900字范文 > 证据种类 classification of evidence英语短句 例句大全

证据种类 classification of evidence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-13 11:40:16


证据种类 classification of evidence英语短句 例句大全

证据种类,classification of evidence

1)classification of evidence证据种类

1.The authors hold that theclassification of evidence, as a major element of the evidence system, is characteristic of the specific country s legislation approach.证据种类是一国证据制度当然的构成要素,对待证据种类的立法处理方式是该国证据制度的重要特点。

2.In China, theclassification of evidence underwent two substantial changes in the evolutionary history of civil proceedings.在我国证据制度发展的历史长河中,民事诉讼证据种类发生了两次重大转变。


1.Dilemma and Rebuilding of Evidence Category in Criminal Procedure of China;我国刑事诉讼证据种类的困境及再构建

2.Question the Evidence Types of Suspects’Declaration and Exculpation;犯罪嫌疑人供述和辩解的证据种类质疑

3.All the facts that can prove the true situations of a case of maritime administrative punishment are evidence. The types of evidence of the cases of maritime administrative punishment are as follows:能够证明海事行政处罚案件真实情况的事实,都是证据。海事行政处罚案件的证据种类如下:

4.Reflect and Orientate:The Dilemma and Future of Conclusion of Expert and Record of On-site Investigation as Independent Evident;鉴定结论和勘验笔录作为证据种类的困境与未来

5.An evidence classification strategy based on similarity of evidence一种基于证据相似性的证据分类策略

6.The type and collection of manufacture of drug-related criminal cases制造毒品犯罪案件证据的种类及收集

7.The third question is of the competency of particular kinds of evidence.第三个问题是特殊种类的证据的证明力的问题。

8.A Classification Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Based on D-S Evidential Theory一种基于D-S证据理论的高光谱图像分类方法

9.It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.据说人类是一种理性的动物。我一生都在找寻这一论断的证据。

10.A New Combination Rule of Heterogeneous Sources Data Fusion on Conflict Evidences一种异类源信息融合中证据冲突问题的解决方法

11."Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate"根据证书类型,自动选择证书存储区

12.On the Qassification of the Analogical Argumentation in Mencius;《孟子》类比论证方法分类的理论依据

13.Explicitly converts an expression of one data type to another显式地将一种数据类型转换成另一种数据类型

14.The description of the goods matches the credit.货物种类与信用证一致。

15.In general, evidence is divided into two categories: circumstantial and physical.一般来讲,证据被划分为两种,间接证据和实物证据。

16.This conjecture is not supported by any real evidence.这种推测未被任何确切的证据所证实。

17.Separated according to kind or class.根据种划分的,根据类划分的

18.Something, such as a recording or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information.证件,证据可以用来提供证据或信息的记录或照片等类的东西


category of evidence证据种类

1.Thecategory of evidence comes from the classification of evidences by their external forms and such kind of classifica- tion is not definitively closely prescribed by law but mainly a theoretical opinion in most countries of Anglo-Saxon system and Roman-German system.证据种类是根据证据的外在表现形式对证据所作的划分。

3)legal classification of evidence法定证据种类

4)On the Kinds of the Evidence论证据的种类

5)On the Variety of Evidence论诉讼证据的种类

6)visa type(class)签证种类


