900字范文 > 上机方法 looming method英语短句 例句大全

上机方法 looming method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-18 18:56:18


上机方法 looming method英语短句 例句大全

上机方法,looming method

1)looming method上机方法

1.The corresponding structure design andlooming method were researched in light of the modified weaving machine.根据改造后的织造设备特点,对双层分叉人造血管的组织设计和上机方法进行研究。

2)method of screwing clamp上扣方法


1.In thisarticle,an improvementofsampleapplicationmethodis introducedto increasethepro.本文介绍一种改进的上样方法,在不降低分辨率的前提下,可将单位时间内凝胶过滤柱的产量提高两倍。

4)ways of appearing on the market上市方法


1.Back-door listing:A method of listing a business on the stock market without going through an IPO.买壳上市:不通过首次公开发行的上市方法。

2.The top-down approach or sometimes known as the Economy-Industry-Company (EIC) model emphasises the market over the company.从上至下的方法侧重于整体市

3.The top-down approach or sometimes known as the Economy-Industry-Company (EIC) model emphasizes the market over the company.从上至下的方法侧重于整体市常

4.The Performance Evaluation of Chinese Port and Shipping Public Companies Analysis by TOPSIS;基于TOPSIS方法的港航上市公司业绩分析

5.A Research on Strategic Performance Evaluation of Listed Companies;上市公司战略经营业绩评价方法研究

6.The Research of Warning Ways on the Financial Distress in Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司财务危机预警方法研究

7.The Analysis and Development of the Method of Valuation of Public Listed Companies;上市公司价值评估方法的分析与发展

8.On Assessing Method on Internal Control in Private Listed Company;民营上市公司内部控制评价方法探析

9.Valuation Method of Listed Resource Companies;资源类上市公司的价值评估方法探讨

10.Controlling Methods to Listed Companies:a Comparative Research;上市公司加强控制的方法及比较研究

11.On the Necessity and Methods to Appraise the Performance of Listed Companies;论上市公司绩效评价的重要性及方法

12.A Study on the Methods of Quality Analysis ofProfits Made by Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司利润质量分析方法研究

13.Research on the Method of Quantifying the Evaluation of Capital Investment Public Limited Company;投资上市公司评估的定量化方法研究

14.On the Synthetic Evaluation Methods of Economic Efficiency of the Listed Company;上市公司经济效益综合评价方法探讨

15.The Research of Listed Companies Performance Dynamic Integrated Evaluation Method上市公司绩效动态综合评价方法研究

16.Convertible Bonds of Listed Companies Pricing Method上市公司可转换债券的定价方法研究

17.Evaluation of listed companies by competitiveness on capital market;上市公司竞争优势的资本市场评价方法

18.A Research on Methodology Relating to Shanghai City Master Plan under the New Situation新形势下上海市城市总体规划方法论探究冲


method of screwing clamp上扣方法


1.In thisarticle,an improvementofsampleapplicationmethodis introducedto increasethepro.本文介绍一种改进的上样方法,在不降低分辨率的前提下,可将单位时间内凝胶过滤柱的产量提高两倍。

4)ways of appearing on the market上市方法

5)Method of upper and lower solutions上下解方法

1.In this paper,we discuss the existence of solution for fourth-order boundary value problems by using method of upper and lower solutions and maximum principle,where nonlinear term is Caratheodory function up to one side Lipschitz condition.利用上下解方法和最大值原理讨论了四阶边值问题解的存在性。

2.In this paper, the method of upper and lower solutions and the fixed point theorem are used to investigate the existence of extremal solution of PBVP for second-order discontinuous differential equation with dependence on first derivative.利用上下解方法和不动点定理,给出了含导数项的不连续二阶非线性微分方程周期边值问题的极解。

6)the method of upper and lower solutions上下解方法

1.In this paper,we make use ofthe method of upper and lower solutions,cone theory,the Schauder-fixed point theorem,Amann theorem and mapping degree theory to study the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems,and obtain existence conclutions which have multiple nongenative solutions under some certain conditions.利用上下解方法,锥理论,Schauder不动点定理,Amann不动点定理以及映射度理论研究Sturm-Liouville边值问题(SL。

2.By usingthe method of upper and lower solutions,the periodic boundary value problem for first-order impulsive delay differential equations is considered,and the existence of the maximal and minimal solutions is obtained.利用上下解方法及单调迭代技巧,讨论了一类一阶脉冲时滞微分方程的周期边值问题,获得了其极大解与极小解的存在性,这样可将方程的解控制在极小解与极大解之间。


毕扣扣灵碱分子式:CAS号:性质:又称毕扣扣灵(碱),荷包牡丹碱。天然存在的是右旋体。细长片状结晶(由氯仿-甲醇中结晶)。熔点215℃。也有报道熔点177℃。旋光度+130.5°(由氯仿中结晶),pKa4.84。溶于苯、氯仿、醋酸乙酯,微溶于乙醇和乙醚;无色柱状棱晶(由甲醇中结晶),熔点195℃,旋光度+123°(c=3.58,氯仿)。易溶于氯仿,不易溶于乙醚、丙酮及乙醇中,能溶于热的苛性碱中。存在于罂粟科植物土延胡(Corydalishumosa Migo)的块茎中,化学合成可得到其外消旋体。具有兴奋子宫作用。具有强烈的致惊厥作用,且发作快、持续时间短,有可能用作癫痫的诊断用药。
