900字范文 > 农业生态气候资源 agricultural ecoclimate resources英语短句 例句大全

农业生态气候资源 agricultural ecoclimate resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-24 16:34:59


农业生态气候资源 agricultural ecoclimate resources英语短句 例句大全

农业生态气候资源,agricultural ecoclimate resources

1)agricultural ecoclimate resources农业生态气候资源

1.The assessment and quantization ofagricultural ecoclimate resources in Tianshui;天水地区农业生态气候资源量化与评价


1.The Exploration on the Regionalization of Agriculture Ecological Climatic Resources in LiaoYuan Quarter辽源地区农业生态气候资源区划探索

2.Agricultural Climatic Resources and Climatic Productive Potentialities in Hebei Province河北省农业气候资源与气候生产潜力

3.Characteristics of Eco-climatic Resources and Development of Agriculture in the Chaidamu Basin of Qinghai Province.青海柴达木盆地气候生态资源特点和农业开发

4.Exploiting Climate Resources, Developing ecological Agriculture and Livestock Farming in Datong;开发利用气候资源发展大同市生态农牧业

5.Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources and Agricultural Production in the Hilly Land of Zhejiang Province浙江山地农业气候资源分布特征与农业生产

6.Climate variation results in the change of agriculturally climatic resources and their variation affects the change in the crop growth period (CGP).气候变化会引起农业气候资源的变化,气候资源的变化又会导致作物生育期长短的变化。

7.Study on the Development and Application of the Agricultural Climatic Resources in Taihang Mountain Area;太行山区农业气候资源开发应用研究

8.Exploitation of Agro climatic Resources in Hongya County,Sichuan Province;四川洪雅县农业气候资源的开发利用

9.Study on Exploitation and Utilization of Agroclimatological Resources in Weifang潍坊市农业气候资源开发利用的研究

10.Calculation and application of agroclimate resources based on ArcGIS基于ArcGIS的农业气候资源推算及应用

11.Hence the utilization way to the agriculture is presented.根据其气候资源的特点,提出了农业气候资源开发利用途径。

12.Effect on the sustainable development of agriculture by GUANZHONG climate resources;咸阳农业气候资源对农业可持续发展的影响

13.Analysis on Distribution Characteristics of the Agroclimatic Resources and Climatic Potential Productivity in Fujian Province福建省农业气候资源及生产潜力的分布特征分析

14.The Application Research of GIS to the Analysis of Climatologic Resources and the Agri-Climatological Zoning;GIS在气候资源分析与农业气候区划中的应用研究

15.Characteristics of agricultural climate resources in three provinces of Northeast China under global climate change气候变化背景下我国东北三省农业气候资源变化特征

16.Study on the Agriculture Climatologic Resource and Agriculture Region by GIS in Viet Nam;GIS支持下的越南农业气候资源及其区划的研究

17.The Agriculture Weather Resources and Its Information-based Research in Chongqing;重庆地区农业气候资源及其信息化研究



agricultural climate resources农业气候资源

1.Characteristics ofagricultural climate resources changing in dry area of Hexi corridor;河西走廊干旱区农业气候资源变化特征

2.The Analysis of the Main Agricultural Climate Resources in the Aksu Area;阿克苏地区主要农业气候资源分析

3.Study of Agricultural Climate Resources Information System in Fujian Province;福建省农业气候资源信息系统研究

3)agroclimatic resources农业气候资源

1.The grade evaluation ofagroclimatic resources in Chongqing based on fuzzy matter-element;基于模糊物元的重庆市农业气候资源优度评价

2.Analysis of features ofagroclimatic resources in Chongqing;重庆市农业气候资源特征分析

3.A matter-element model to the comprehensive evaluation onagroclimatic resources;农业气候资源的综合评判物元模型

4)agro-climatic resources农业气候资源

1.Theagro-climatic resources of Suihua City were evaluated using precipitation,≥10℃ accumulated temperature and sunshine hours of Heilongjiang Province based on GIS.以黑龙江省降水量、日照时数和≥10℃积温多年平均值等气象资料为数据源,利用地理信息系统技术对绥化市的农业气候资源进行了评价。

2.Based on the investigation ofagro-climatic resources in the mountain area of the middle Fujian Province, a small-grid calculation model was set up and the distribution chart of the climatic resources of edible fungi was worked out by means of GIS.通过对三明市山地农业气候资源和食用菌生产的气象条件的调查与分析 ,采用划分温期法和候平均气温资料 ,选择适栽食用菌品种和菌株 ,科学安排栽培生产季节 ,实现食用菌周年生产和高产优质 ;应用地理信息系统 ,建立气候资源小网格推算模式 ,制作食用菌生产气候区划图 ,趋利避害 ,为合理开发利用闽中山区农业气候资源、发展食用菌生产提供了科学依据。

3.The author discussed the establish of regionalagro-climatic resources GIS based on Arcview.在ArcviewGIS基础平台上探讨了区域农业气候资源地理信息系统的研制问题,着重介绍了基于网格单元的农业气候资源数据库建设以及区域农业气候资源地理信息系统的数据采集与管理、信息表现与可视化、信息查询与分析以及信息共享与输出和其它辅助等功能的开发与实现,介绍了基于该系统的应用探讨。

5)agricultural climate resource农业气候资源

1.The suitable range of the favourableagricultural climate resources for quality tobacco production is defined by analyzing the meteorological condition including sunlight,temperature and precipitation during the tobacco growth period in Qianxinan prefecture.通过对黔西南州烤烟生育期光、温、水等气象条件分析,得出了黔西南州优质烤烟生产的有利农业气候资源的适宜范围,并分析了烤烟生产的气候灾害,提出了防治灾害性气候的减灾措施。

2.Zhangjiachuan county,as a Islam inhabitant county,possesses the abundantagricultural climate resources.张家川县是一个伊斯兰民族聚居县 ,农业气候资源较为丰富 但由于种种原因这些资源没有得到充分开发和利用 1997年《张家川县生态资源综合调查研究》项目得到国家民委资助 ,课题组就该县农业气候资源中 ,光能资源、光热资源、水分资源的现状及相互关系进行了研究和探讨 ,基本摸清了制约农业经济发展的关键因素 研究表明 ,张家川的气候资源中水分资源最为关键 ,应全面讲究光、热、水相互配匹理论 ,促进农业生产和经济的全面发

3.Supported by GIS,the article establishs a group of models to reckonagricultural climate resources on small grids by trend surface analysis method in Fujian province.在GIS技术支持下,采用趋势面分析方法对全省农业气候资源进行小网格推算,与通常所用的多元回归分析方法相比,提高了拟合精度,避免了分区建模引起的各个区域交界处农业气候资源要素值衔接不好、等值线不连续的麻烦。

6)agricultural climatic resources农业气候资源

1.Evaluation of theagricultural climatic resources in themiddle reaches of Tumen River;图们江中游地区农业气候资源的评价

2.Based on the analysis ofagricultural climatic resources in Baise by City Star Geological Information System software, this paper put forwards a new kind of way to develop the analysis ofagricultural climatic resources by applying City Star geological information system software.用 City Star地理信息系统软件分析计算了百色地区的农业气候资源 ,提出了应用 City Star地理信息系统软件开展农业气候资源分析的一种新思路、新方法和具体步


《中国的气候与农业》《中国的气候与农业》Climate and Agriculture in Chinazhongguo de qihou yu nongye《中国的气候与农业)(日动犯犯“耐鲍成叻姚讯乙成.。)反映中国气候与农业关系研究成就的著作。《中国的气候与农业》比较系统、全面地归纳总结了加世纪男年代以来中国农业气象科学技术成果。该著作以中国的气候条件、气候资源和气候特点为基础,总结分析了农业气候资源与农业布局、农业气候灾害、气候与种植制度、气候与粮食作物、气候与经济作物、气候与畜牧业、气候与水产业、气候与林业、气候与北方早地农业、气候与设施农业等的关系;联系了山区气候、区域气候资源开发利用和农业气象服务等方面的成果和经验,为国家和各地区制定社会经济发展和农业综合开发规划、组织农林牧业生产、指挥调度和管理等方面提供科学依据。《中国的气候与农业》出版了英文版,是中国和国际上了解中国农业气候方面情况和成就的代表著作。
