900字范文 > 快硬 rapid hardening英语短句 例句大全

快硬 rapid hardening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 21:06:53


快硬 rapid hardening英语短句 例句大全

快硬,rapid hardening

1)rapid hardening快硬

1.They need cementing material havingrapid hardening and high strength property.近年来,社会发展对工程材料提出了更高的要求,很多工程要求胶凝材料具有快硬高强的性能。


1.Rapid harding portland cementGB199-1990快硬硅酸盐水泥

2.Application on Low Cost and High Early Strength Material for Paste Filling低成本快硬材料在膏体充填中的应用

3.Study and Use of High Purity,High Strength,Unpoisonous,Rapid Hardening Basic Repair Mix高纯高强无毒快硬碱性修补料的研究与应用

4.He slipped a coin into the waiter"s hand.他把一块硬币很快地塞进了待者手中。

5.Such fine weather will settle the roads quickly.这样的晴天很快就会使路面干硬。

6.Despite the hardness of his bed, he was soon sleeping soundly虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了

7."Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly."虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。

8.bite the `bullet accept sth unpleasant in a resigned way硬着头皮接受不愉快的事物.

9.She slid a coin into his hand.她很快把一枚硬币塞进他的手里。

10.Study of Rapid Synchronization Techniques and Realization with Hardwares in DS-CDMA System;DS-CDMA快速同步技术研究与硬件实现

11.Rapid Construction Technology for Auxiliary Shaft in Super-thick Hard Rock in Babao Mine八宝煤矿副井超厚硬岩快速施工技术

12.Rapid spontaneous resolution of acute subdural hematoma in 15 patients15例快速自然消散的急性硬膜下血肿

13.Hardware Implementation of Fast Digital Signature Based on ECC一种ECC快速数字签名技术的硬件实现

14.Rapid Sintering WC-8%Co Cemented Carbide in a Multi-mode cavity微波多模腔快速烧结WC-8%Co硬质合金

15.Discussion on the Method for Rapidly and Forcibly Passing Coalless Columns on the Fully Mechanized Coalface浅议综采工作面快速硬过无炭柱方法

16.Rapid Manufacturing of Hard Injection Mould Based on RP and CAE Technology基于RP和CAE的注射硬模快速制造技术

17.Rearrange items on your hard disk to make programs run faster重新安排您的硬盘上的项目,使程序运行更快

18.Rearrange items on my hard disk to make programs run faster重新整理硬盘上的项目,以便程序运行更快



3)rapid hard tooling快速硬模

4)high early-strength portland cement快硬水泥

5)quick-setting glass,short glass快硬玻璃

6)rapid hardening快硬化


