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原子束 atomic beam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-09 01:44:18


原子束 atomic beam英语短句 例句大全

原子束,atomic beam

1)atomic beam原子束

1.A kind ofatomic beam intensity detector,hot-wire detector,is designed and made by the authors.一种自行研制的原子来信号专用测量仪器,即原子束热丝探测仪。

2.With anatomic beam apparatus and two lasers at λ1 = 852.利用原子束装置,采用双束波长为 λ1=852。

parison of the focusing results of a hotatomic beam with a monochromatic coldatomic beam shows that the main factor affecting the imaging quality of the magnetic lens is chromatic aberration.分析了由六极磁场构成的原子束磁透镜的原理及像差。


1.Magnetostatic Focusing of Cold Atomic Beams and Its Magnetic Lens on Atom Chip;冷原子束的静磁聚焦及其芯片原子透镜

2.A Low-Velocity Continuous Atomic Rb~(87) Beam on a Ground State F=1一种低速、连续、单色性好的冷原子束

3.Effect of Laser Power on One-Dimensional Deposition of Chromium Atomic Beam激光功率对铬原子束一维沉积的影响

4.Spectroscopic Investigation on Supersonic Ti Atomic Beam and Plasma Diagnosis超声Ti原子束和等离子体诊断的光谱研究

parison of the focusing results of a hot atomic beam with a monochromatic cold atomic beam shows that the main factor affecting the imaging quality of the magnetic lens is chromatic aberration.在比较了热原子束和单色冷原子束的会聚效果后得出结论:影响它成像的主要因素是色差。

6.The radial velocity and Doppler width distribution of belted atomic vapor are given.给出原子束径向速度及其多普勒宽度分布。

7.Experimental measurement study of laser collimation of a chromium beam by Doppler cooling scheme铬原子束的激光多普勒冷却准直检测实验研究

8.Measurement of Velocity Distribution in Strontium Atomic Beam by Diode Laser with Narrow Line Width利用窄线宽激光测量锶原子束速率分布

9.The principle of the atom lens using a hexapole magnetic field and its aberration has been discussed.分析了由六极磁场构成的原子束磁透镜的原理及像差。

10.cesium atomic beam frequency standard铯原子射束的频率标准

11.a collimated flow of particles (atoms or electrons or molecules).一束校准后的粒子流(原子、电子或分子)。

12.The light photons, or bundle of light energy, knock electrons in the chromium atoms.光子,即光能束,冲击铬原子中的电子。

13.The electron is not very tied to the atom.这个电子受原子的约束不那么紧。

14.Weakly Bound Triatomic He_2K and He_2Rb Molecules;三原子分子He_2K和He_2Rb的弱束缚态研究

15.Atomic Funnel Using HE_(11)-mode Output Hollow Beam and Atomic Guide in a Beam of Single-mode Optical Fibers;采用HE_(11)模输出空心光束的原子漏斗与单模光纤束中的原子导引

16.they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons.他们同意结束原子武器的测试。

17.Spectroscpic Studies of Highly Ionized Cu Atoms by Means of Beam-Foil Spectroscopy;高离化态Cu原子的束箔光谱学研究

18.A stream of silver atoms leave an oven with a speed of 5×??s.一束银原子以5×?洌0秒的速率从小炉子里射出。


atom beam原子束

1.The system is used in the nanofabrication by controllingatom beam.重点分析了操纵原子束进行纳米结构加工中激光系统的设计特点 ,包括激光器件的选择、发射功率与激光波长等参数的确定。

3)atomic beams原子束

1.The basic principle and experimental system design for applying laser focusedatomic beams technique to fabricate nano patterns are introduced.介绍了将激光驻波聚焦原子束技术用于制作纳米级图形的基本原理和实验系统设计。

2.The basic principle and experimental system design for applying laser cooling and focusedatomic beams technique to fabrication nano-patterns are introduced.介绍将原子束激光准直技术和驻波聚焦沉积技术用于制作纳米级图形的基本原理和实验系统设计。

4)Uranium atomic beam铀原子束

5)cold atomic beam冷原子束

1.Generation of cold or ultracold atomic beams and their applications;冷原子束或超冷原子束的产生及其应用

6)slow atomic beam慢原子束

1.A double magneto-optical trap system using aslow atomic beam for atom transfer;以慢原子束方式进行原子转移的双磁光阱系统


原子束原子束Atomic beam原子束(atorniC beams原子束是穿过真空的单向中性原子流。这些原子实际上不受相邻原子的影响,但可置于电场和磁场的作用下,因此可以研究它们的特性。原子束技术是与分子束技术相同的。由于历史的原因,一般常用分子束技术这一术语描述无论是用于原子或是用于分子的方法。原子束方法给出关于原子能级的极准确的光谱数据,因此,可以得到关于原子中电子间和电子与原子核间相互作用的详细信息,以及关于原子的各组元与外场间相互作用的信息。详尽的讨论参阅:分子束,,(moleeular beams)条。 [库什(p.Kuseh)撰〕
