900字范文 > 双层方环型FSS double layer square loop FSS英语短句 例句大全

双层方环型FSS double layer square loop FSS英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-25 13:07:07


双层方环型FSS double layer square loop FSS英语短句 例句大全

双层方环型FSS,double layer square loop FSS

1)double layer square loop FSS双层方环型FSS

1.Design and measurement of active absorber using thedouble layer square loop FSS实验结果表明:该吸波屏能够有效吸收入射电磁波,其吸波性能经电流的控制可满足不同的带宽要求,且带宽的可电控特性在垂直入射与斜入射时均达到了预期的目标,体现了双层方环型FSS吸波屏对多角度入射波的适应性。

2)double-layer circulation双层循环


1.According to the Chord,a new P2P system—two layer Chord(TLChord),is put forward.以Chord为基础,提出了一种新的P2P系统——双层环。

4)bi-level programming model双层模型

1.For effective arrangement of urban rail transit lines,considering traffic zones being divided,the accessibility constraint and the constraint of the rail transit network’s size,thebi-level programming model for urban rail transit network’s layout was set up.为了有效布设轨道交通网络,考虑可达性约束与轨道线网合理规模约束,建立了城市轨道交通网络布局优化的双层模型。


1.Two-layer model双层模型空气分布状况的模型

2.Study of Some Model for the Linear Bilevel Multi-Follower Programming多下层双层线性规划的若干模型研究


4.Application of Bi-level Programming Model in SC Location;双层规划模型在供应链选址中的应用

5.A Third Party logistics Subcontract Supplier Selection Model based on the Bi-level Programming;第三方物流分包商选择双层规划模型

6.Bi-level programming method for distribution network model in supply chain;求解供应链分销模型的双层规划方法

7.Research on High Education Optimal Investment Bilevel Programming Models;高等教育最优投资双层规划模型研究

8.Study on the Bi-Level Programming Model for Conventional Public Transport Network"s Optimization in Nanchang常规公交线网优化双层规划模型研究

9.Traffic Flow Prediction and Bi-level Programming Model for Estimating Origin Destination交通流预测与OD估计双层规划模型

10.Channel Surface Mesh Model Based on the Double Rules基于双层规则化的渠道地面网格模型

11.Design and Research a Double Rank Group Mobility Model in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksMANET双层群节点移动模型设计与研究

12.A Bi-level Programming Models in the Optimization for the Position and Scale of Logistics Points;物流节点最优选址与规模的双层规划模型

13.Fuzzy Bilevel Optimization Model for Product Family Cooperated Design;面向产品族协同优化设计的模糊双层规划模型

14.A BiLevel Model of the Expansion Design for Logistics Centers;物流中心扩建规模设计的双层规划模型研究

15.Bi-Layered Mass-Spring Model for Leaf Motions双层弹簧模型驱动的植物叶片运动模拟(英文)

16.Bilevel optimization based multi-model modeling method for nonlinear systems基于双层优化的非线性系统多模型建模方法

17.The Foundation of the Deformation and Failure Models to the Landslide with Double Sliding Plane and Reverse Rock-layer;双层反翘型滑坡变形破坏力学模型的建立

18.A double-decker programming model is constructed in the synthetic Problems of networks for heat exchange.建立了关于换热网络综合问题的双层规划模型。


double-layer circulation双层循环


1.According to the Chord,a new P2P system—two layer Chord(TLChord),is put forward.以Chord为基础,提出了一种新的P2P系统——双层环。

4)bi-level programming model双层模型

1.For effective arrangement of urban rail transit lines,considering traffic zones being divided,the accessibility constraint and the constraint of the rail transit network’s size,thebi-level programming model for urban rail transit network’s layout was set up.为了有效布设轨道交通网络,考虑可达性约束与轨道线网合理规模约束,建立了城市轨道交通网络布局优化的双层模型。

5)two-layer model双层模型

1.Furthermore,atwo-layer model is applied to regions with better covered vegetation, which extends the scope of the thermal inertia method.本文改进了遥感热惯量模型 ,考虑到植被因素的影响 ,在植被覆盖区 ,使用双层模型中的土壤热能量平衡方程 ,同时在热传导方程的边界条件中引进显热通量和潜热通量 ,使热惯量模型的应用范围从裸土扩展到植被覆盖区 。

2.A two-equation k-ε model withtwo-layer model was employed.采用了k-ε双层模型进行计算,通过与文献中的实验结果及数值计算结果的比较验证了本计算方法的有效性。

3.The result indicate covering in part vegetation,the estimate precision oftwo-layer model overtops the one-layer model obviously,but thetwo-layer model inject some parameters which increase the difficulty of arithmetic,so thetwo-layer model needs further study.分析结果表明,在部分植被覆盖条件下,双层模型的估算精确度明显高于单层模型,但双层模型中引入较多的参数增加了其运算难度,有待进一步研究。

6)double wall双层壳型

1.In this paper, the new typedouble wall high efficiency cooled turbine vane was designed using the foreign advanced cooling techniques of turbine vane and the thought way of high technology origin and large technology span for reference, and the experimental study was carried out to investigate the cooling techniques on the turbine vane syntheses cooling performance experimental facility.本论文针对推重比15~20一级发动机高压涡轮高效冷却叶片冷却设计要求,采用高起点、大跨度的思路,充分借鉴国外先进涡轮叶片冷却设计技术,采用气膜喷淋、气膜溢流增强效应、新型双层壳型狭小空间冲击-气膜等先进涡轮叶片冷却设计技术,完成双层壳型高效冷却涡轮导叶的研制工作,并在涡轮叶片综合冷却效果试验器上对使用的设计技术进行了针对性的验证。


