900字范文 > 建筑工程造价 construction cost英语短句 例句大全

建筑工程造价 construction cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-12 11:24:25


建筑工程造价 construction cost英语短句 例句大全

建筑工程造价,construction cost

1)construction cost建筑工程造价

1.A novel short-term forecasting model ofconstruction cost based on intelligent information processing(IIP) technology is presented.提出了一种新的基于智能化信息处理的建筑工程造价短期预测模型。

2.Based on analyzing drawbacks of the combination“quantities and costs”,building material price adjustment and indirect expenditure estimation in the presentconstruction cost management system,the paper discussed the necessary of its reform and proposed the calculation model of a newconstruction cost.分析了现行建筑工程造价管理体制中“量”、“价”合一,材料价格调整,间接费计取等方面存在的弊端。

3.This paper analyzes the impact factors forconstruction cost, determines characteristic set, learning set, learning model, and gives a case of housing cost forecasting by artificial neural network technique.本文系统分析了建筑工程造价影响因素,确定了建筑工程分类特征集,训练集,学习模型,给出了人工神经元住宅造价预测实例。


1.Preliminary Exploration on the Rational Pricing of Building Engineering in Mine Capital Construction;矿山基建合理确定建筑工程造价初探

2.On the evaluation method of checklists for evaluating the cost of the construction work;浅谈建筑工程造价的工程量清单计价法

3.The Study of the Build Engineering Cost Manage;建筑工程造价的计价方法与价格机制研究

4.The Control Strategy of Construction Project Cost Based on Value Management;基于价值管理的建筑工程造价的控制策略研究

5.The principle of certainty of the cost of construction project which applies the advanced material;论采用新型建材的建筑工程造价的确定原则

6.The Research on Cost Estimate of Constructional Engineering Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology基于人工智能技术的建筑工程造价估算研究

7.Reform of the course Building Engineering Cost under the valuation pattern of BOQ;工程量清单计价模式下建筑工程造价课程的改革

8.The Application of IT in Calculation and Management of Construction Engineering Cost;信息技术在建筑工程造价计算与管理中的应用

9.Applicability of fuzzy general evaluation used in the estimation on cost of architectural engineering;用模糊综合评判法估算建筑工程造价的适用性

10.A Discussion on the ABC Method Applied to Constraction Cost Evaluation;对建筑工程造价估算中应用ABC法的探讨

11.Initial discussion on auditing of building installation project cost settlement price浅谈建筑安装工程造价结算价的审核

parisons between concepts of price of construction products and engineering cost建筑工程产品价格与工程造价的概念比较

13.Carries out "Building ordinance" seriously,standard management engineering construction cost;严肃执行《建筑法》,规范管理工程造价

14.On the project cost control of the phase of architectural project program design;浅谈建筑工程项目设计阶段的工程造价控制

15.On the Control of Construction Cost in the Construction of Engineering Project;浅谈建筑工程项目实施阶段工程造价管理

16.Cost Control and Contract Management in Whole Course of Construction;浅谈建筑工程全过程造价控制及合同管理

17.Studying on the cost control during bid and invite bidding in the construction;建筑工程施工招投标阶段造价控制研究

18.On the project cost management of current building construction enterprise对当前建筑施工企业工程造价管理问题的探讨


course of building engineering cost建筑工程造价课程

3)engineering cost indicator for construction installation project建筑安装工程造价指数

4)Management about construction project cost建筑工程造价管理

5)price construction and installation建筑安装工程造价

6)underpinning reconstructed project建筑改造工程


