900字范文 > 过错推定 presumption of fault英语短句 例句大全

过错推定 presumption of fault英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 09:46:51


过错推定 presumption of fault英语短句 例句大全

过错推定,presumption of fault

1)presumption of fault过错推定

1.In case of an injury on campus,Schools shall bear liability for tort withpresumption of fault on their part.学生校园伤害事故中,学校宜统一承担侵权责任,对学校过错宜适用过错推定,其责任形式有直接责任和补充责任两种。

2.The author thinks strict liability is applicable to a listed company, andpresumption of fault can be used to impute the liability of other groups.本文对上市公司法人、董事、监事、经理以及注册会计师的虚假陈述民事责任的归责原则进行理论分析,认为对于上市公司应当采用无过错原则,而对其他主体则应当采用过错推定原则,以充分保护投资者利益。

3.Presumption of fault,Presumption of causation and Res lpsa Loquitur is the core of theory in this article.其中过错推定、因果关系推定和事实自证法则是贯穿本文的理论核心点,并指出过错推定与事实自证法则无论是在推定的内涵和外延上都具有高度的一致性,而与因果关系推定具有重大区别。


1.On the Status of Presumed-default Liability Principle in Chinese Tort Liability System;论过错推定原则在我国侵权责任体系中的地位

2.The Advantages and Disadvantages and Improvement to Apply the Principle of Fault Presumption of China"s Accident Liability Compulsory Insurance我国道路交通事故过错推定原则适用的完善

3.The school must lodge a proof if they want to relief in order to escape be used offence understand liability.学校若试图免责,则应负举证责任,以排除对其适用过错推定责任。

4.New Textual Research on Principle of Liability--the development trend of fault-liability;民事责任归责原则新论——过错推定规则的演进:现代归责原则的发展

5.Fault,Causality Presumption and Inverted Burden of Proof--Thoughts from the Facts Perspective to the Value Perspective;过错及因果关系推定与证明责任倒置——从事实到价值的思考

6.Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant"s fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof.事实自证制度通常并不涉及对被告过错的推定,也不必定导致举证责任的倒置。

7.Advanced Booking is essential to avoid disappointment提前预定,避免错过。

8.He always tries to shift the blame to someone else.他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。

9.He always try to shift the blame to someone else.他总是试图将过错推卸给别人

10.It was wrong of you to fasten the blame on him.你把过错推到他头上是不对的。

11.Fortune sometimes uses our faults for our advancement .命运有时用我们的过错推动我们进步.

12.On the Role of Presumption of Innocence in Prevention of the Miscarriage Cases;论无罪推定原则在错案预防中的作用

13.Major-Minor Fault Presumption Rule主要-次要过失推定原则

14.Dinner at home was either delayed or he missed it entirely.不是家里的晚饭推迟了就是他完全错过了。

15.The salesman will call back at any house he missed.那个推销员将重访他所错过的每所房子。

16.Recursive Conpution for Ruin Probabilities of a Kind of Alternate Renewal Risk Processes;一类交错风险过程的破产概率的递推计算

17.As I opened the door, I was sure I made a mistake, so I came out immediately.当我推开门时,我认定我弄错了,立即退了出来。

18.The Effect of Anchoring Reference Error Biases on Bayesian Reasoning“锚定参照错误”偏向对贝叶斯推理成绩的影响


fault presumption过错推定

1.With the comparison study of the subjective assumption of environmental pollution crime in both academic circle and practice circle,this paper claims that the system offault presumption and inverted onus of proof should be adopted for our criminal law.本文在比较国内外学术界和实务界对于环境污染犯罪主观方面认定的基础上,提出我国刑法对此应采取过错推定和举证责任倒置制度。

2.The author has chosen file and internal exchange responsibilities as a starting point and proposes the adoption offault presumption responsibility to ensure the standard of security market and the realization of legal values.笔者选择信息公开文件责任和内幕交易责任作为信息公开制度归责分析的切入点 ,主张以过错推定责任原则进行归责 ,以保证证券市场的规范和法律价值的实

3.According to the analysis results, thefault presumption belongs to the evidence regulations.研究了医疗事故实行举证责任倒置的渊源和价值,并对《侵权责任法(草案)》(以下简称《草案》)中医疗事故举证责任进行分析,指出《草案》中的过错推定是证据规则,并认为《草案》首次提出了患方要承担因果关系的初步证明责任,以及过度医疗的举证责任。

3)fault assumption过错推定

1.Special way of “fault assumption” should be applied to it.“地面施工侵权责任”是行为致损的侵权,适用过错责任原则,归责方法采用“过错推定”的特别适用形式。

4)fault inference过错推定

1.Strict responsibility, fault responsibility andfault inference as three imputation principles of tort law in our country have their own special law bases, which should be correctly understood and clearly distinguished, especially strict responsibility and fault responsibility.严格责任、过错责任、过错推定作为我国侵权行为法中三项并列的归责原则 ,各有其适用的不同法律基础 ,正确认识并明确区分 ,尤其是将严格责任与过错责任严加区分 ,对我们的司法理论尤其是司法实践具有十分重要的指导意义。

5)On Presumption of Fault过错推定论

6)fault-judging responsibility principle推定过错原则


