900字范文 > 现代系统科学 modern system science英语短句 例句大全

现代系统科学 modern system science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-12 09:22:15


现代系统科学 modern system science英语短句 例句大全

现代系统科学,modern system science

1)modern system science现代系统科学

1.Based on the discussion of the course of science and technology development, this paper expounds the important role of “modern management science”, “modern system science” and “complexity science” in modern engineering science technology development and puts forward some important problems in engineering science technology development in China.在概要地讨论了科学技术发展历程的基础上 ,阐述了“现代管理科学”、“现代系统科学”和“复杂性科学”对现代工程科学技术发展的重要作用 ,并论述了我国工程科学技术发展中值得重视的几个问

2.The paper aims at understanding this pathological process from the perspective of self-organization of modern system scienc本文应用现代系统科学的自组织理论,从哲学角度深入认识和理解这一病理过程。


1.Brief introduction to modern systematics and its uses in engineering geology现代系统科学理论与工程地质系统观

2.Understanding Restenosis after Coronary Stent Implantation by Modern System Science从现代系统科学角度看冠状动脉支架置入术后再狭窄

3.On the Systematic Unity of Contemporary Social Science and Natural Science;论现代社会科学与自然科学的系统统一性

4.phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience.骨相学是现代神经系统科学的前身。

5.The Effect Of System Science On Advanced Psychological Researches;论系统科学对现代心理学研究的影响

6.Current directions in military science place great importance on defense networks.现代军事科学的趋势是注重防卫系统。

7.On the Dialectical Relation between Traditional Culture and the Development of Modern Science;传统文化与现代科学发展的辩证关系

8.On the Course of Chinese Modernization by the View of Systems Science;从系统科学角度看中国的现代化进程

9.Modern science assumes that the universe is a deterministic system.现代科学认为,宇宙是一个具有因果关系的系统。

10.On the Relationship between the Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Science;中国传统文化与近现代科学之关系研究

11.System Science and Post-modernism: the Theories Foundations of Modern Distance Education;系统科学与后现代主义——远程教育的理论基础

12.The Relations between Science and Art--Discusses about the Collision and Fusion Which Come with the Modern Science and the Traditional Art;科学和艺术的关系——浅谈现代科学与传统艺术的碰撞和融合

13."To Return to Root, to Create the Rew"--Research on the Exploration, Carried Out by the New Modern Confucianism, of the Relation-Ship between Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Sciences;“返本开新”——现代新儒家之于传统文化与现代科学关系探索的研究

14.A survey on the relationship between science and humanity in the progress from modernism to post-modernism;由现代到后现代看科学与人文的关系

15.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”

16.On Recombination and Functions Realization of Morden Scientific Communication system;现代科学交流体系的重组与功能实现

17.ATS (automatic testing system) is playing an important role in modem science and technology.自动测试系统在现代科学技术中发挥著越来越重要的作用。

18.Applying in Office Management the System Principle of Modern Management;试论现代管理科学的系统原理在办公室管理中的运用


Post-modern Systems Science后现代系统科学

3)modern scientific and technological system现代科技系统科学

4)Modern Earth system science现代地球系统科学

5)modern science system现代科学体系

1.The tridimensional frame ofmodern science system: one aspect and two wings --discussion on the classification of science;现代科学体系的立体结构:一体两翼——关于“科学分类”问题的新探讨

2.From the angle of the position of sports science inmodern science system and its relationship with other sciences,this paper is aimed to look forward into the future development of sports science under the background of the age of chemistry in the 21st century through documentation and logical analysis.采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,从体育科学在现代科学体系中的地位及其与其他科学关系的角度,对体育科学在21世纪“大化学”时代背景下的发展进行了展望。

6)modern science现代科学

1.In line with the view of material and systematic theory ofmodern science, this article discusses Ying Yangbalance,Ying Yang,vital energy, Jingluo,materiality of thinking involved in the basic theory of the Traditional Chinese Medicine.对中医基础理论中的阴阳平衡、阴阳、气、经络及思维的物质性等 ,在现代科学物质观及系统论方法上进行了讨论 ,给出了中医基础理论中上述五个基本概念的现代科学表述。

2.This article, proceeding from large background of contemporary science and culture,and through comparison, expounds Qian Xuesen monpolizing excellence in China and standing erect of the same generation in international for research ofmodern science and technoloygy, in particular system science.文章从当代世界科学文化的大背景出发 ,通过比较 ,阐明了钱学森在现代科学技术特别是系统科学研究方面 ,在国内独领风骚 ,在国际屹立群伦 ;探讨了钱学森取得这一成就的深刻原因 ,论述了由此获得的思想启示。


中国科学院系统科学研究所中国科学院所属的近代数学和系统科学及其应用的研究机构。1979年成立,所址在北京。第一任所长是数学家关肇直。所内设有控制理论、运筹管理、信息理论、统计数学、数学物理、基础数学和应用泛函等 7个研究室。出版物有《系统科学与数学》、《系统工程理论与实践》和《数学的实践与认识》。
