900字范文 > 寒区池塘 ponds of cold region英语短句 例句大全

寒区池塘 ponds of cold region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-14 15:52:33


寒区池塘 ponds of cold region英语短句 例句大全

寒区池塘,ponds of cold region

1)ponds of cold region寒区池塘

1.According to the characteristics of fish culture inponds of cold region, the pond-cleaning and disinfection method, precautions before and after the fingerlings were put into ponds, water quality control and ecological disease prevention measures, detailed rules of feeding management and measures adopted after the fish disease occurred were discussed by the writer.笔者根据寒区池塘养鱼的特点,阐述了清塘消毒方法、鱼种入池前后的注意事项、水质的调控与生态防病措施、饲养管理细则以及对鱼病发生后采取的措施,旨在为寒区池塘生态养鱼提供技术支撑。

2)Montanic ponds山区池塘


1.The Research on the Main Hydro-chemical Factors in Mountain Area Ponds and Their Effects on the Aquatic Product Quality;山区池塘主要水化因子及对鱼产品质量影响的研究

2.black gallinule that inhabits ponds and lakes.栖息在池塘和湖泊地区的水鸡。

3.This pool or tarn was encircled by tree!这个池塘,或是说山潭吧,四周全被树木围了起来。

4.Alexandra watched the shimmering pool dreamily.亚历山德拉出神地望着波光粼粼的池塘。

5.A Tentative Analysis about the Bait Casting Ponds Ecosystem of Bishan County;璧山县两口投饵池塘生态系的初步研究

6.Due to continuous rain, the water level of the ponds in the mountain has increased rapidly.由于山区连续降雨, 山塘的水位猛涨。

7.Study on the Governance of the Common Pool Water Resource in the Rural Community;农村社区公共池塘型水资源治理问题研究

parative Study on Seasonal Variation of Heterotrophic Bacteria Flora Associated with Intestine of Sea Cucumber in Feeding and Unfeeding Ponds投饵与不投饵池塘刺参肠道异养菌区系比较

9.the margin of a lake, pool, pond, etc湖、 水池、 池塘等的边.

10.The layout of the pavilions, terraces, rockeries and ponds shows great origina1ity in affording wide views in a small confined space.亭台楼阁、假山池塘的布局,独具匠心,有“以小见大”之特色。

11.when it finds itself in a deep mountain pond, it is content to stay there;当水流涌到一个深山的池塘时,它便恬然停驻在那边;

12.similar to bullfrog; found in or near marshes and ponds; of United States and Canada.与牛蛙形似;见于沼泽和池塘中或附近地区;产于美国和加拿大。

13.The Status and Prospect of Chinese Mitten Crab Culture in Changshu;常熟地区河蟹池塘养殖现状与发展前景调查分析

14.The Primary Studies on the Bacteria Flora in Sea Cucumber Ponds刺参养殖池塘异养菌数量变动及区系组成的初步研究

15.Discovery of eclogite in the Guoganjianian Mountain, central Qiangtang area, northern Tibet, China藏北羌塘中部果干加年山地区发现榴辉岩

16.Inheritance and the Promotion of Technical with Running Water Fish Culture in Kaihua Mountain Areas开化山区坑塘流水养鱼技术的传承与推广

17.Reservoir Protection Technologies of Volcanic Reservoir in Block Niudong,Santanghu Basin三塘湖盆地牛东区块火山岩油藏储层保护技术

18.Study on Incorporating to the "Two-mountain and One-lake" Tourism Area of Guichi District;安徽贵池区融入“两山一湖”旅游区研究


Montanic ponds山区池塘

3)high and cold vegetation area in southern Qiangtang南羌塘高寒植被区


1.Pond Design & Construction and Water Quality Management;池塘设计建造与水质管理

2.The optimal larval stocking density of blood clam Scapharca subcrenata in a pond nursery;毛蚶稚贝池塘中间培育的最适密度研究

3.Test Results of Three Kinds of Fish-fertilizers inPond;三种鱼肥对池塘肥水效果的试验


1.The water chemical features forponds of chloride type saline and alkaline soil located on the bank of the Yellow River, Daluhu lake of Gaoqing country, were measured systematically from April, 1997 to April, 1998.1997年4月~1998年4月对位于黄河下游氯化物型盐碱地池塘的水化学进行了周年分析。

2.Water sample of two different depthponds(shallow pond,mean water depth is 1.在珠海市之山水产养殖基地两种不同深度的6个池塘(浅水池塘的平均水深为1。

3.The water chemical characteristics for Litopenaeus vannamei cultureponds of heavy saline-alkaline soil lied in the downriver area of the Yellow River were measured systematically from June to October in .6月~10月对位于黄河下游重盐碱地凡纳滨对虾养殖池塘的水化学特性进行了研究。


1.From to ,3 subalpine sphagnum mires were discovered successively at Qizimei Mountains,Erxianyan andHaichi in subtropical regions in Western Hubei province.~,科考人员在地处亚热带的鄂西七姊妹山、二仙岩和寒池等地先后发现了三处亚高山泥炭藓沼泽。


池塘1.蓄水的坑,一般不太大,也不太深。 2.浴池的俗称。
