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遵循先例原则 stare decisis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 21:53:35


遵循先例原则 stare decisis英语短句 例句大全

遵循先例原则,stare decisis

1)stare decisis遵循先例原则

1.The attack onstare decisis is a part of the revival of absolutism.对于遵循先例原则的抨击是绝对主义复兴的一部分,这种偏见源于19世纪美国接受的反对不受限制的权力的说教。

2.External regulation should be made via sticking to the principle of crimes and punishment stipulated by law andstare decisis.具体来讲,应从内外两个方面来规制法官的刑法解释权:外在规制是通过罪刑法定原则和遵循先例原则来实现;内在规制是通过树立法官对法律的信仰和法官对法律文本的尊重来实现。


1.Finally, the writer reviews the historic evolution of case law in common law system from its commencement to the final recognition and adoption of principle of stare decisis.最后,笔者回顾了普通法系判例法从产生到遵循先例原则最终确立的历史发展进程。

2.Great Britain American and French department legal precedent law country, is it follow principle of precedent to adopt.英美法系是判例法国家,采取遵循先例的原则。

3.Making an appointment conforms the rule that early book early play,and strictly forbid transferring the fixed group.预约遵循先订先得原则,严禁擅自调动已订组。

4.Domain names are handed out on a first-come, first-served basis.因为它的分配遵循先注册,先拥有的原则。

5.Relevance Theory states that human communication conforms to the principle of relevance.关联理论认为人类交际无一例外遵循关联原则。

6.an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism.遵循立体派原则的画家。

7.Prepare necessary material and spare part to support the production basic on the principle as FIFO.遵循仓库“先进先出”的原则,准备必要的材料及备件以支持生产进度。

8.Patriotic act ought to be based not only on moral principle,but also on political one.它既要遵循道德原则,又要遵守政治原则。

9.To learn a language we must follow the principle of gradual improvement.学习语言必须遵循循序渐进的原则。

10.Based on the principle of“ Technique Advanced, Quality Bast and Customers Superior”, cow offer wholehearted service to clients at home and abroad.本厂遵循“技术先进、量第一、户至上”的原则,竭诚为国内外用户服务。

11.Actually such arrangement follows one principle called "spearhead."实际上,这种安排遵循了一种叫做“尖子优先”的原则。

12.During the restructuring and reorganization of a company that plans to list, the controlling shareholders shall observe the principle of "first restructuring, then listing"控股股东对拟上市公司改制重组时应遵循先改制、后上市的原则

13.To write about or analyze(a literary text, for example, following the tenets of deconstruction.解构,拆析遵循结构原则而写或分析(例如,文学作品)

14.Principles Followed in Class Evaluating &Implemental Framework --An Example of Evaluation &Analysis of a General Class;评课应遵循的原则和实施框架——以一节综合课为例谈课的评析

15."If we want to recommend these principles as a guide to the international community, first of all, we should follow them in our relations with each other."我们向国际社会推荐这些原则来指导国际关系,首先我们两国之间的关系要遵循这些原则。

16.The court has follow the precedent set in the 1972 case.法院遵循了1972年案中所定下的先例。

17.The court have follow the precedent set in the 1972 case法院遵循了1972年案中所定下的先例

18.The continent law department was required to follow the precedent, too.在大陆法系也要求“遵循先例”。


The Research on the Follows the Precedent Principle浅谈遵循先例原则

3)What of Stare Decisis?何为遵循先例原则

4)Follows the precedent遵循先例

1.Follows the precedent,which is the traditional supporting strength,becomes an important judicial principle and core and foundation of the England legal system.而遵循先例作为这一传统的支撑力量,成为英国法中的一项重要的司法原则及英国司法制度的核心和基础。

2.The case-law system, follows the precedent principle, the procedure is before principles and so on right is the common law unique principle and the system.普通法作为当今世界两大法系之一,判例法制度、遵循先例原则、程序先于权利等原则是普通法特有的原则和制度,这些法律原则、制度的形成扎根于英国的封建社会制度,同时也体现了英国的文化传统和人文关怀,本文将以英国文化为视角,探索英国文化传统的历史根源和对普通法基本原则的影响,进而探索代表现代社会普通法系的英国法制现代化模式进程,揭示英国法治的发展道路,法律面前的平等,或社会所有的阶层都要平等地服从由普通法院管辖的国家境内的普通法律。

5)stare decisis遵循先例



