900字范文 > 现当代文学 Modern and contemporary literature英语短句 例句大全

现当代文学 Modern and contemporary literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-16 05:03:01


现当代文学 Modern and contemporary literature英语短句 例句大全

现当代文学,Modern and contemporary literature

1)Modern and contemporary literature现当代文学

1.This paper aims to pass to the necessity that ChineseModern and contemporary literature teaching and research inside actual condition and considers, point out contemporary literature teaching now the principle adjust and bring up the new teaching model.论文试图通过对中国现当代文学教学与研究中实际状况的反省与思考,指出现当代文学教学理念调整的必要性并提出新的教学模式。

2.Emphasis on textual reading and analysis in Chinese modern and contemporary literature teaching will help students form an aesthetic understanding on literary works and a direct cognitive sense,help them improve writing ability for term and graduation papers and also help their creating ability to some degree.在现当代文学的教学中强化文本阅读与分析,有利于培养学生对文学作品的审美和直觉感知能力,有利于提高学生写作学年论文与毕业论文水平,对培养学生们文学创作能力也有一定的帮助,从而有利于为时代培养有创新意识与创造能力的人才,为建设小康社会提供智力支持。

3.After analyzing Chinese modern and contemporary literature in European universities and institutions,the simplest conclusion would be that European Chinese Studies experts have paid great attention to the Chinese works characterized by oriental physics,aesthetics and the Chinese language.从欧洲大学及学术研究机构的中国现当代文学研究现状看,他们更加注重凝聚着东方哲学和美学精髓、体现汉民族文化本真语言特性的作品,同时把中国当代文学作为世界社会主义文学的一部分,关注其历时性的发展进程以及东西方文学理论和现象的相互影响和差异。


1.Theory of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature ?中国现当代文学思潮

2.Brief Descriptions of "Modernity" in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature简述中国现当代文学中的“现代性”

3."Newly Recomposed Stories": The Present Destiny of the Modern and Contemporary Literary Classics;“故事新编”:现当代文学经典的当下命运

4.“Culture Hit" and Reflection of Contemporary Chinese Literature Research;“文化热”与中国现当代文学研究的反思

5.The Phenomenon of Designification in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies;现当代文学研究中的“空洞化”现象

6.On the Curricula of the Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Discipline;中国现当代文学学科史中的课程问题

7.Moral Value in Poem Teaching;中国现当代文学诗歌教学的育人价值

8.Thoughts on the basic thinking and methods of teaching mode innovation--primary exploration on guiding of "guide reading of modern Chinese classic literature";《中国现当代文学名著导读》导学初探

9.On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching论中国现当代文学教学的生存论转向

10.Research on Feasibility of Teaching Reforms of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature中国现当代文学教学改革可行性研究

11.Oversea Chinese Literature shouldn"t be Covered by History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature海外华文文学不宜进入中国现当代文学史

12.Dislocation:Literature Teaching of China s Contemporary Times in Normal College & Education of Chinese Language in Middle School;错位:高师中国现当代文学教学与中学语文教育

13.Unfinished “Modern Age” --My View on the Division of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature;尚未完成的“现代”——也谈中国现当代文学的分期

14.The Type of Graphic Intertextuality In the Modern and Contemporary Literature现当代文学研究中的图文互文法类型初探

15.The Novel Arrives to Movie: Modern Chinese Literature s Conversion Research;小说到电影——中国现当代文学转化研究

16.On Rereading of the Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature in 1980s;论新时期中国现当代文学研究的“重读”

17.Studies on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国现代、当代文学研究

18.On Contemporary Chinese Americnan Literature--An Emerging Literature;冒现的文学——当代美国华裔文学述论


the teaching of modern and contemporary literature现当代文学教学

3)Chinese modern and contemporary literature中国现当代文学

1.The integrative view and description by stages: the problem of stage division ofChinese modern and contemporary literature--including course setting and disposal of teaching;整体观"与"断代式描述":中国现当代文学史的分期问题——兼及课程设置与教学处理

2.There has adequate discussion on the name and stage-division ofChinese modern and contemporary literature.学界关于中国现当代文学命名分期有已有诸多的讨论,但由于过多地追求文学分期和文学价值的绝对同一性,致使分期讨论歧义迭出。

3.The name ofChinese modern and contemporary literature,which is made gradually in history,faces a crisis of identity.中国现当代文学的命名是历史的构造物,目前面临身份的合法性危机。

4)Modern Chinese literature中国现当代文学

1.At present, to conduct curriculum reform with pragmatic attitudea on modern Chinese literature is and to develop the specialized personnel.以务实的态度调整课程内容 ,为培养应用型专业人才服务 ,是当前中国现当代文学课程改革的主要方向。

5)modern and contemporary musical literature现当代音乐文学

pared to the depth and width in classical musical literature teaching and research,the teaching and research ofmodern and contemporary musical literature is weak.相对于古代音乐文学教学研究的深度与广度,人们对现当代音乐文学的教学研究相当薄弱。

6)Chinese modern literature中国现当代文学

1.By studying its influence to the traditional novel theory and humanism way, I want to use this method to studyChinese modern literature.本论文仅试图通过对其复调诗学理论的探讨,揭示它对传统小说理论的冲击和人文方法上的影响意义,并以此反观中国现当代文学创作中的复调现象,尤其是文学创作的发展趋向。


现当代诗人文学散文 - 韵文诗 - 词 - 曲 - 歌词小说 - 戏剧 - 传记儿童文学 - 文学流派西方文学理论 - 文学史各国文学古希腊文学 - 古罗马文学爱尔兰文学 - 非洲文学美国文学 - 英国文学意大利文学 - 希腊文学西班牙文学 - 印度文学中国文学 - 台湾文学香港文学 - 韩国文学德国文学 - 伊朗文学日本文学 - 法国文学巴西文学 - 俄国文学作家小说家 - 随笔家剧作家 - 评论家诗人 - 词人曲作家 - 填词人散文家 - 网络作家分类文学 - 各国文学文学类型 - 文学体裁作家 - 登场角色文学流派现代诗人(当代诗人)是用白话语言写作,创作现代诗歌(当代诗歌)作品的人。属于诗人。
