900字范文 > 激光基准 laser datum英语短句 例句大全

激光基准 laser datum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-14 22:49:33


激光基准 laser datum英语短句 例句大全

激光基准,laser datum

1)laser datum激光基准

2)primary standard for medium laser power激光中功率基准

1.The principles,structure,performance and uncertainty evaluation of the modifiedprimary standard for medium laser power are described in this paper.描述了改造后的激光中功率基准装置的原理、结构、性能和不确定度评

3)laser length standar激光长度基准

4)He-Ne laser wavelength standardHe-Ne激光波长基准

5)laser collimation激光准直

1.Study of large diameter measurement system withlaser collimation;基于激光准直瞄准的大直径测量系统的研究

2.In order to realize synthetic coaxiality measurement for position deviations and angle deviations simultaneously,a laser beam-spot receiver system consisting of a receiver lens,beam splitter prisms,and CCD based onlaser collimation was established.为了实现在同轴度测量中平行偏差(平偏)和倾斜偏差(角偏)两个量的同时测量,建立了基于激光准直性的光斑接收系统。

3.Based on the principle and technology oflaser collimation and optoelectronic inspection, an optoelectronic measuring method is presented to measure the straightness of the bore with a diameter of 25 mm by using the quadrant detection method, technique oflaser collimation, optoelectronic detection, precision machine, servocontrol and computer for reference.基于激光准直和光电探测原理与技术,并借鉴象限探测法、精密机械、伺服控制技术和计算机技术研制了一种用于Φ25mm火炮身管直线度的光电测量系统。


1.Research on Laser Alignment Based on Interference Fringe;基于干涉条纹的激光准直技术的研究

2.High accuracy laser-alignment technique with compensation of laser beam drift具有光束漂移误差补偿的高精度激光准直技术

3.Study on the Dual-light Laser Alignment Measuring System at TST Field;TST现场双光路激光准直测量系统的研究

4.Precision Laser Alignment and its Use in the Measurement of the Horizontal Deformation of Large Dams精密激光准直及其在大坝变形观测中的应用

5.Research on the Check of Laser Beam Collimation Based on Talbot Effect;基于Talbot效应的激光准直系统调校方法的研究

6.Study on Laser Range Finding Technology in Total Station Laser Alignment System;全站式激光准直系统中的测距技术研究

7.Measurement System Research on Multi-degree-of-freedom Based on Laser Collimator基于激光准直原理的多自由度测量系统的研究

8.Study on Microlens Applied in Semiconductor Laser Beam Collimation;半导体激光器光束准直微透镜的研究

9.Design on Collimation and Modulation System of Optics Modules of Laser Device激光装置光学模块准直调整系统设计

10.Research on Collimation Measurement Based on Laser Interference Technology;基于激光干涉原理的准直技术的研究

11.Self-Mixing Interference of Non-Alignment Cavity He-Ne Laser非准直外腔He-Ne激光自混合干涉

12.Design and Implementation of Automatic Alignment System for the Lidar激光雷达光束自动准直系统设计与实现

13.Fast method and optical device for lidar system alignment激光雷达系统快速准直的方法和光学装置

14.Experimental measurement study of laser collimation of a chromium beam by Doppler cooling scheme铬原子束的激光多普勒冷却准直检测实验研究

15.Aspheric Collimating and Shaping Element Design for Diode Laser Range Finders半导体激光测距机非球面准直整形元件的设计

16.Optimum Design to a Single Lens Transmitted Collimating Module of Laser Ranging Finders激光测距仪单透镜发射准直模块的优化设计

17.Application of Laser and Optical Fibre Alignment in Large size Coaxality Measuring of the Bore bore激光光纤准直在大尺寸孔-孔同轴度测量中的应用

18.Design of optical collimated system on a dynamic laser testing system;激光动态测试系统上的准直扩束光学系统的设计


primary standard for medium laser power激光中功率基准

1.The principles,structure,performance and uncertainty evaluation of the modifiedprimary standard for medium laser power are described in this paper.描述了改造后的激光中功率基准装置的原理、结构、性能和不确定度评

3)laser length standar激光长度基准

4)He-Ne laser wavelength standardHe-Ne激光波长基准

5)laser collimation激光准直

1.Study of large diameter measurement system withlaser collimation;基于激光准直瞄准的大直径测量系统的研究

2.In order to realize synthetic coaxiality measurement for position deviations and angle deviations simultaneously,a laser beam-spot receiver system consisting of a receiver lens,beam splitter prisms,and CCD based onlaser collimation was established.为了实现在同轴度测量中平行偏差(平偏)和倾斜偏差(角偏)两个量的同时测量,建立了基于激光准直性的光斑接收系统。

3.Based on the principle and technology oflaser collimation and optoelectronic inspection, an optoelectronic measuring method is presented to measure the straightness of the bore with a diameter of 25 mm by using the quadrant detection method, technique oflaser collimation, optoelectronic detection, precision machine, servocontrol and computer for reference.基于激光准直和光电探测原理与技术,并借鉴象限探测法、精密机械、伺服控制技术和计算机技术研制了一种用于Φ25mm火炮身管直线度的光电测量系统。

6)laser alignment激光校准

1.Design of the high precisionlaser alignment system with PSD;基于PSD的高精度激光校准仪的设计


使用基准显示对话框设置基准的显示使用“基准显示”(Datum Display) 对话框,可以独立于基准图元的名称(标签)指定单个基准图元的显示状态。单击“视图”(View)>“显示设置”(Display Settings)>“基准显示”(Datum Display),打开“基准显示”(Datum Display) 对话框。 对话框中有下列基准显示选项: 基准平面 (Datum Planes) - 显示基准平面及其名称。也可使用配置文件选项 display_planes 来设置。 基准平面标签 (Datum Plane Tags) - 显示基准平面名称。也可使用配置选项 display_plane_tags 来设置。 基准轴 (Datum Axes) - 显示基准轴及其名称。也可使用配置文件选项 display_axes 来设置。 轴标签 (Axis Tags) - 显示基准轴名称。也可使用配置选项 display_axis_tags 来设置。 点符号 (Point Symbols) - 显示基准点及其名称。也可使用配置文件选项 display_points 来设置。 点标签 (Point Tags) - 显示基准点名称。也可使用配置文件选项 display_point_tags 来设置。 坐标系 (Coordinate Systems) - 显示坐标系及其名称。也可使用配置文件选项 display_coord_sys 来设置。 坐标系标签 (Coordinate System Tags) - 显示坐标系名称。也可使用配置选项 display_coord_sys_tags 来设置。 旋转中心 (Spin Center) - 显示旋转中心符号。也可使用配置文件选项 spin_center_display 来设置。 曲线标签 (Curve Tags) - 显示曲线名称。也可使用配置选项 curve_tag_display 来设置。 使用“全选”(Select All) 或“取消全选”(Unselect All) 按钮,可一次显示或隐藏全部基准图元。 在“点符号”(Point Symbol) 下,可以指定想要用于指定点的符号类型。选项有“十字”(Cross)、“点”(Dot)、“圆”(Circle)、“三角形”(Triangle) 和“正方形”(Square)。
