900字范文 > 劳动力素质 labor quality英语短句 例句大全

劳动力素质 labor quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 19:13:56


劳动力素质 labor quality英语短句 例句大全

劳动力素质,labor quality

1)labor quality劳动力素质

1.Facing severe condition of large quantity of structured unemployment labor, this paper applies the game theory to study the labor price andlabor quality.面对我国存在大量劳动力结构性失业的严峻现实,本文从劳动力价格与劳动力素质关系的角度用博弈论的研究方法进行探讨,提出针对不同劳动力素质的差别定价不仅有利于企业获得较好收益,而且有利于劳动力素质的提高。

2.The barriers to dual economic structure transition in China are analyzed,such as land system,household register system,the lag of marketization,andlabor quality,etc.分析了我国二元经济结构转化中所存在的土地制度、户籍制度、要素市场化、劳动力素质等方面的障碍,指出应着力改善阻碍农业剩余劳动力转移的因素,以利于消除二元经济结构。

3.Though the adverse natural resources are the cause of poverty and backwardness, the lowlabor quality is the root.自然环境恶劣固然是贫穷的原因 ,而劳动力素质的低下则是落后与贫穷的根源。


1.Game Analysis on Labor Price and Labor Quality;劳动力价格与劳动力素质的博弈分析

2.Improve the Quality of Rural Labor Force and Lessen the Employment Stress in Shandong Province;提高农村劳动力素质 缓解就业压力

3.An Empirical Study on the Qualities of the Rural Labor Forces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces;江浙农村劳动力素质问题的实证研究

4.China s WTO Entry Will Challenge the Quality of Labor Force in China;加入WTO对我国劳动力素质的挑战

5.A Discussion on the Shift of Rural Surplus Labor and the Quality of Labor in Yuxi;玉溪市农村富余劳动力转移与劳动力素质关系的探讨

6.A Study of Rural Labor Force Quality and Rural Surplus Labor Force Transfer;农村劳动力素质和农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究

7.Improving Quality of Rural Labor Force to Promote Effective Transferring of Rural Surplus Labor Force提高农村劳动力素质 促进农村剩余劳动力有效转移

8.Raise the quality of the village labor force and cultivate the village human capital;提高村域劳动力素质,培育村域人力资本

9.Problems Facing on Quality of GuangXi s Rural Labor Force and Countermeasures;广西农村劳动力素质面临的问题及对策

10.The meaning and the way of improving labor force in countryside of Jilin province;提高吉林省农村劳动力素质的意义和途径

11.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Quality of Labor Force and the Economic Increase in Guizhou;贵州劳动力素质与经济增长的关系分析

12.Effects and Countermeasures of Labour Quality on Our Country s Economic Development;劳动力素质对我国经济发展的影响及对策

13.A Preliminary Study of Labor Quality in Guizhou Karst Area;贵州喀斯特地区劳动力素质的初步研究

14.Measures for Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Rural Labor Force in Guizhou Province贵州省全面提高农村劳动力素质的对策及措施

15.Capital elements contain material elements and labor force elements.资本要素包含物质要素和劳动力要素。

16.Improve Rural Laborer s Quality,Promote the Transfer of Surplus Labor;提高农村劳动者素质,促进剩余劳动力转移

17.Improve their educational quality and enhance their opportunity to be employed and working abilities.提高劳动者素质,增强劳动者的就业能力和工作能力。

18.Effect of Labor Quality on Locational Choice of Foreign Direct Investment into China;外商直接投资区位选择的劳动力质量因素研究


Labor Force Quality劳动力素质

3)quality of labor force劳动力素质

1.Based on the scientific cultural quality, this paper attempts to analyze the relationship between thequality of labor force and the increase of economy in Guizhou.本文着重从科学文化素质的角度来分析贵州劳动力素质与经济增长的关系,同时,通过模型计算出劳动力人口素质对经济增长的贡献状况,并从中对贵州劳动力人口素质存在的若干问题进行了总结。

4)labour quality劳动力素质

1.So i t is urgent to explore the countermeasures for developing and improving our coun try slabour quality to adjust to economic development of our country.文章分析了劳动力素质对我国经济发展的影响和对策,指出:不断提高劳动力素质对我国经 济发展具有重要意义,而我国劳动力素质的现状不容乐观,存在许多问题,对我国国民经济 的发展形成了较大的负面影响;探索开发和提高我国劳动力素质的对策已成为当务之急。

5)troop and quality of the labor force劳动力队伍素质

6)the quality of rural labor force农村劳动力素质


劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数,一般指达到一定年龄的人口中,已参加或要求参加工作的人数。亦称经济活动人口,即能供应劳动力市场的劳动力人数。在实际统计中,通常只包括民用劳动力的人数,不包括军队人数在内。因此,具体地讲,劳动力人数,一般只包括全部就业人数(或在业人口)和失业人数两部分。在计算劳动力的起始年龄上,各国规定不尽相同。如菲律宾规定从10岁开始,英国、日本规定从15岁开始,美国规定从16岁开始。联合国组织要求从巧岁开始统计。将劳动力人数同达到一定年龄的人口总数进行对比,称之为劳动力参与率,或叫经济活动人口比率。这个指标大体上能反映一个国家或一个地区劳动力资源的利用状况。计算公式为:劳动力参与率-巧岁(或16岁)以上劳动力人数15岁(或16岁)以上人口总数又100%例如,美国1955年16岁以上的人口总数为179 922 000人,其中就业人数为108 856 000人,失业人数为8 312 000人。将上述数据代入公式,即得美国1985年的劳动力参与率为:108 856 000+8 312 000179 912 000又100%=65.1%
