900字范文 > 利率期限结构理论 Term Structure of Interest Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

利率期限结构理论 Term Structure of Interest Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-02 06:37:14


利率期限结构理论 Term Structure of Interest Rate Theory英语短句 例句大全

利率期限结构理论,Term Structure of Interest Rate Theory

1)Term Structure of Interest Rate Theory利率期限结构理论


1.Development of Interest Rate Term Structure Theories and Empirical Research in China Treasury Bond利率期限结构理论的发展与中国国债利率期限结构的实证研究

2.An Empirical Test of Interest Rate Term Structure and Research of Term Premium;利率期限结构理论实证检验与期限风险溢价研究

3.B-spline Method Constructing Theoretical Treasury Yield Curves Theory with Practice;B-样条法构造国债利率期限结构理论及其实证分析

4.Test of the Expectation Theory of the Term Structure of Shibor基于Shibor的利率期限结构预期理论研究

5.Study on the Expectation Hypotheses Theory of Term Structure and Term Premiums Based on Rational Expectation;基于理性期望的利率期限结构预期理论与期限溢酬

6.Test of the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Treasury Market Among China Banks;中国银行间国债利率期限结构的预期理论检验

7.Theoretical analysis and empirical test on the formation of term structure of interest rates;利率期限结构形成的理论分析与实证检验

8.Theoretical Explanation to Effect of Monetary Policy on Term Structure of Interest Rates;货币政策的利率期限结构效应的理论解释及其经验证据

9.The Impact of Interest Rate Adjustment on the Term Structure of Forward Exchange Rates利率调整对远期汇率期限结构的影响

10.Term Structure and Interest Rate Risk Management in Chinese Bond Markets;债券市场利率期限结构分析及其风险管理研究

11.Test of the Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rate Differentials in a Target Zone:the Analysis of the Current Exchange Rate Regime of China;目标区汇率制度下利差期限结构理论的检验:中国现行汇率体制的分析

12.Arbitrage-Free Models of Continuous-Time Term Structure Models;连续时间利率期限结构的无套利模型

13.An Research on the Dynamic Interest Rate Term Structure and Interest Rate Derivatives Pricing;利率动态期限结构及利率衍生品定价研究

14.A Study on Formation of Interest Rate Maturity Structure Based on Choices for Benchmark Interest Rate;基于基准利率选择的利率期限结构形成研究

15.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Pricing of Interest Rate Instrument and the Term Structure of Interest Rates;利率产品定价与利率期限结构关系分析

16.Research on Term Structure of Interest Rates with Derivatives Pricing;利率期限结构及其衍生产品定价研究

17.HJM Interest Rate Term Structure and Numerical Computation;HJM利率期限结构模型与数值计算

paring the Forecasting Accuracy of Interest Rate Term Structure;中国利率期限结构预测方法比较研究


expectation theory on term structure of interest rates利率期限结构预期理论

3)term structure of interest rates利率期限结构

1.Markov Regime Switching Model and Empirical Analysis of the Term Structure of Interest Rates;利率期限结构的马尔科夫区制转移模型与实证分析

2.Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Spline-based Models;利率期限结构的样条估计模型及其实证研究

3.A Study of Term Structure of Interest Rates of Shanghai Security Exchange with Fuzzy Regression;基于模糊回归技术的交易所国债利率期限结构研究

4)term structure of interest rate利率期限结构

1.Fittingterm structure of interest rates of treasure bill market with splines based on robust estimation;基于稳健估计的样条函数法对国债利率期限结构的拟合

2.Theoretical analysis and empirical test on the formation ofterm structure of interest rates;利率期限结构形成的理论分析与实证检验

3.Empirical Comparison of Term Structure of Interest RateBased on Polynomial Spline Functions;基于多项式样条函数的利率期限结构模型实证比较

5)Interest rate term structure利率期限结构

1.The Static Analysis of Interest Rate Term Structure for Our Country Bond Market;我国债券市场利率期限结构静态分析

2.An empirical study is made on active bond investment strategy based on interest rate term structure by using the bond dealing data of exchanges.利用交易所国债的交易数据,对基于利率期限结构预测的积极债券投资策略进行实证研究。

3.In this paper, according to the data of treasury bond and callable bond in the market of Shanghai Securities Exchanges, the interest rate term structure curve is estimated with a certain specific data through choosing different splint function.本文通过选取不同的样条函数 ,对某个特定日期国债所隐含的利率期限结构曲线进行回归估计。

6)Term Structure利率期限结构

1.FittingTerm Structure of Interest Rate of Domestic Bonds Market by Robust Spline;抗差样条模型对我国国债利率期限结构的建模与实证

2.Fitting theTerm Structure of Interest Rate of Bond with B Spline;基于B样条对国债利率期限结构的实证研究

3.The Static Analysis and Dynamic Variation Features of theTerm Structure in China;我国利率期限结构的静态分析和动态特征


D·米滋曼误差修正预期利率结构思想D·米滋曼误差修正预期利率结构思想【D.米滋曼误差修正预期利率结构思想】完善预期对利率结构作用的一种理论。米滋曼指出,一般的预期理论认为预期与过去的经验有关,此过去经验都为过去发生的经验的加权平均。如果人们预期与事实有出人,则原来预期将依此新经验加以修正。因此,一般预期利率理论所揭示的仅是现期短期利率、预期(远期)短期利率与长期利率的关系,而忽视了预期短期利率一与现实观察的短期利率二者的误差。他认为.不承认人们主观预期利率与实际利率二者所存在的差别,必然使一般预期利率结构理论成为空谈的理论,故要使预期理论在实际生活中有用武之地,就必须承认误差的存在。实际上,也只有当利率的预测是有差异时才存在投机机会,投机者根据过去的误差来修正当期的预期,透过它才会引起长、短期利率的变动。因此,米滋曼建立了一个包容预测误差修正的利率结构模式。米滋曼假定:①短期与长期证券有完全替代关系。②许多对不确定无所谓的投资者具有相同的预期。在这些条件下,若预期利率结构理论成立,则现期利率和预期将来的短期利率之间的关系可表为:一+民,二〔(l+:,.:t)(l+r,二,:+:)……(l+r,,,,t十n_,)〕’‘·式中:Rlt,几t’’·…凡表示在t,(t+1)……(t+n一1)时期到期的实际证券利率,而rl .t,t+:则表示一年期的证券预期利率。这个关系式表明由于绝大多数人是有相同的预期,风险因素对现期利率与预期利率没有影响,故在任何时点上,预期利率可以从实际到期利率算出。不过,米滋曼认为,如果实际利率较预期的利率高时,投资者透过市场行为将系统地向上修正对短期利率的预期。相反地,若实际利率低于原预期的利率时,则市场可能系统地向下修正预期的短期利率。“因此,我们可建立一种学说,即将来短期利率的变化是随现期的短期利率的预测误差而变动”(米滋曼《利率结构》),用公式表示为:r:,:二十。一乃,t一,。+。二f(R,,t一rl,:_1 .t)式中:(R,,t一rl,t_,,t)是实际的一年期利率与原来预期的一年期利率之差,即预测误差。如令预期误差为Et,那么,上式可改写为:△rl,t十n=g(玖)米滋曼特别假定g函数是直线形,因此:△rl,,,:十n==a十bEt依据美国1901一1954年的资料计算预测误差,米滋曼发现1叨1一1929年间,E.的数字较小,这表明投资者在该时期内的预期利率基本上与实际利率相吻合;而在193任一1954年间,Et的数字较大,投资者都向上修正预期才与实际利率相一致。根据这些实证,米滋曼强调,远期利率的变动系由于预测短期利率所产生的误差,而短期利率未预测到的变动只是修正预期的原因。因为长期利率是现期和远期利率的平均数,相应地,未预期的长期利率的变化也依据短期利率的预测误差,故长期利率也依未预期的短期利率变动而修正,从而保证了预期利率结构的有效性。
