900字范文 > 优劣 Advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优劣 Advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-12 01:12:33


优劣 Advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优劣,Advantages and disadvantages

1)Advantages and disadvantages优劣


1.What are the relative merits of the two?两者相较的优劣如何?

2.You can not judge of the horse by the harness.凭马具难断马优劣。

3.A tree be know by the fruit, not by the leaves .判断树优劣,看果不看叶。

4.The advantages and disadvantages of quantification measurement in college moral education and their countermeasures;高校德育量化测评的优劣分析及优化

5.The air quality affects man‘ s health while the forests coverage influences the air quality.人们的健康与空气的优劣有关,而空气的优劣又与森林的多少有关.

6.This gives us a criterion of excellence.这为我们提供了优劣的标准。

7.He decide to weigh tom"s proposal against jim"s.他决定估量汤姆与吉米提议的优劣。

8.He was weighing the plan against another他在权衡这个计划与另一计划的优劣。

9.Many people often compare one student with another simply from their grades.许多人常只以成绩来比较学生的优劣。

10.It is hard to judge the merits and drawbacks of Hong Kong"s practice.这种“香港经验”的优劣,难下断语。

11.The shop sold goods of both high and low quality.这家商店出售品质优劣不同的货物。

12.weigh one plan against another比较一计画与另一计画的优劣

13.Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?(你自认自己最大的优劣势分别为何?

14.tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar.有便宜粗劣的优点的。

15.It Is Hard to Judge Between High Quality Well-known Goods and Inferior Quality Goods;名优产品与劣质产品,孰优孰劣——消费品市场的博弈分析

16.To construe good English into bad Chinese.把优美的英文译成拙劣的汉语。

17.It will make you feel her superiority and your inferiority.这会让你感到她的优越,你的低劣。

18.But all in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.但是,总的说来,我认为其优势大于劣势。


superiority and inferiority优劣

1.Therefore it is clearly justified that for languages,spoken by many or by few,strong or weak,there is no distinction betweensuperiority and inferiority.由此可见:语言无论大小、强弱,都没有优劣和贵贱之分。

3)rewarding good and punishing bad奖优罚劣

1.The evaluation indexes of municipal sewage treatment technology were quantified,and the decision matrix was standardized in the range of complied with the principle ofrewarding good and punishing bad.通过对城市污水处理工艺评价指标的定量化处理,并根据奖优罚劣的原则对初始指标集进行[-1,1]区间线性规范化处理,确定理想最优方案(A+)和理想最劣方案(A-),以此计算出各待选方案与它们的相关系数(ζ)。

4)superior or inferior rank analysis优劣分析

5)replacement of inferior materials by superior materials以优代劣

1.In the course of designing and manufacturing chemical equipments and pressure pipelines,we can not take it for granted that the replacement of materials is just the replacement of low quality materials by high quality materials,thereplacement of inferior materials by superior materials and the replacement of thin materials by thick materials.在化工设备及压力管道的制造过程中,有关材料代用的问题不可简单的认为是以高代低、以优代劣、以厚代薄等,而应结合具体情况综合各方面因素合理运用,才能保证相关压力容器或压力管道的安全运行。

6)relative superior or inferior相对优劣


优劣1.优和劣。指强弱﹑大小﹑好坏﹑工拙等。 2.谓评定高下好坏等。
