900字范文 > 卫生系统机构 Health systems agencies英语短句 例句大全

卫生系统机构 Health systems agencies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-01 22:59:19


卫生系统机构 Health systems agencies英语短句 例句大全

卫生系统机构,Health systems agencies

1)Health systems agencies卫生系统机构

2)HISPF(Hospital Information System Platform)医疗卫生机构信息系统应用平台

3)Health institution卫生机构

1.We get the current status and the problems of the government procurement in medical institutions by investigating the health institutions in some prov.为此通过调研某省省级卫生机构了解医疗卫生机构中政府采购现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策,为今后进一步研究加入GPA后对我国医疗卫生领域政府采购工作产生的影响做参考。


1.The Study of Scientific Research Management Methods in Military Medical and Health Institute;军队医疗卫生机构科研管理方法研究

2.Discussion on performance related pay reform of grassroots medical organizations绩效工资改革下的基层卫生机构薪酬制度构建

3.Establishing quality-control system for medical devices in gross medical institutions构建基层医疗卫生机构医学装备质量控制体系

4.Construction of the model for evaluating the degree of the health-care agencies" internal harmony医疗卫生机构内部和谐度评价模型的构建

5.At the end of 2001, there were 5969 health-care institutions in Beijing, with a total of 73,000 beds and 116,000 health workers.年末全市共有医疗卫生机构5969个,床位7.3万张,卫生技术人员11.6万人。

6.Investigation on Biological Safety of Laboratory for Medical and Public Health Departments in Jining City济宁市医疗卫生机构实验室生物安全状况调查

7.The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health.世界卫生组织是联合国负责卫生的专门机构。

8.The Department of Health is the Government"s health adviser and regulatory authority.卫生署是政府的卫生顾问,也是公众卫生事务监管机构。

9.Health Care Financing Administration Fiscal Intermediary卫生保健财政管理局财务中介机构

10.The SARS Crisis: Break-off and Reconstruction of Public Health System;SARS危机:公共卫生体系的断裂与重构

11.Research on the Performance of Community-health Institutions in Tianjin天津市社区卫生服务机构的绩效研究

12.Survey of sanitary conditions in playing rooms of kindergartens and nurseries in Zibo City淄博市托幼机构活动室卫生状况调查

13.The SWOT Analyzing of Community Health Services in Shandong Province山东省社区卫生服务机构的SWOT分析

14.Implementation of Brand Strategy in Community Health Service Institutions;社区卫生服务机构实施品牌战略的构想

15.a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services.协调国际卫生活动并帮助政府提高卫生服务的联合国的一个机构。

16.The UN agency produced a food safety teaching guide for public health officials.联合国机构为公共卫生官员们提供了一个食品卫生教学指南。

17.Objective To understand the hygienic condition of nurseries in Huizhou and to offer scientific basis for hygienic administration.目的了解惠州市托幼机构卫生状况,为卫生行政管理提供科学依据。

18.Study on the Status Quo of Chinese Human Resources Management of Township Health Centers and Community Health Facilities;我国乡镇卫生院和城市社区卫生服务机构人力资源管理现状调查


HISPF(Hospital Information System Platform)医疗卫生机构信息系统应用平台

3)Health institution卫生机构

1.We get the current status and the problems of the government procurement in medical institutions by investigating the health institutions in some prov.为此通过调研某省省级卫生机构了解医疗卫生机构中政府采购现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策,为今后进一步研究加入GPA后对我国医疗卫生领域政府采购工作产生的影响做参考。

4)Health organization卫生机构

1.It is discussed and researched the improvement of fuzzy synthesis evaluation arithmetic based on the evaluation index system of the health organization scientific research strength of the P.以已建立的军队卫生机构科研实力评估指标体系为基础 ,重点讨论和研究如何改进模糊综合评判算法 ,实施军队卫生机构科研实力的评估 。

5)Health system卫生系统

1.Research advances in health system responsiveness at WHO;WHO关于卫生系统反应性的研究进展

2.Analysis on influence factors of health system responsiveness in Zhengzhou city;郑州市卫生系统反应性评价及影响因素分析

3.Progress in the evaluation and research of health system reactivity;国内外卫生系统反应性评价及研究新进展

6)village health institution村卫生机构

1.The lack of government input mechanism of health service in the rural basic level as well as the indistinct location ofvillage health institution finally has caused the loss of public leading position of health service in the rural basic level .政府对农村基层卫生服务投入机制的缺失和对村卫生机构的模糊定位,最终导致了农村基层卫生服务公益性主导地位的丧失。


