900字范文 > 林下杂草 Understory weeds英语短句 例句大全

林下杂草 Understory weeds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 15:19:09


林下杂草 Understory weeds英语短句 例句大全

林下杂草,Understory weeds

1)Understory weeds林下杂草


1.Efficacy experiment of Quizalofop-p-ethyl 5% EC Against Gramineal Weeds in Acer triflorum Nursery Field5%精喹禾灵乳油防除苗圃拧劲槭林下杂草试验

2.Study on the species and occurrence regularity of understory weeds on Chongming Island上海崇明岛林下杂草种类及发生规律研究

3.The gardener dug out the weeds园林工人铲除了杂草。

4.Experimental Study on Controlling Young Toona sinensis Forest Land Weeds with Hexazinone Herbicide森泰除草剂防除香椿幼林地杂草的试验研究

5.The gardener raked over the bed and removed the weeds.园林工人翻耙苗圃,除掉杂草。

6.Research on the Interaction between the Spring Wheat under the Invasion of Weeds and Weeds杂草入侵下春小麦与杂草的相互作用和影响

7.he looked cursorily through the magazine.他草草地翻了一下那本杂志。

8.Weed Controlling Effect of Degradable Ecomat in River-beach Afforestation可降解生态垫在河滩地造林中抑制杂草的效果

9.Studies on Emergence and Damage of Weed in Corn Field of Jilin Province吉林省玉米田杂草发生与危害现状的研究

10.Any of a group of hybrid garden primroses having clusters of variously colored flowers.西洋樱草一种杂交的园林樱草,开有由各色花朵组成的花簇

11.She knelt down to pull a weed from the flower bed.她跪下来拔除花圃上的杂草。

12.Interspecific Relations of Herbage Species under Artificial Pinus tabulaeformis Forests in Chengde County承德县人工油松林林下草本植物种间关系研究

13.a forest fire that burns only the surface litter and undergrowth.仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木、草层的一种森林火灾。

14.Land covered with dense vegetation or undergrowth.未开垦的丛林地被浓密生长的草林或下层丛林覆盖的土地

15.All of a sudden, he came upon a peach grove. No other trees were to be seen in the whole grove. The soft grass looked fresh and beautiful. Here and there falling blossoms were dancing gracefully in a thousand hues.忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。

16.All of a sudden, he was surprised to find a Peach-Blossom-Grove, and on both sides across the creek with hundreds-of-feet-wide land, no other trees but peach ones grow with fresh and sweet grass petals falling in riotous profusion.忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之。

17."All have a Bill that is more delicate and sharply pointed than that of most finches. They live in flocks, feeding on weeds in fields and gardens."嘴较大部分雀类纤细锐利。成群地在田间和园林中觅杂草籽为食

18.Study on the Varieties,Harm and Use of Weed on the Garden Greenbelt in Xiangbei Area湘北地区园林绿地杂草种类、危害及防除利用的研究


planting grass under young forest林下种草

3)under tree turfgrass林下草坪

1.The research has been curried out for the management method and disease control onunder tree turfgrass.对林下草坪的生长特点、管理措施、病害及其防治进行了调查研究。

4)Understory herb layers林下草本层

5)planting forage under woodland林下种植牧草

6)understory herbaceous plant林下草本植物

1.Species,mean coverage,mean density and α-diversity index of theunderstory herbaceous plants were investigated in five-year-old Liriodendron chinense forest stands different in canopy density in Chongming Island of Shanghai.通过对崇明岛5年生人工马褂木林下草本植物分布及生长状况的调查,研究了不同郁闭度下草本植物物种多样性与林分郁闭度的关系。


林下1.树林之下。指幽静之地。 2.指山林田野退隐之处。 3.谓闲雅﹑超逸。
