900字范文 > NOD雌性鼠 female NOD mice英语短句 例句大全

NOD雌性鼠 female NOD mice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-29 05:13:32


NOD雌性鼠 female NOD mice英语短句 例句大全

NOD雌性鼠,female NOD mice

1)female NOD miceNOD雌性鼠

1.Methods:Twenty-onefemale NOD mice(6 weeks old) were received 9.方法:①21只6周龄NOD雌性鼠接受9。

2)NOD miceNOD鼠

1.Establishment of T cell clone inNOD mice model of thyroiditis;NOD鼠甲状腺炎动物模型T细胞克隆的建立

2.Effect of IGF-I on Fas/FasL expression in pancreatic islets fromNOD mice;IGF-I对NOD鼠胰岛Fas/FasL表达的影响

3.A study on the prevention of type 1 diabetes inNOD mice by Pentoxifylline;己酮可可碱预防NOD鼠1型糖尿病的机理研究


1.Study on the Abnormality of the Mechanism of Peripheral Immune Tolerance in NOD Mice;NOD鼠外周免疫耐受机制异常的研究

2.Study on the Dysfunction of Central Immune Tolerance in NOD Mice;NOD鼠中枢免疫耐受机制异常的研究

3.The Effect of Trichosanthin on the Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice;天花粉蛋白对NOD鼠糖尿病的影响

4.Preventive Effects of Pioglitazone and Its Mechanism in NOD Mice;吡格列酮对NOD鼠糖尿病的预防作用与机理探讨

5.Role of Islet Beta-cell Apoptosis in the Development and Immune Intervention of Diabetes in NOD Mice;胰岛β细胞凋亡在NOD鼠糖尿病发生发展及免疫干预中的作用研究

6.Machanism of Insulin and B Chain Peptide Provent from Autoimmune Diabetes in NOD Mice;胰岛素和B链肽阻止NOD鼠糖尿病发病机制的实验研究

7.Effects of Poly(I: C) on Iodine Excess-induced Autoimmune Thyroiditis in NOD Mouse;poly(I:C)对碘过量诱发NOD鼠自身免疫性甲状腺炎的影响

8.Human Interleukin 10 Gene Delivery Prevents Autoimmune Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice;人白细胞介素10基因给药对NOD鼠糖尿病的预防作用

9.Mechanism of Insulin and B Chain Peptide Prevent from Autoimmune Diabetes in NOD Mice;胰岛素和B链肽(9-23)阻止NOD鼠糖尿病发病机制的实验研究

10.Studying of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation to Induce Tolerance in NOD Mice;异基因骨髓干细胞移植重建NOD鼠细胞免疫的实验研究

11.Experimental Study of NOD/SCID Mice with Human Cord Blood Hematopoietie Stem Cell Transplantation;人脐带血移植NOD/SCID小鼠的实验研究

12.Characterization of Uterine NK Cells in NOD/SCID Mice during PregnancyNOD/SCID小鼠妊娠期子宫NK细胞特征分析

13.Study on the Pattern of Autoimmune Response in Pancreatic Lymph Nodes in NOD MiceNOD小鼠胰腺免疫应答格局的动态变化

14.The Immune Mechanisms of Rolipram on Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice;Rolipram阻断NOD小鼠发生1型糖尿病的免疫机制研究

15.Establishment of a model of outer marrow infiltration of leukemia-NOD/SCID mice人白血病-NOD/SCID小鼠髓外浸润模型的建立与鉴定

16.Building of the model of outer marrow infiltration of leukemia-NOD/SCID mice人白血病-NOD/SCID小鼠髓外浸润模型的建立

17.Effect and Mechanism of Fuzheng Jishi Liquor and Hydroxychloroquineon on NOD Mice with Sj(?)gren(?) Syndrome;扶正济世液及纷乐治疗NOD小鼠干燥综合征及机理的研究

18.Astragalus Polysaccharides Prevent Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Nonobese Diabetic Mice and Its Possible Mechanisms;黄芪多糖对NOD小鼠1型糖尿病的预防作用及其机理研究


NOD miceNOD鼠

1.Establishment of T cell clone inNOD mice model of thyroiditis;NOD鼠甲状腺炎动物模型T细胞克隆的建立

2.Effect of IGF-I on Fas/FasL expression in pancreatic islets fromNOD mice;IGF-I对NOD鼠胰岛Fas/FasL表达的影响

3.A study on the prevention of type 1 diabetes inNOD mice by Pentoxifylline;己酮可可碱预防NOD鼠1型糖尿病的机理研究

3)female rat雌性大鼠

1.The effect of octylphenol on reproductive bility offemale rat by ingestion;辛基酚对雌性大鼠生殖能力的影响

2.Change of ER,ER mRNA of bone in exercise-induced estrous cycle inhibitedfemale rats;运动性动情周期抑制雌性大鼠股骨ER蛋白、ER mRNA的表达

3.AIM:To study the effect of Yangxue Tiaogan Fang(YXTGF) on neuroendocrino Immunological in first agingfemale rats.目的 :探讨养血调肝方对初老雌性大鼠神经内分泌免疫方面的影响。

4)Female rats雌性大鼠

1.Effects of cerebral hypoperfusion on thalamic mast cells in female rats;轻度脑低灌对雌性大鼠丘脑内肥大细胞的影响

2.Objective To investigate the potential effects of promoting growth additive on part of reproductive function of female rats and toxic action.目的探讨动物饲料促生长素添加剂对雌性大鼠部分生殖功能的影响。

3.Objective To investigate the aging changes of histological components of the urinary sphincter in female rats and explore the morphology to discuss the mechanism of age-related urinary continence dysfunction.结论随着年龄增长,雌性大鼠尿道横纹括约肌减少致关闭尿道的动力减弱,尿道黏膜变薄使密封效果减弱,尿道腔扩大使关闭距离增加等系列变化可能是增龄相关的尿道括约肌功能障碍性疾病的形态学基础。

5)female mice雌性小鼠

1.Objective: To explore the anti-fertility effect of the compound of neem oil onfemale mice.方法:昆明种雌性小鼠分别每日灌胃含1ml/kg、1。

2.Methods The model of Yin-deficiency was induced by feeding thyroid tablets tofemale mice via the stomach.方法采用甲状腺素片灌胃造成雌性小鼠阴虚模型 ,造模前 2d起给予中药灌胃。

3.Objectives:To investigate in vivo the effects of zinc oxide(ZnO) nanoparticles on the main organs offemale mice, especially on female reproductive system.目的:研究氧化锌(ZnO)纳米颗粒对雌性小鼠的在体毒性作用,着重观察其对雌性小鼠生殖系统的影响。

6)female mouse雌性小鼠

1.Effect of mercuric chloride on the pregnancy and embryo development offemale mouse by abdomen injection was observed.对妊娠前及妊娠初期的雌性小白鼠采用腹腔注射的方法进行氯化汞染毒, 并检查氯化汞对雌性小鼠妊娠状况及胚胎发育的影响。


