900字范文 > 水脊 water cresting英语短句 例句大全

水脊 water cresting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-23 15:47:17


水脊 water cresting英语短句 例句大全

水脊,water cresting

1)water cresting水脊

1.Calculation ofwater cresting height for horizontal well in bottom-water;底水油藏水平井水脊高度的计算


1.Study on the Technology of Pushing Water Coning with Nitrogen Foam in Horizontal Well with Bottom Water Reservoir水平井开采底水油藏氮气泡沫压水脊技术研究

2.The relation of Cystatin C concentration in lumbar CSF with Qalb and blood-CSF barrier.腰池脑脊液中Cystatin C水平变化与脑脊液流速及血-脑脊液屏障的关系

3.the tail of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates.鱼类和其他水生脊椎动物的尾巴。

4.(3)preventing such complications as spinal reactive oedema and infection;(3)预防并发症:脊柱反应性水肿、感染;

5.Asbestos-cement corrugated sheet and ridge tileGB/T9772-1996石棉水泥波瓦及其脊瓦

6.marine vertebrates have their weight supperted distributively by the water.海洋脊椎动物的体重是由水来支持的。

7.3 cases of hydrocephalus and 8 cases of syringomyelia were shown on CT.CT表现:脑积水3 例,脊髓空洞症8例。

8.International Federation for Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida脑积水和脊柱裂国际联合会

9.freshwater sculpin with a large flattened bony-plated head with hornlike spines.有大的扁平头和角状脊柱的淡水锯鱼。

10.The abnormal groups show specific flow direction with abnormal velocity, some times with turbulence.脑积水 (梗阻性 )脑脊液的异常流动 ;

11.She glued off a book to keep the threads from unraveling她在书脊上涂胶水以防装订线脱开。

12.Role of GABA_B Receptors in Pain Regulation at the Spinal Level;GABA_B受体在脊髓水平痛觉调节中的作用

13.Mechanisms Underlying Serotonin Promote γ-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Synthesis in the Spinal Dorsal Horn;5-HT在脊髓水平增强GABA合成的机制

14.Relationship of Aquaporin-4 and Neuromyelitis Optica;水通道蛋白4与视神经脊髓炎的关系

15.Effects of Water and Salt on Dielectric Properties of Minced Pork Loin水和盐对猪里脊肉糜介电特性的影响

16.An ICA-Based Digital Watermarking Algorithm In the Ridgelet Transform Domain一种基于ICA的脊波域数字水印算法

17.Correlation between interleukin-1 in cervical intervertebral discs and function of the cervical spine cord in cervical spondylotic myelopathy脊髓型颈椎病椎间盘白细胞介素1水平与颈脊髓功能的相关性

18.one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water).在液体(特别是大的水体)表面的一系列脊状隆起。


bottom water coning底水脊进

1.Control technology forbottom water coning in horizontal well of offshore oilfield;海上油田水平井底水脊进控制技术

3)spinal cord edema脊髓水肿


1.Surgical treatment of Chiari malformation associated withhydromyelia;Arnold-Chiari畸形合并脊髓积水的手术疗效分析

5)submarine ridge水下脊



