900字范文 > 有机-无机复混肥料 organic-inorganic compound fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

有机-无机复混肥料 organic-inorganic compound fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-18 12:46:12


有机-无机复混肥料 organic-inorganic compound fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

有机-无机复混肥料,organic-inorganic compound fertilizer

1)organic-inorganic compound fertilizer有机-无机复混肥料

1.Synchronous determination of arsenic and mercury inorganic-inorganic compound fertilizer by microwave digestion-atomic fluorescence spectrometric method (AFS);微波消解-原子荧光光谱法同时测定有机-无机复混肥料中砷和汞的含量


1.Synchronous determination of arsenic and mercury in organic-inorganic compound fertilizer by microwave digestion-atomic fluorescence spectrometric method (AFS)微波消解-原子荧光光谱法同时测定有机-无机复混肥料中砷和汞的含量

2.Discussion on technology and equipment of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production from livestock and poultry manure采用畜禽粪便原料生产有机无机复混肥工艺、设备探讨

3.Fertilizer Efficiency Experiment of Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer by Using Municipal Sewage Sludge利用城市污泥生产的有机-无机复混肥肥效试验

anic-Inorganic Mixed Fertilizer Effects on Benefit and Physiological Mechanism of Vegetable Crops;有机-无机复混肥对蔬菜的作用效果与机理研究

5.Application Effect of Municipal Sewage Sludge Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer on Spring Wheat in Eastern Qinghai Province污泥有机-无机复混肥在春小麦上的施用效果

6.Application Effects of Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer Produced by Municipal Sewage Sludge on Potato in Eastern Qinghai Province污泥有机-无机复混肥在马铃薯上的施用效果

7.Effects of Bio-organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco生物有机无机复混肥对烤烟产量和品质的影响

8.Effect of organic-inorganic complex fertilizers application on yield and quality of citrus fruit有机无机复混肥对柑橘产量和品质的影响

9.Application effect of bio-organo-inorganic compound fertilizer on watermelon生物有机-无机复混肥在西瓜上的施用效果

10.Determination of Total Potassium in Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertilizers有机-无机复混肥中总钾含量测定方法的探讨

11.Effects of Organic materials on organo-mineral complex in wind blown soil;有机物料培肥对风沙土有机无机复合体及土壤肥力影响的研究

12.Research on Sludge Disposal of Alcohol Lees Solution and Organic Mixture Slow Release Fertilizer;酒精糟液污泥处理与有机复混缓释肥料研究

13.Effect of Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rate and Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer on Yields and Quality of Vegetables;化学氮肥用量及有机无机复混肥对蔬菜产量和品质的影响

14.Effection of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application and Organic-inorganic Mixed Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Lettuce;氮肥用量与有机无机复混肥对莴苣的产量和品质的影响研究

15.Effects of Amount of Chemical and Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertilizer on N &P Loss in Coastal Saline Region,Zhejiang Province化肥用量和有机无机复混肥对浙江海涂区氮磷损失的影响

16.These two methodshave been listed in the national standard,“ the determination of total potassium content in organo mineral compound fertilizers".这2种方法已被列入国家标准“有机—无机复混肥料中总钾含量的测定”。

17.Biological Treatment of Cattle Pasture Organic Waste and Production Technology of Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer牛场有机废弃物生物处理及有机无机复混肥生产技术

18.Farmers enrich the soil with organic and inorganic manures.农民用有机肥料和无机肥料来提高土壤的肥力。


organic-inorganic compound fertilizer有机-无机复混肥

1.Field test oforganic-inorganic compound fertilizer of solid waste from paper-mills by alkaline-straw process;利用碱法草浆造纸固体废弃物生产有机-无机复混肥的农田试验

2.Exploring of producingorganic-inorganic compound fertilizer by chicken manure鸡粪再生有机-无机复混肥探讨

anic-inorganic compound fertilizer is a kind of compound fertilizer of soure specific organic fertilizer.有机-无机复混肥料是指含有一定量有机肥料的复混肥料。

3)organicinorganic compound fertilizer有机无机复混肥

1.Technology for production oforganicinorganic compound fertilizer;有机无机复混肥生产技术

2.The production of anorganicinorganic compound fertilizer with the residue of brewery and its effect on the yield of paddy rice are described.利用啤酒厂废渣开发出 1种水稻专用有机无机复混肥 ,并将其对水稻的增产效果做了田间试验。

3.Technology for production oforganicinorganic compound fertilizer and its analysis method;褐煤提供有机质,以尿素、磷酸一铵、氯化钾、过磷酸钙、碳酸氢铵为无机原料,用盘式造粒机生产粒状有机无机复混肥。

4)organic and inorganic compound fertilizer有机无机复混肥

1.Potential salt effects and crop response oforganic and inorganic compound fertilizer with different salt stress;不同盐胁迫型有机无机复混肥对土壤的致盐力及作物生长的影响

5)organic-inorganic fertilizer有机无机复混肥

1.Preparing and application of bio-organic fertilizer andorganic-inorganic fertilizer;生物有机肥和有机无机复混肥的研制及应用

2.Effect oforganic-inorganic fertilizer on the growth and the water use of summer maize;施用有机无机复混肥对夏玉米生长和水分利用的影响

3.Effect oforganic-inorganic fertilizers on the wateruse efficiency of crops in dry land;有机无机复混肥对旱地作物水分利用效率的影响

6)organic-inorganic compound fertilizer有机无机复混肥

1.Effects oforganic-inorganic compound fertilizer applied to non-pollution vegetables in sunlight greenhouse;有机无机复混肥在日光温室无公害蔬菜上的应用

2.Discussion on technology and equipment oforganic-inorganic compound fertilizer production from livestock and poultry manure采用畜禽粪便原料生产有机无机复混肥工艺、设备探讨

3.The results showed that plant height, flag leaf area and spike length were enhanced and the percentage of unfilled grains decreased by the application oforganic-inorganic compound fertilizers.在重庆地区 2种代表性中性紫色土上 ,研究有机无机复混肥对水稻产量、氮素利用率及土壤养分的影响。


