900字范文 > 短式网球 short tennis英语短句 例句大全

短式网球 short tennis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-25 14:40:22


短式网球 short tennis英语短句 例句大全

短式网球,short tennis

1)short tennis短式网球

1.Literature material,expert interviews,a questionnaire survey method,statistical analysis,and logical analysis are used to study norms and order,sustainable development ofshort tennis,which is a fundamental measure to the realization of medal persuit project in Chinese tennis sport .运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、统计分析法、逻辑分析法,研究短式网球运动规范、有序、持续的发展,是实现我国竞技网球运动"奥运争光计划"根本举措。


1.Some Problems Should be Paid Attention to on Children Mini-tennis Training;少儿短式网球训练应注意的若干问题

2.The Feasibility Study on Develop the Little Tennis in Chengdu Primary Schools成都市小学开展短式网球运动的可行性研究

3.The Present Situation Of Children Mini-tennis Development In Anhui Province安徽省青少年儿童短式网球运动开展现状研究

4.Analysis of CPQ on Juvenile Soft Tennis Players in Some Provinces and Cities;对我国部分省市少年短式网球选手人格状况的测试分析

5.hairpin shot"夹发针"球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)

6.The tennis-service needs more strngth.网球式发球需多点力度。

7.(in tennis,etc)act or manner of serving the ball;person"s turn to serve(网球等的)发球,发球方式,轮到的发球权

8.I always use the tennis-serve when I serve.我常用网球式发球法发球。

9.The process permits manufacturers to use very short fibers.这种成网方式可以使用极短的纤维。

10.The Design of HF Wideband Matching Network Applying to Manpack Antenna背负式短波天线宽带匹配网络的设计

11.Distributed SP Side Short Message Gateway Base on Message Queue;基于消息队列的分布式SP端短信网关

12.You won"t be able to play tennis in the evening once the days start drawing in一旦白昼开始变短,你就没法在傍晚打网球了。

13.So I wore my tennis shorts, a T-shirt, and sneakers.所以我穿了我的网球短裤,T恤衫和运动鞋。

14.Study on Dynamic Stability of Geodesic Single-layer Spherical Reticulated Shells;短程线型单层球面网壳结构的动力稳定性研究

15.Parametric modeling of single layer geodesic spherical reticulated shells;短程线型单层球面网壳结构的参数化建模

16.Research on Failure of Geodesic Spherical Reticulated Shells短程线型球面网壳结构的动力失效研究

17.Mark:You use the tennis-serve.马克:你居然会网球式发球。

18.Drop shot: A stroke that causes the ball to fall abruptly after clearing the net.短球(轻吊):在网前区域空旷时,使击出的球突然下落。


Soft tennis players短式网球选手

3)little tennis movement短式网球运动

1.Thelittle tennis movement is precisely complies with the kind of situation, to have the possibility to introduce in the school sports.短式网球运动正是顺应学校体育改革的这种形势而有可能被引入学校体育中来的。

4)soft tennis软式网球

1.This paper probes into the feasibility of offeringsoft tennis courses for girl students in colleges and universities through a comparative analysis of using soft and hard tennis balls in tennis classes to teach girl students who are without any tennis foundations.通过对无网球技术基础女学生在教学中试用软、硬两种网球的对比教学分析,探讨软式网球在高校女生中开展的可行性。

2.This paper is intended to make people understand thesoft tennis and hard tennis and grasp the techniques and tactics.通过对软式网球和硬式网球的差异性比较、分析 ,以使学生正确地理解有关的技术和战术特点。

3.The article makes a statistics about the ditances between China and some top teams of Asia insoft tennis and suggests a variety of ways to shorten such distances.对中国软式网球与亚洲强队的差距问题作了有关数据统计 ,对比分析结果及临场观察表明 ,中国软式网球与亚洲强队有比较明显的差距。

5)hard tennis硬式网球



选手1.从众多人员中选出的能手。多指参加体育比赛的人。 2.指能手,老手。 3.指编选文章的本领。
