900字范文 > 全反式维A酸 all-trans retinoic acid英语短句 例句大全

全反式维A酸 all-trans retinoic acid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 01:20:11


全反式维A酸 all-trans retinoic acid英语短句 例句大全

全反式维A酸,all-trans retinoic acid

1)all-trans retinoic acid全反式维A酸

1.Preparation ofall-trans retinoic acid mixed micelles injection;全反式维A酸磷脂混合胶团注射剂的制备

2.The treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia withall-trans retinoic acid resulting in scrotal ulceration:a report of 2 cases;全反式维A酸治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病出现阴囊溃疡2例

3.Objective To investigate the effect of a novel retinoid CD437 andall-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in inducing cell apoptosis and inhibiting the proliferation of human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells and normal human epidermal keratinocytes.目的研究一种新合成的维A酸CD437及全反式维A酸(ATRA)对体外培养的人表皮样癌细胞系(A431)及正常人类表皮角质形成细胞的增殖抑制及诱导凋亡作用。


1.Affect of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Expression of BMI-1 in A431 Cell Line全反式维A酸对A431细胞中BMI-1表达的影响

2.The Effects of All-trans Retinoic Acid and Arsenic Trioxide on CD11b Expression of Human Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line NB4 Cells;全反式维甲酸与亚砷酸对NB4细胞CD11b表达的影响

3.The antitumor effect and mechanism of antisense oligonucleotide against hTR with all-trans retinoic acid on oral squamous cell carcinomahTR反义寡核苷酸联合全反式维甲酸的体内抗口腔鳞癌作用研究

4.Screening of Genes from Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Activated by All-trans Retinoic Acid全反式维甲酸激活的人肺腺癌细胞基因的筛选

5.The Experimental Study of after Cataract Inhibition by All=trans Retinoic Acid;全反式维甲酸抑制后发性白内障的实验研究

6.Effects of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Esophageal Cancer Cell EC109;全反式维甲酸对食管癌细胞系EC109作用的研究

7.Synergy between As_2O_3 and ATRA in Human K562 Cell;三氧化二砷和全反式维甲酸对K562细胞协同作用

8.Calmodulin Kinase Ⅱ Activation of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase in PC12 Cell Following All-trans Retinoic Acid Treatment;全反式维甲酸诱导PC12细胞凋亡中CaMKⅡ激活MAPK途径

9.Preparation of Sustained-release Microspheres Loaded with All-trans Retinoic Acid and Their Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo;全反式维甲酸缓释微球的制备及体内外评价

10.All trans retinoic acid induces nm23-H1 expression in SNU-298 cells全反式维甲酸诱导肝癌细胞SNU-398表达nm23-H1

11.Effect of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Proliferative Artery Disease after Heart Transplantation全反式维甲酸对移植心脏血管增殖病变的影响

12.The effect of all-trans retinoic acid on apoptosis of the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549全反式维甲酸对人肺癌细胞诱导凋亡的作用

13.All-trans Retinoic Acid Induced Differentially Genes Expression in Glioma cells全反式维甲酸诱导胶质瘤细胞基因的差异表达

14.Study on Bone Marrow Targeting Polybutylcyanoacrylate Nanoparticles of All-Trans Retinoic Acid;骨髓靶向性全反式维甲酸聚氰基丙烯酸正丁酯毫微粒的研究

15.A Study on Regulation of Folate Receptor β by All-Trans Retinoic Acid and Its Mechanism;全反式维甲酸对叶酸受体β的调节及其作用机制研究

16.The Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Peritoneal Fibrosis Induced by High Glucose Peritoneal Dialysate in Rats;全反式维甲酸对大鼠腹膜透析相关性腹膜纤维化的防治作用

17.The Effect of All Trans-retinoic Acid on the Proliferation of Cultured Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy Retroocular Fibroblast;全反式维甲酸对甲状腺相关眼病球后成纤维细胞增殖的影响

18.The Inhibitive Effects of All-trans Retinoic Acid on the Fibrosis of Kidney in Diabetic Rats;全反式维甲酸防治糖尿病肾脏纤维化的实验研究


all-trans-retinoic acid全反式维甲酸

1.Preparation and stability research ofall-trans-retinoic acid liposomes;全反式维甲酸脂质体制备及稳定性研究

2.Study on Influence of All-trans-retinoic acid on Expression of Different Glycosyltransferase Gene Families in SHI-1 Cells;全反式维甲酸对SHI-1细胞株糖基转移酶表达的影响

3.Synergistic effect ofall-trans-retinoic acid and interferon-γ on proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of human glioma cell line SHG-44;全反式维甲酸和干扰素-γ协同作用对人胶质瘤细胞系SHG-44增殖、凋亡及侵袭力的影响

3)all trans retinoic acid全反式维甲酸

1.Effects ofall trans retinoic acid on cell growth and Cx43 expression in human retinoblatoma cells;全反式维甲酸对Rb细胞的生长及Cx43蛋白分子表达的影响

2.All trans retinoic acid induces nm23-H1 expression in SNU-298 cells全反式维甲酸诱导肝癌细胞SNU-398表达nm23-H1

3.The diameters of microemulsion with different concentration of NaCl or microemulsion envelopingall trans retinoic acid(ATRA)were mea.利用动态光散射仪测定了不同盐度下的空白微乳液和包封有全反式维甲酸载药微乳液的粒径,并用渗析-紫外光度法研究了微乳液对全反式维甲酸的缓释作用。

4)all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA)全反式维甲酸

1.OBJECTIVE To investigate that all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA) loaded in nanostructured lipid carriers(NLC) favorably improve the solubility and chemical stability of ATRA.目的制备全反式维甲酸纳米结构脂质载体,考察其稳定性。

2.Objective To investigate the possible pathway of the effect of all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA) on the apoptosis of human breast cancer cell line(MCF-7).目的:探讨全反式维甲酸(ATRA)对人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞凋亡的影响及作用途径。

3.Objective The aim of this study was to observe inhibition effects and the induction of differentiation on the human liver cancer cell line SMMC-7721 in vitro after induced by all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA).目的:探讨全反式维甲酸(all-trans-retinoic-acid;ATRA)体外对人肝癌细胞系SMMC-7721细胞体外生长增殖的抑制作用,以及在此过程中Survivin基因表达的变化。

5)all-trans retinoic acid全反式维甲酸

1.The study of antiproliferative coeffect ofall-trans retinoic acid and interferon-gamma on human hepatocarcinoma cell line SMMC-7721;全反式维甲酸联合干扰素-γ对人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721抗增殖作用的研究

2.Curative effects of sequential therapy withall-trans retinoic acid,combined with chemotherapy and Bai-Xue-kang capsules on acute promylocytic leukemia;全反式维甲酸、化疗及白血康序贯治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病疗效观察

3.Effects ofall-trans retinoic acid on growth of esophageal cancer cells and expression of survivin gene;全反式维甲酸对人食管癌细胞生长及survivin基因表达的影响

6)all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA)全反式维甲酸(ATRA)


全反式维甲酸药物名称:全反式维甲酸英文名:Tretinoin别名: 维生素A酸;维生素甲酸 ,维甲酸外文名:Tretinoin, Vitamine A Acid, Retinoic Acid适应症: 适用于寻常性痤疮、扁平苔癣(包括口腔扁平苔癣)、白斑、毛发红糠疹和面部单纯糠疹等。本品还可作牛皮癣(银屑病)的辅助治疗药物,亦可用于治疗多发性寻常疣以及角化异常类的各种皮肤病如鱼鳞病、毛囊角化症等。 用量用法: 口服:每次10mg,1日2~3次。外用0.025%冷霜或软膏治疗痤疮、面部单纯糠疹,0.1%冷霜或软膏治疗扁平苔癣、毛发红糠疹、白斑等其他皮肤病,每日涂药2次,或遵医嘱。 注意事项: 1.本品内服可产生头痛、头晕(50岁以下病人较老人为多)、口干、脱屑等不良反应,控制剂量或同时服用穀维素、维生素B1、B6等药物,可使头痛等反应减轻或消失。现制成酯类供内服用,以减轻毒副反应。 2.可引起肝损害,肝、肾功能不良者慎用。 3.外用应避免使用于皮肤较薄的皱折部位,并注意浓度不宜过高(0.3%以下较为适宜),以免引起红斑、脱皮、灼热感及微痛等局部刺激。这些反应如果轻微,应坚持继续治疗。如反应严重,应立即停药。 4.不宜应用于急性皮炎、湿疹类疾病。 5.在治疗严重类型的皮肤病时,可与其他药物如皮质激素、抗生素等合并使用,以增加疗效。 规格:片剂:每片β-顺维甲酸10mg。维胺脂10mg, 冷霜或软膏:0.025%、0.1%。 类别:皮肤病用药
