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撤军 withdrawing troops英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-04 19:45:24


撤军 withdrawing troops英语短句 例句大全

撤军,withdrawing troops

1)withdrawing troops撤军

1.S—ROK relations,such as the problems ofwithdrawing troops,human rights issue and "the scandal of South Korea" in 1970s.但70年代的美韩同盟却麻烦不断,撤军问题、人权问题及“韩国门丑闻”成为损害同盟关系的三大问题。


1.He promised to withdraw his army from the Holy Land.他答应从圣地撤军。

2.The troops will be pulled out in two steps.撤军工作分两步进行。

3.A sudden pull-out is unlikely, but an eventual withdrawal is all but certain.立即撤军是不可能的,但撤军却终归是必然的。

4.American commanders may also declare victory and withdraw, at least from some outlying provinces.美军指挥官同样可以宣布胜利并撤军,至少可以从边远省份撤军。

5.To end(a siege)by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤军把部队撤走或迫使敌人把部队撤走以结束(一场围困)

6.The U.S. army will complete the phased withdrawal in four months.美国军队将在四个月内完成分阶段撤军。

7.The troops were pulled out of the front line.军队被从前线撤走了。

8.The general refused to withdraw his troops.那个将军拒不撤回部队。

9.dismantling of foreign military bases撤消(拆除)外国军事基地

10.The troops retired in good order.军队井然有序地撤退。

11.The army"s retreat was orderly.军队的撤退井然有序。

12.He consequently withdrew the army.他终于撤退了军队。

13.The British forces had to retreat quickly.英军必须立即撤退。

14.(7) Withdraw the troops sent to central China for "Communist suppression".第七、撤退华中的“剿共”军;

15.The understood conditions of troop withdrawal.取得同意的军队撤退

16.The army retreated from the ruined fortress.军队撤离了倒毁的堡垒。

17.Retreat of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat.撤退面对敌军进攻时或失败后的军事撤退

18.The general consequently promised to withdraw his troops speedily from Mexico.将军最终答应将军队快速撤离墨西哥。


British withdrawal英军撤退

3)the Soviet Army delaying evacuation苏军延撤

4)The Crisis of Withdrawl撤军危机


6)To make a hasty withdrawal.匆忙撤军


