900字范文 > 教师教育体系 teacher education system英语短句 例句大全

教师教育体系 teacher education system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 11:45:20


教师教育体系 teacher education system英语短句 例句大全

教师教育体系,teacher education system

1)teacher education system教师教育体系

1.Conceive and Construct Teacher Education System of Our Country under Lifelong Education Background;终身教育理念背景下我国教师教育体系的构想与创建

2.Therefore,Huazhong Normal University advances the innovation of teacher education pre-service cultivation system by subject construction;deepens the reformation and development of teacher education by means of cognitive science and information;builds up integrativeteacher education system through teacher education comprehensively experimental ar.为此华中师范大学以学科群建设为手段,创新教师教育职前培养体系;借助认知科学与信息技术,深化教师教育的改革与发展;建立教师教育综合实验区,构建一体化的教师教育体系。


1.Strengthen the Cultivation of Young Teachers and Perfect the System of Teachers Education;加强青年教师培养 完善教师教育体系

2.Innovating upon the Model of Teacher Education,Constructing the System of Teacher Education with Chinese Characteristic;创新教师教育模式,构建中国特色教师教育体系

3.Institutes of Education in China s Teacher Training System;我国现代教师教育体系中的教育学院

4.On the Scientific Construction of Teachers’ Professionalization ahd Teachers Education System论教师专业化与教师教育体系的科学构建

5.Construction of Teaching Staff Calling New Education System for Teachers;教师队伍建设呼唤构建新型教师教育体系

6.The Development of the Resource of Teachers and the Construction of Local Teachers Educational System;教师资源的开发与教师教育体系的构建

7.Constructing Teacher Education System Adapting to the Development of Higher Education in the New Stage;构建适应新时期高等教育发展的教师教育体系

8.Rearch on Basic Education Reform and the New System of Teacher Education基础教育改革与新型教师教育体系探析

9.Build One-Majority-Many-Element and Open System of Normal Education;构建“一主多元”的开放式教师教育体系

10.On the Configuration of Scientific Teacher Education System;试论科学的教师教育体系内容的构建

11.Research of Chinese Integrative System of PE Teacher s Education;我国体育教师教育的一体化体系研究

12.Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers Education and the Construction of the Course System;试论师范教育转型与教师教育课程体系的构建

13.Constructing Structure System of Stage about Physical Education Teachers" Education Teaching Ability体育教师教育教学能力阶段性结构体系建构

14.Research on Teacher Qualification Standards and Teacher Development System in New Zealand;新西兰教师资格标准和教师教育发展体系研究

15.Influences on P.E teachers by change of assessment system of university teachers in China;我国高校教师评价体系变迁对体育教师的影响

16.Development of Provincial Institute of Education under New Teachers Training System;教师教育新体系下省级教育学院的发展

17.A survey of curriculum system of PE specialityin Chinese normal university;我国高师体育教育专业课程体系研究

18.Research on the Curriculum System of Teacher Education--Taking the Construction of Teacher Education Curriculum System in the College of Education in Normal Universities as an Example;教师教育课程体系研究——以师范大学教育学院教师教育课程体系建构为例


new system of teachers education教师教育新体系

3)overall educational sys大师范教育体系

4)The teachers in physical education colleges体育院系教师

1.The teachers in physical education colleges which is called the "Producing-carrier" of P E teachers, should study furtherly and constantly.体育院系教师作为体育教育人才的培养者,更加需要不断接受继续教育。


1.Continuing education of universityP.E.teachers;论普通高校体育教师的继续教育

2.Knowledge structure,ability level and comprehensive quality of collegeP.E.teachers;高校体育教师知识结构、能力水平与综合素质的培养

3.Relationships between pressure from work and mental health of universityP.E.teachers in Zhejiang province;浙江省高校体育教师工作压力、心理健康及其关系研究

6)physical education teacher体育教师

1.On the contemporary requirements of the quality ofphysical education teachers;试述当代体育教师的素质要求

2.An essay on the quality requirements of the new courses for aphysical education teacher;新课程标准下的体育教师素质

parative analysis of Chinese and Japanese technical curriculum standards for the cultivation ofphysical education teachers;中日体育教师培养的技术课程标准比较分析


