exclusion of indexes has not been solved;so it has an influence on applied range of matter element analysis method.指出物元可拓模型的关联函数是一个分段函数,不便于计算,指标间的互不相容性没有得到彻底解决,影响了物元分析法的应用范围。

2.Based on the extenics and incidence function, a kind of method for selecting object market is erected; a disinfector instance is cited, in order to illuminate the applying process.以可拓学为基础,利用关联函数创建了一种选择目标市场的方法;并以消毒剂市场为例,简单地说明了该方法的应用过程,为实际工作中的市场研究者提供了新的思路,进而使整个营销策划更具科学性。

3.Aiming at the problem of expansive scale of expansive soils,the paper constructs a new interval incidence function.针对膨胀土胀缩等级分类问题,构造了一种新的区间关联函数,提出了"分类特征体现度越大,权重越大"的权重计算原理,给出了一种新的变权计算方法,将单指标关联函数的最大值作为其评价类的靶心坐标,根据样本与靶心的贴近度,对样本进行分类。

4)relation function关联函数

1.Therelation function on a space trus field;空间环型区域上的关联函数

2.According to loaned enterprise evaluation indexes system, a run status extension model throughrelation function is set up.依据分析企业经营状况的指标体系,构造了利用关联函数判断企业经营状况的可拓模型。

3.Thenrelation function that is a very important notion and the basic concept of extension control is imported.本论文系统地介绍了可拓学的理论框架、可拓集合论、物元的概念、物元变换的理论,并引入了关联函数这一重要概念,接着介绍了可拓控制的基本概念和可拓控制器的结构和原理,运用可拓控制器的设计方法,以偏差和偏差微分为系统特征量分别对线性对象、大延时对象和非线性对象进行了仿真研究。

5)correlation functions关联函数

1.The partition function andcorrelation functions of the Ising model on a diamond fractal lattices;钻石分形晶格上Ising模型的配分函数与关联函数

2.The relative populations of states of 4 ̄He and 8 ̄Be were extracted from p-t and α-αcorrelation functions, respectively.在25MeV/u40Ar+197Au反应中,对两粒子小相对动量的关联进行了测量,由P-t、α-α关联函数提取出4He、8Be的相对态布居。

3.With thecorrelation functions we calculate the Lebowitz length.利用超网链 (HNC :thehypernettedchain)积分方程计算了简单离子液体的直接关联函数C(r ;T ,ρ)和总关联函数h(r;T ,ρ) 。

6)pair correlation function对关联函数

1.The analysis of various interactions andpair correlation functions of all systems indicates that binding energies are main.对体系各种相互作用以及对关联函数g(r)的分析表明,体系结合能主要来自库仑作用。


关联函数关联函数correlation functionfD‘(,,…,,)、1…洲=1.D,因时间的变化由Liouville方程刁Dt/次=ADt所表征,其中A是不显式依赖于时间的Liouville算子.一般都讨论A是一个可加部分和一个表征粒子的相互作用的双粒子部分之和的情况: A=艺A仃)+艺A仃1,儿).1‘j‘刀1‘1一
