900字范文 > 中国政派 政要 Chinese political divisions and factions英语短句 例句大全

中国政派 政要 Chinese political divisions and factions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-02 09:17:07


中国政派 政要 Chinese political divisions and factions英语短句 例句大全

中国政派、政要,Chinese political divisions and factions

1)Chinese political divisions and factions中国政派、政要


1.Modern Chinese Political Factions, Political Attitude and Strategy Towards Japan近代中国政派、政要之对日态度及策略研究(1915-1937)

2.troop contributing state (government)部队派遣国(政府)

3.Analysis of Factious Competition in the Rural Politics at the Basis Lev el;中国农村基层政治生活中的派系竞争

4.Cooperation and Negotiation Politics:The Study of Democratic Parties Participates Government Strategy;合作和协商的政治:中国民主党派参政方略研究

5.Political power in this country alternates between hard-liners and moderates within the ruling party.该国的政治势力是由执政党中强硬派和温和派之间相互交替的。

6.Subsequently, the governments of China and the United States mutually accredited anti-drug liaison officers.随后,中美两国政府互派了禁毒联络官。

7.Determinants of China-listed Corporation Dividend Policy;中国上市公司派现政策驱动因素研究

8.On Education Trend of Thought of China Anarchism and Factions;中国无政府主义教育思潮及流派研究

9.The "Tokyo" factions of Anarchism and Modern Chinese Literature无政府主义“东京派”与中国现代文学

10.The salient characteristics of China"s political party system are: multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the CPC, with the CPC holding power and the democratic parties participating fully in state affairs.中国政党制度的显著特征是:中国共产党领导、党派合作,中国共产党执政、党派参政。

11.As a political theory and ethos, the civil rights of reform scholars adapts to the need of political reality and save the nation from extinction in modern China.维新派的民权思想作为一种政治理论和社会思潮,适应了近代中国政治和民族救亡的迫切需要。

12.The left has demanded political reform .左派分子要求政治改革。

13.Evolvement and Influence to Chinese Political Situation of Kuomintang s Policy About the Middle Parties;国民党关于中间党派政策的演变及对中国政局的影响

14.deputation sent to a foreign government派往外国政府的代表团

15.He was sent on a mission to France by his government.他受政府委派出使法国。

16.the two main political forces of left and right左派和右派两股主要的政治力量

17.A considerable number of ringleaders from the pro-Japanese clique have long entrenched themselves in the party, government and army organizations of the Kuomintang and have been carrying on agitation day and night.中国亲日派首要分子,早已潜伏在国民党党政军各机关中,为数颇多,日夕煽诱。

18.In the ebb and flow of political struggle, it was inevitable that one of them would go down.在时起时伏的政治斗争中,必有一派要失败。



1.The Political Wrangling between the Military Forces and theCongress in China during the Period of Transition——Lu Rongting, Guangxi Regime and the Reshuffle of the Military Government in 1918;转型时期武力派与国会政派的政治较量——陆荣廷、桂系与19军政府改组

3)New Middle of the Road Policy新中派政策

1.Thus,Schroeder sNew Middle of the Road Policy becomes outstanding.施罗德的“新中派政策”因此而格外引人注目。

4)China Post中国邮政

1.On Feasibility and Strategies for Development of Modern Logistics inChina Post;中国邮政发展现代物流的可行性分析与策略建议

2.On New Opportunities for Development ofChina Post;试论中国邮政发展的新契机

3.Experience ofChina Post’s Informationization on Training and Vocational Certification;中国邮政培训认证信息化实践

5)Chinese government中国政府

1.Study on the Chinese Government s Measure in Coping with the Crisis of China s Embassy s Being Bombed;中国政府应付中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被炸后的危机问题研究

2.Governance,Good Governance and the Governance Pattern Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Government;治理、善治与当代中国政府治理模式变革

3.Chinese Government s Attention Duty under the Frame of WTO;WTO框架下中国政府的注意义务

6)Chinese politics中国政治

1.The negative effect of the political situation of the Soviet Union,Poland and Hungary in 1956 onChinese politics and its enlightenment;1956年苏东政局对中国政治的消极影响及启示

2.Different kinds of narrative discourses have been offered by the academia in terms of interpreting the historical transformation ofChinese politics in the last 30 years from 1978 to .如何把握从1978年到中国政治30年的历史变迁,学界建构了诸多叙述话语。

3.After the Hebei-Liaoning warlords war,Chinese politics took form of the situation mingling with foreign affairs and domestic affairs.直奉战争结束后,中国政治形成外交与内政交织的局面,外国势力成为中国政治变化重要的有时甚至是决定性的因素。


