900字范文 > 国家竞争力 national competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

国家竞争力 national competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-04 12:39:01


国家竞争力 national competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

国家竞争力,national competitiveness

1)national competitiveness国家竞争力

1.Educational Competitiveness Is the Base of National Competitiveness;教育竞争力是国家竞争力的基石

2.By studying the relationships between original innovation andnational competitiveness,it reveals that original innovation is the cradle for a nation s competitiveness .通过对原始性创新与国家竞争力关系的分析,认为原始性创新是国家竞争力的源头,但并不等于国家创新能力。

3.This paper analyzes the formation mechanism of GVC and the source ofnational competitiveness from point of the view of demand factor.从需求因素视角入手,探析全球价值链的形成机制以及相关国家竞争力的来源,是在全球化背景下,认清发达国家与发展中国家之间的全球价值链分工体系以及俘获型"结构封锁"价值链治理关系形成的关键所在。



2.Developing Nationality s Cultural Power and Dromoting the National Capacity of Competition;打造民族文化力 提升国家竞争力

3.Some Thoughts on Original Innovation and a Country s Competitiveness;关于原始性创新与国家竞争力的思考

4.Research on the Development of Private Economy and the Level of National Advantage;民营经济发展与提升国家竞争力分析

5.Knowledge Chain: the Central Elements in Promoting the State Competitiveness and the Corporate Core Competitiveness;知识链:提升国家竞争力与企业核心竞争力之核心要素

6.International Comparison of Latin American Countries’Competitiveness in the Age of Globalization;全球化背景下拉美国家竞争力的国际比较

7.An Analysis on Competitive Power of Auto mobile Industry Based on National Competitive;从国家竞争优势理论看我国汽车行业的竞争力

parative Analysis on the International Competitiveness on China s Wooden Furniture;中国木质家具国际竞争力的实证分析

9.Revealed Comparison of International Competitiveness on China s Wooden Furniture;中国木质家具国际竞争力的显性比较

10.The Industrial Competitiveness Model Applied to Developing Countries: A New Explanation Framework;发展中国家产业国际竞争力模型新论

11.Market Competition,Competitive Phases and Industrial International Competitiveness;市场竞争、竞争阶段与产业国际竞争力

12.Promoting Competitiveness of the Chinese Furniture Manufacturing Industry with the Information Engineering;中国家具制造业信息化与竞争力提升

13.Research on the Core Competence Cultivation of Chinese Household Appliances Industry Entreprises;我国家电企业核心竞争力的培育研究

14.A Comparison Study on Banking Competitiveness in Transition Countries;转型经济国家银行竞争力的比较研究

15.Research on Promoting State Information Competitiveness by Information Technology Innovation;信息技术创新与国家信息竞争力提升

16.On How to Strengten the International Competitive Ability of the Household Textile Industry by New Technology;采用新技术提升家纺业的国际竞争力

17.Empirical Evaluation of National Knowledge Competence from 2000 to 2000~国家知识竞争力实证评价研究

18.Research on Competitiveness of Madagascar: Exploring the Determinants of National Competitive Advantage to Improve Productivity;马达加斯加竞争力研究:探索国家生产力竞争优势的钻石模型


competitiveness of nations国家竞争力

1.The Relationship between Informatization and Competitiveness of Nations——An Explanation by Game Theory;信息化与国家竞争力的关系——一个博弈论解释

2.The evaluation ofcompetitiveness of nations is a rising hot research field around the world.国家竞争力评价是一个新兴的全球性的热点研究领域,但现有的国家竞争力评价体系因其理论与方法上的缺陷而备受人们批评。

3)Competitive Advantage of nation国家竞争力评价

ment Porter s theory of theCompetitive Advantage of nation.概述了国际竞争力研究中关于国家竞争力评价方法的种类与特点,并对各评价法的理论基础及演变过程进行了简要的评论与分析。

4)national knowledge competitiveness国家知识竞争力

1.This paper introduces the concept ofnational knowledge competitiveness, and probes into the components ofnational knowledge competitiveness evaluation system from five aspects of the knowledge economy outputs, human capital, knowledge capital, knowledge financial capital and knowledge infrastructure.介绍了国家知识竞争力的概念,从知识经济产出、人力资本、知识资本、知识性金融资本、知识基础设施5个方面探讨了国家知识竞争力评价体系的构成。

2.In the era of knowledge economy, a nation’s comparative advantage and competitive advantage were determined bynational knowledge competitiveness.所谓国家知识竞争力,是指一国建立在知识和信息的生产、分配、传播、管理及应用的基础上,以知识创新和技术创新为依托,以知识产业为支柱,实现经济可持续发展的能力。

5)national competitiveness angle国家竞争力角度

6)national core competitiveness国家核心竞争力

1.Though there is not the standard aboutnational core competitiveness at present,thenational core competitiveness,according to the connotation and extension of national competitiveness,means soft power centered on view of culture value,namely national social culture idea,which is the soil of national political idea,the footstone of political system.虽然目前国际上对“国家核心竞争力”的含义莫衷一是,但从国家竞争力的内涵和外延来看,国家核心竞争力应是以文化价值观为核心的软实力,即一个国家的社会文化理念。


