900字范文 > 广西永福 Yongfu in Guangxi英语短句 例句大全

广西永福 Yongfu in Guangxi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-12 22:35:07


广西永福 Yongfu in Guangxi英语短句 例句大全

广西永福,Yongfu in Guangxi

1)Yongfu in Guangxi广西永福


1.Analyse of the successive outbreaks of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée) in early rice paddies in Yongfu county,Guangxi广西永福县近年来早稻田稻纵卷叶螟连年大发生的原因分析

2.the Ningxia Hui autonomous Region, Guangdong Province, the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province.宁夏和广东、广西、云南、福建、江苏等地。

3.Distribution: Restricted to Ping Fung Shan. Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi; Vietnam.地理分布:仅见于屏风山。广西、广东、福建、江西。越南。

4.Power invariably means both responsibility and danger─Theodore Roosevelt.实力永远意味着责任和危险─西奥多·罗斯福。

5.In 2001, demonstration commenced in Guangxi and Fujian.2001年已相继在广西、福建等地展开试点。

6.On the Historical Inspection of the Fujian Hakka Immigrant in Luchuan of Guangxi;福建客家人移民广西陆川的历史考察

7.Distribution: Tung Chung (Lantau Island), Keung Shan, Tai O. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou.地理分布:大屿山东涌、?山、大澳。福建、广东、广西、贵州。

8.Distribution: Various places in Hong Kong. Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Hunnan, Jiangxi, Fujian.地理分布:香港各地。海南,广东,广西,福建,江西,湖南,云南有分布。

9.Beside that, it also produced in Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, Shaanxi, Henan, Shanghai areas.此外,广东,四川,贵州,福建,陕西,河南,上海等地亦产。

10.The Study of the Development Strategy of Fumian District"s Garment Industry of Yulin, Guangxi;广西玉林福绵区服装产业发展战略研究

11.The Settings of Anfu and Yongding and the Establishment of the Local Administrative System in North-western of Hunan in Qing Dynasty;安福、永定二县的设置与清代州县行政管理体制在湘西北的确立

12.Distribution: Victoria Peak, Tai Mo Shan, Ma On Shan, Wu Kau Tang, Lantau. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Taiwan.地理分布:扯旗山、帽山、鞍山、蛟腾、屿山。广东,广西,湖南,福建,台湾。

13.Dynamics of Plant Composition in Permanent Plots Guangxi Mao"ershan National Nature Reserve,China广西猫儿山2块1hm~2永久样地乔木组成动态分析

14.All of our prayers and actions for kosen-rufu become the nourishment for our happiness across the three existences as well as the foundation for our eternal glory.为了广宣流布所作的祈求和行动,将成为三世幸福的营养,永远光荣的基础。

15.The Investigation of Fumian Clothing Production Base in Yulin of Guangxi and Its Development--And a consideration of building the biggest trousers industry in Guangxi;广西玉林福绵服装产业的调查与发展对策研究——兼对构建广西最大裤业集聚地的思考

16.Kwong Fuk Hostel for the Elderly [Tsung Tsin Mission]广福宿舍〔崇真会〕

17.The southern rock paintings are found in the Zuojiang River Valley in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region and in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Fujian provinces.南系除广西左江流域,还有四川、云南、贵州、福建等地。

18.Studies on Bioecology of the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea Canaliculata ) and Its Status of Distribution and Damage in Guangxi;福寿螺的生物生态学特性及在广西的分布与危害现状研究


Eternal Happiness永福

1.Individual s Existence UnderEternal Happiness——Kierkegaard s point of subjective existence;个体在永福之下的生存——浅谈克尔凯郭尔的主体生存观

3)Yongan in Fujian province福建永安

4)Yongfu county永福县

1.Recently,"three avoidance" technology spread widely inYongfu county of Guangxi Province.经多年的栽培种植试验证明,采用"三避"技术种植罗汉果,其苗的成活率、产量、质量及商品性状都有明显地提高,近几年,"三避"技术在广西永福县广泛推广,罗汉果农户取得了良好的经济效益,给广西珍贵特产罗汉果种植业的发展增加了活力。

5)Specie diversity福建永春

6)Liu Yongfu刘永福

1.Research on the protective tourism development ofLiu Yongfu s former residence of Qinzhou in Guangxi;刘永福故居保护性旅游开发研究

2.The HardshipsLiu Yongfu Suffered When Returning to China after the Anti-French War;试论中法战后刘永福回国的艰难道路

3.The Relationship BetweenLiu Yongfu and Cen Yuying in the Sino-French War;刘永福与岑毓英在中法战争期间的恩恩怨怨


