900字范文 > 索洛经济增长模型 Solow economic growth model英语短句 例句大全

索洛经济增长模型 Solow economic growth model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 01:18:30


索洛经济增长模型 Solow economic growth model英语短句 例句大全

索洛经济增长模型,Solow economic growth model

1)Solow economic growth model索洛经济增长模型

2)the suoluo economic increaseModel索罗经济增长模型

3)Solow growth model索洛增长模型

1.To Research the Headspring of the Economic Growth in Medium-Western Regions from the Solow Growth Model——Analysis Base on the Jiangsu and Guangxi Provinces;从索洛增长模型看中西部地区经济增长的源泉——基于江苏、广西两省区的比较分析

2.In order to investigate the relationship between environmental quality and growth,aSolow growth model is set up under the restraint of environment.为了考察经济增长和环境污染的关系,本文建立了一个包含环境约束的索洛增长模型。

3.With theSolow growth model,this paper analyzes the investment efficiency from factors determining GDP in the expenditure approach.文章运用索洛增长模型,对国内生产总值的几个决定因素进行分析,以期对我国的投资效率进行测算。


parison between Marxist Social Reproduction Theory and Solow"s Growth Model马克思社会再生产理论与索洛增长模型的比较

2.Relationship between savings rate and economic growth--Evidence of the applicability of the Solow growth model conclusions in China储蓄率与经济增长关系——兼论索洛增长模型结论在中国的适用性

3.To Research the Headspring of the Economic Growth in Medium-Western Regions from the Solow Growth Model--Analysis Base on the Jiangsu and Guangxi Provinces;从索洛增长模型看中西部地区经济增长的源泉——基于江苏、广西两省区的比较分析

4.Analytical Model of Economic Growth Factors: An Expansion of Solow Model;经济增长因素分析模型:对索洛模型的一个扩展

5.Analyzing Solow Model in China s Economic Growth;基于索洛模型对我国经济增长的实证分析

6.Institutions,Economic Growth and Economic Convergence--A Framework Based on the Slow-Swan Model;制度、增长与收敛——一个基于索洛模型的分析框架

7.The Possibility Of the Economic Growth:An Estimation Based on M odified Solow Model;中国经济增长的可能性:一种基于修正的索洛模型的估算

8.A study on regional economic growth and convergence of Fujian Province by applying Solow-Swan model基于斯旺-索洛模型的福建省区域经济增长和收敛研究

9.Probe into the Growth Theory Based on Marx s Re-production Model;以马克思再生产模型为基础的增长理论探索

10.Circulation Speed and Economic Growth;流通速度与经济增长——对索洛经济增长解释框架的扩展

11.Harrod-Domar Model and Solow Growth Model:A Comparative Analysis;哈罗德-多马模型与索洛模型:一个比较分析

12.Exploring Demographic Bonus in Economic Growth--Also on the "Green Demographic Bonus" Adjustment Model经济增长中的“人口红利”探索——兼论“绿色人口红利”调整模型

13.constant percentage growth mode固定百分比增长模型

14.constant growth model按固定比例增长模型

15.An Analysis of Natural Resources in China by Revised Solow Model;基于修正索洛模型的中国能源问题分析

16.Study on Brand Reputation Using Solow Growth Model基于索洛模型的品牌声誉形成机制研究

17.Economic Growth,Pattern Rebuild and Conversion of China s Economic Developing Style;经济增长、模型再造与中国经济增长方式的转变

18.The Increasing of Economy,Recreation of Modes and Transfer of the Countryside Economy Increasing Ways;经济增长模型再造与农村经济增长方式转变


the suoluo economic increaseModel索罗经济增长模型

3)Solow growth model索洛增长模型

1.To Research the Headspring of the Economic Growth in Medium-Western Regions from the Solow Growth Model——Analysis Base on the Jiangsu and Guangxi Provinces;从索洛增长模型看中西部地区经济增长的源泉——基于江苏、广西两省区的比较分析

2.In order to investigate the relationship between environmental quality and growth,aSolow growth model is set up under the restraint of environment.为了考察经济增长和环境污染的关系,本文建立了一个包含环境约束的索洛增长模型。

3.With theSolow growth model,this paper analyzes the investment efficiency from factors determining GDP in the expenditure approach.文章运用索洛增长模型,对国内生产总值的几个决定因素进行分析,以期对我国的投资效率进行测算。

4)economic growth model经济增长模型

1.Analysis on technology growth and R&D level a class ofeconomic growth model一类经济增长模型的技术增长和研发水平分析

2.In this paper,we apply the theory of chaos toeconomic growth models,thenget a sufficient condition under which someeconomic growth models producechaos.本文将混沌理论应用到经济增长模型,得到了一类经济增长模型出现混沌的充分条件。

3.In order to unite the functions of the system and the technology in economic growth, this paper constitutes aneconomic growth model with exogenous system and technology, and explains the economic growth situation of China and the uncertainty of the economic growth in other countries by using the model.为了把制度和技术在经济增长中的作用统一在一起,构造了一个制度和技术外生的经济增长模型。

5)Solow– Swan grows model索洛-斯旺增长模型

6)neoclassical growth model新古典经济增长模型

1.Based on theneoclassical growth model,separate city construction investment from capital asserts investment,induct dumb variable,and distill economical benefits that will promote the technical progress after the establishment of rail traffic construction project.在新古典经济增长模型基础上,将城市交通建设投资从固定资产投资中分离出来,引入哑元变量,提取建立轨道交通建设项目后促进技术进步的经济效益,全面的量化轨道交通投资的经济效益,为项目决策者提供一个直观的认识框架。


乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬药物名称:洛索洛芬英文名:Loxoprofen别名:乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬外文名:Loxoprofen , Loxonin适应症: 慢性风湿性关节炎,变形性关节炎,腰痛病,肩周炎,颈肩腕综合征;手术后、外伤后及拔牙后的镇痛消炎;急性上呼吸道炎症的解热镇痛。 用量用法: 成人60mg tid,或60-120mg顿服。 禁忌: 消化性溃疡、严重血液学异常,严重肝肾功能障碍,严重心功能不全,有因服用非甾体炎消炎镇痛药而引起的喘息发作史者,儿童,妊娠后期及哺乳期的妇女。 不良反应: 消化道反应如胃部不适、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、便秘、上腹部烧灼感、消化不良、口腔炎。溶血性贫血。皮肤粘膜-眼综合征。急性肾功能不全,肾病综合征。间质性肺炎。过敏症。困倦,头痛,头肿,心悸。偶见白细胞减少、血小板减少、嗜酸性粒细胞增多。GOT、GPT,ALP升高。 注意事项: 有消化性溃疡既往史,血液学异常及有血液学异常既往史,肝肾功能障碍及有既往史,有心功能障碍,支气管哮喘,过敏症既往史的患者及高龄患者慎用。 药物相互作用: 慎与香豆素类抗凝血药、磺酰脲类降血糖药、新喹诺酮类抗菌药及其它消炎镇痛药合用。 规格: 片剂60mgx 100片。 类别:抗炎止痛药
