900字范文 > TBM选型 type selection of TBM英语短句 例句大全

TBM选型 type selection of TBM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-29 10:21:52


TBM选型 type selection of TBM英语短句 例句大全

TBM选型,type selection of TBM

1)type selection of TBMTBM选型


1.A Study on type selection of TBM for West Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调西线工程的TBM选型探讨

2.Discussion on Type Selection of TBM for Long Tunnel in Water Diversion Project of Transfering Water from Hongyan River to Shitou River引红济石工程长隧洞TBM选型探讨

parison of Gripper TBM and Double Shield TBM for Design and Selection支撑式TBM与双护盾式TBM在设计选型中的比较

4.Method of Multi-Agent Decision Fusion Based on TBM Model基于TBM模型的多Agent决策融合方法

5.Research of Internal Force Models of Lining Segment of TBM TunnelTBM施工隧洞衬砌管片内力分析模型研究

6.Research on numerical simulation of rock fragmentation by TBM cutters using particle flow method基于颗粒流模型的TBM滚刀破岩过程数值模拟研究

7.Application of TBM Technology in Water Conveyance Tunnel Project;TBM技术在输水隧洞工程中的应用

8.Research on Simulation and Optimization to TBM Construction Processes for Long Complex Tunnels;复杂长隧洞TBM施工过程仿真优化研究

9.Study of Advance Geological Prediction in Tunnel Constructed by TBM;TBM施工隧洞中超前地质预报研究

10.Design and Research on Automatic Duct-Piece-Consolidation Equipment for TBM;TBM后配套管片自动拼装机设计及研究

11.The Application Research of TBM on Long Tunnel;TBM在超长隧道施工中的应用研究

12.Study on Ventilation and Heat Elimination in TBM Construction;TBM施工中的通风和散热问题研究

13.Study on Drive System of the Full-face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine;全断面硬岩掘进机(TBM)驱动系统的研究

14.Numerical Simulation of TBM Construction Ventilation in Long Diversion Tunnel;长距离引水隧洞TBM施工通风数值模拟

15.Case Study of Cost Control of Liaoning Dahuofang"s TBM Project辽宁大伙房TBM项目成本控制案例研究

16.Finite Element Analysis of Bearing in Segment Erector System for TBMTBM管片拼装系统轴承有限元分析

17.Research of Groundwater Prediction Technology Fitting for TBM Construction适合于TBM施工的地下水预报技术研究

18.Design and Implement of Bi-shield TBM Construction Ventilation System双护盾TBM施工通风系统的设计和实施


the TBM modelTBM模型

3)TBM methodTBM法


1.Analysis on Early Warning and Detecting ofATBM Campaign Based on Air and Aerospace Information Support基于空天信息支援的反TBM作战预警探测分析

5)Type and material selection选型选材


1.Theselection and application of flowmeter for the charging of VCM;氯乙烯单体加料流量计的选型及应用

2.Analysis on Selection of Equipment in Finishing Area in Angang Steckel Mill Production Line;安钢炉卷精整线设备选型分析

3.Calculation on Cage-type Separator Selection;高效笼式选粉机的选型计算


