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农民工 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-02 13:13:44


农民工 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

农民工,migrant workers

1)migrant workers农民工

1.The blind spots about tuberculosis control: groups of themigrant workers;结核病防治的盲区:农民工群体

2.The link between urban medical insurance ofmigrant workers and new rural mutual medical insurance;农民工城镇医疗保险与新型农村合作医疗的衔接

3.Research on the Effective Supply for the Training of Migrant Workers;农民工培训有效供给研究


1.The Migrant Workers′Social Network and the Building of the Migrant Worker Union;农民工的社会网络与农民工工会建设

2.The Special Urbanization Course in China: the Peasants,the Peasant Workers and the Townsfolk;中国特色城镇化进程:农民—农民工—市民

3.Improve the Policies for Peasant Workers and Legally Protect their Rights and Interests;完善农民工政策 依法维护农民工权益

4.National Union of Workers and Peasants全国工人农民工会(全国工农会)

5.Urban living capital of peasant-workers and peasant-workers citizenization;农民工的城市生活资本与农民工的市民化

6.Confederacion Nacional Unidad Obrero Campesina全国农民工人统一联合会(农工统联)

7.Probe into the Present Policy Solving the Issue of China"s Migrant Workers--An Analysis Based on the Identity of Migrant Workers当前我国解决农民工问题的政策思考——基于农民工“农民”身份的视角

8.A Good Way to Improve Peasant Workers Survival Condition--Peasant Workers Insurance;改善农民工生存状态的良策——农民工保险

9.Inquiry into Conception of Migrant Workers in Researches on Migrant Workers Sport;农民工体育研究中关于“农民工”概念的探讨

10.Four Mistake of the Understanding of Peasant Workers;重新认识农民工——兼论农民工认识上的4大误区

11.The Female Farmer Worker s Employment in Non - Standard Sectors and the Family - Mobile of the Farmer Worker;女性农民工非正规就业与农民工家庭流动

12.How to Do a Good Job of Admitting New Party Members Who are Migrant Workers从农民流动分化看发展农民工党员工作

13.Peasant Laborer Treatment in the View of CSR--Based on the Survey of Peasant Laborer in GuangzhouCSR视角看农民工待遇——基于广州市农民工的调查


15.A Study on the Employment Situation and Countermeasures of Migrant Workers--take 2834 migrant workers for example农民工就业现状与对策研究——以2834名农民工为例

16.Probing into the Role of Farmer-turned Workers in Promoting the Coordinated Development of Regional--From the "Tide" of Farmer-turned Workers to "Back to Business";推动区域协调发展的农民工角色认知——从“民工潮”到农民工“回乡创业”

17.Wages for migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta:determining factors;农民工工资:珠江三角洲农民工工资的决定因素(英文)

18.Seeing the peasant workers trade union s present situation,difficulty and the countermeasure in defending rights from Luyuan peasant workers trade union s;从鲁园农民工工会维权看农民工工会维权现状、困境及对策


peasant workers农民工

1.Investigation on AIDS prevention,infection situation and behavior inpeasant workers;农民工艾滋病防治知识、行为及感染状况调查

2.Investigation on Knowing Rate of Infectious Diseases Prevention Knowledge among Peasant Workers in Ji nan City in ;济南市部分农民工传染病防治知识知晓状况调查

3.On the ethical significances of health services to thepeasant workers;简论做好农民工医疗卫生工作的伦理意义

3)peasant worker农民工

1.Analysis of present situation ofpeasant workers" safety production in construction industry;建筑行业农民工安全生产现状分析

2.Working status ofpeasant workers in building industry;浅析建筑业农民工的从业现状

3.On the "Imperfect Leisure" of Peasant Workers and its Bad Responses-A Survey from Changsha;农民工的“闲暇缺失”及其引发的不良后果——来自长沙的调查

4)migrant worker农民工

1.Rupture and Remedy:the medical security for themigrant worker;断裂与弥补:农民工医疗保障的理性思考

2.The causes of the problems aboutmigrant workers and the solutions to the problems——my viewpoints of the problems concerningmigrant workers;农民工问题的成因及其解决之道——我的农民工问题观

3.Cross-sectional study onmigrant workers medical insurance conditions in Chongqing;重庆市农民工医疗保险现况调查


1.A Study on Guangzhou Public Library Service to thePeasant-workers;广州市公共图书馆为农民工服务研究

2.On Changing thePeasant-workers Vulnerable Status——From the View of Human Resources Management;改变农民工弱势地位的理论研究——基于人力资源管理的视角

3.Temporary Agency Work:a New Mode ofPeasant-workers Employment;劳务派遣:农民工就业的新模式

6)Migrant rural workers农民工

1.Experience and Enlightenment from the Medical Insurance System for Migrant Rural Workers at Abroad国外农民工医疗保障经验及其启示

2.Consideration of the medical security problem of Chinese migrant rural workers基于现有模式对我国农民工医疗保障问题的思考

3.China\"s rural labor force engaged in non agricultural industry in cities, who are generally called migrant rural workers, approximated 2.农民工对我国经济社会发展做出了积极的贡献,但农民工社会保障制度长期缺位,社会保障权利严重缺失,面临的问题十分突出。


《法德农民问题》《法德农民问题》The Presant Question in France and German《法德农民I’q题》(The Presant Question1 n Franee and German)恩格斯写于1894年n月巧日和22日之间,发表在1894一1895年德国社会民主党的理论刊物《新时代》杂志第1卷第10期上。这部著作分为引言和一、二两部分,是马克思主义关于农民问题的重要文献之一。19世纪90年代的法国和德国,农民运动已经有了很大发展,正确制定党对农民问题的方针政策,是当时法德两党的迫切任务。这时,法德两党的领导人为了在议会中争取农民的选票,便对农民的某些幻想和私有观念作无原则的让步,甚至允许农村富裕阶层的剥削等。这些错误的观点集中反映在法国工人党1892年9月第10次代表大会和1894年9月在南特代表大会上通过和补充的土地纲领中。恩格斯写了这部著作,系统地阐述了关于农民问题的基本理论。在引言中,恩格斯论述了农民问题和工农联盟在无产阶级革命中的重要性,分析了农民在欧洲历史上的作用,指出了农民是人口、生产和政治力量非常重要的因素。由于资本主义的发展正在使小农衰落和灭亡,促使农民成为活跃的政治力量。由于大土地占有者也宣称他们是为小农利益而奋斗的战士,因此,欧洲各国无产阶级政党,必须采取正确的政策揭露他们的真面目,团结广大农民,使之成为无产阶级的可靠同盟军。恩格斯指出,无产阶级“为了夺取政权,这个政党应当首先从城市跑到农村,应当成为农村中的力量”,以建立巩固的工农联盟。在第一部分中,恩格斯分析了农村中的不同阶级和阶层的状况,批评了法国社会党的南特纲领。首先,用阶级分析的观点,分析了小农的经济地位和政治态度,指出小农是无产阶级革命的依靠力量。因此,正确认识和对待小农是确定对其他农村居民的立足点。恩格斯指出,资本主义货币经济和大工业的发展,使小农的生活愈来愈困难,不可避免地要走向灭亡。小农“作为未来的无产者,他本来应当乐意倾听社会主义的宣传。但是他那根深蒂固的私有观念,暂时还阻碍他这样做。”无产阶级政党的重要任务,就是要采取正确的政策把小农吸引到自己方面来。接着,恩格斯批评了法国社会党人的土地纲领中的一些观点:①批评了所谓“保护自食其力的农民的小块土地”的观点。恩格斯认为,在资本主义制度下,如果要“保护小农,这不是保护他们的自由,而仅仅是保护他们被奴役的特殊形式而已;这是延长他们求生不成、求死不得的状况”。只有通过社会主义革命把生产资料转交给生产者共同占有,才是无产阶级的主要目标。②批评了“保护那些有时剥削短工的佃农”的观点。
