900字范文 > 内生货币理论 theory of endogenous money英语短句 例句大全

内生货币理论 theory of endogenous money英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 01:31:31


内生货币理论 theory of endogenous money英语短句 例句大全

内生货币理论,theory of endogenous money

1)theory of endogenous money内生货币理论

2)internal-generated money supply theory内生货币供给理论


1.A Review of the Theory of the Endogenous Money Supply and the Monetary Policy Based on it;内生货币供给理论及其货币政策述评

2.Theoretical and Empirical Analysis on Endogenous Money Supply;内生货币供给的理论分析与实证检验

3.Basic Money Supply in the View of the Endogenous Financial Theory;内生金融理论视野中的基础货币供给

4.Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Testing on Endogenous Money Supply and Monetary Policy Effect;内生货币供给与货币政策效应的理论分析和实证检验

5.The theoretical analysis and experienced test for endogenity of monetary supply in China;我国货币供给内生性的理论分析与实证检验

6.theoretical models for money supply货币供给的理论模型

7.The relationship of stable price, sustainable economical increase and sufficient employment, balance of the international income and payment must be intention.再次,在货币供给理论中排斥了货币流通速度对货币供给量的影响。

8.Analysis on the internal demurrage in mechanism of money supply and the money policy efficiency;货币供给机理内滞与货币政策效率分析

9.The Endogency of Chinese Currency Supply from the viewpoint of currency multiplier;中国货币供给的内生性——从货币乘数的角度分析

10.The Conduct Mechanism of Monetary Policy in China under the Condition of Endogenous Money Supply;内生货币供给下的中国货币政策传导机制

11.The Endogenous Money Supply and the Monetary Policy in China;中国货币供给的内生性与货币政策分析

12.Study of the Endogencity of China"s Money Supply in the Current International Monetary System现行国际货币体系与我国货币供给内生性

13.A Research into the Relationship between the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy and the Endogenesis of Monetary Supply货币政策有效性与货币供给内生性的关系研究

14.An Empirical Study on the Endogeneity or Exogeneity of the Money Supply in China;中国货币供给内生性/外生性实证分析

15.Restudy of Money Natural and the Development of Monetary Theory;货币性质的再认识与货币供给理论的发展

16.Theory on Inner and Outer Variation of Monetary Supplying and Its Practice in China;货币供应内外生理论及其在我国的实践

17.Hyperinflation with Rational Bubbles and Endogenous Money Supply:China 1945-1949;理性泡沫与内生货币供给下的恶性通货膨胀:中国1945—1949

18.Analysis of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure under Inner Monetary Supply System;内生货币供给体系下的财政收支分析


internal-generated money supply theory内生货币供给理论

3)endogenous money内生货币

1.Under endogenous monetary system,there exist two ways ofendogenous money expansion resulted from real estate price fluctuation.在内生货币体系下,房价上涨导致我国内生货币扩张的途径主要有两条:一是基于房地产抵押信贷需求膨胀引致的商业银行内生货币供给的扩张;二是被房价持续上涨及人民币升值预期所吸引的外汇流入导致央行大量基础货币的被动投放。

4)Currency theory货币理论

1.Currency theory is a mainstream define which is used by west economics to explain the relationship between supply and demand.货币理论原本是西方经济学用于阐释货币的供给与需求之间关系的主流性概念,自从社会化小农理论被提出后,小农货币理论日益被建构。

5)Monetary Theory货币理论

1.DifferentMonetary Theory: Analysis on the Root of Divergence about the Different Interest Rate Schools;不同货币理论:诸利率学派分歧之源浅探

2.The monetary theory in China today isstill in the regular analysis, Which is divorced from practice.货币理论是货币政策的依据,为探讨当今中国的金融问题,深入研究西方货币理论和货币政策是十分必要的。

3.This paper points out that Marx clarified the capitalist macroeconomic performance through value theory, monetary theory, reproduction theory and distribution theory.本文指出马克思通过价值理论、货币理论、社会再生产理论和收入分配理论的分析,阐明了资本主义宏观经济的运行:单个资本在利润动机的驱动下,追逐超额剩余价值;按比例分配社会总劳动规律在竞争关系中,对社会总资本起调节作用,但在资本主义经济关系下,按比例分配总劳动规律不能正常发挥作用;在货币经济关系下,货币积累与实际积累可能一致,也可能不一致,加剧了总劳动分配比例的不合理;在资本有机构成提高的作用下,资本主义收入分配关系导致工人阶级贫困化,有效需求周期性下降,资本主义经济危机不可避免。

6)money theory货币理论

1.Peoplemoney theory is a newmoney theory.人币理论是一种新型货币理论,它对货币的定义是:“货币是保障人的生存权、就业权与获取平等薪金权,体现国家与个人信用的一种凭证。

2.Peoplemoney theory,one of three branches inmoney theory,is a newmoney theory.人币理论是一种新型货币理论,是货币理论三系(物币理论、折中理论、人币理论)中的一个支系。


