900字范文 > 列车激活 train activation英语短句 例句大全

列车激活 train activation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-08 15:12:44


列车激活 train activation英语短句 例句大全

列车激活,train activation

train activation circuit列车激活回路

1.Aiming at the characteristics of 3-cars trains and 6-cars coupled trains for Guangzhou Metro Line 3,the train control system and the device address code of train control network is analyzed,as well as thetrain activation circuit and the safety loop.针对广州地铁三号线车辆3节编组以及可联挂组成6节编组的特点,从列车控制方面分析了该车辆的网络设备地址编码、列车激活回路和安全回路的设计,为该车辆的日常运营与故障检修提供了指导。

3)train excitation列车激扰

1.In this paper, different causations that bring the asymmetric sedimentation of the tunnel have been raised, including the uneven declining of the soil layer, construction influence, variety of the load and water, different transmogrification between the tunnel and the state, leakage and thetrain excitation.从隧道下卧层土体的不均匀沉降、邻近施工影响、地面荷载和水位变化、隧道与车站的不同步变形、渗漏以及地铁列车激扰等方面,分析了隧道产生纵向不均匀沉降的原因,得到了地铁列车激扰是产生不均匀沉降源头的结论。

4)train live load列车活载

1.By making a large amount of investigation and analysis,the reference value for thetrain live load in design life is obtained.本文对现有运营列车竖向活载进行了统计分析,在预估列车活载发展的基础上,考虑装载量、车辆自重和偏载的不定性,提出了设计基准期内我国列车竖向活载的设计参考值。

5)piston action induced ventilation列车活塞风

1.In order to learn through study the influence ofpiston action induced ventilation on the underground thermal environment so as to control it and improve the environmental quality, a field test in Beijing underground railway system is conducted when a train start, accelerate, move in constant speed, decelerate and halt.为了研究列车活塞风对地铁热环境的影响,达到有效地利用和控制活塞风,改善地铁热环境状况的目的,对北京地铁列车从起动、加速、等速、减速到停止等各种运行情况进行了实测,总结出地铁隧道内列车活塞风和车站行人出入口处风速的变化规律。

6)Immunostimulatory Sequence免疫激活序列


