900字范文 > 导航服务 navigation service英语短句 例句大全

导航服务 navigation service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-05 08:35:26


导航服务 navigation service英语短句 例句大全

导航服务,navigation service

1)navigation service导航服务

1.This paper analyzes on the necessity of the generation of the network information navigation and the modes of the service f the network information navigation,and puts forward some countermeasures for developing the network informationnavigation service.阐述了网络信息导航服务产生的必然性和服务模式,提出了发展网络信息导航服务的对策。


1.Study on Application of Delicious Bookmarks on Network Scholarship Resources Navigation“美味书签”在网络学术资源导航服务中应用探析

2.Construction and Research of the Continuously Operating Reference Stations in Harbin Using Global Navigation Double Satellite System哈尔滨市连续运行双星导航服务系统建设及研究

3.On the Copyright Crisis Management of Library from a Typical Case of Information Navigation从一起信息导航服务典型版权案件谈图书馆对版权危机的管理

4.A Comparative Study of Network-Based University Subject Information Navigation at China and US中美高校图书馆网络化学科信息导航服务比较研究

5.Air Traffic Services Watch Supervisor航空交通服务值班督导主任

6.a scheduled flight,service,etc.定期航班、 服务等.

7.Navigate to Home to display specific events, processes, and services.导航到“主页”显示特定的事件、进程和服务。

8.The Research and Implementation of Geo-Spatial Data Service Technology Oriented to Network Navigation;网络导航地理空间数据服务技术研究与实践

9.Study of Knowledge Navigation in Customers Complaints of Mobile Communication Services;移动通信客户服务中的知识导航方法研究

10.Resarch on Service Robot"s Navigation in Part Unknown Environment环境部分未知情况下的服务机器人导航研究

11.Knowledge Navigated Remotely Sensed Information Processing Service Classification and Selection知识导航的遥感信息处理服务分类选择方法

12.Navigation and Positioning Research of Service Robot Based on Smart Spaces基于智能空间的服务机器人导航定位研究

13.Goal-driven mechanism for services navigation in partially observe environments部分可观测环境中的目标驱动服务导航机制

14.A Human-Robot-Interaction-Based Navigation System for Mobile Service Robot基于人机交互的移动服务机器人导航系统

15.Research on Model Integration of Navigation System Service Performance Simulation导航系统服务性能仿真中的模型集成研究

16.aeronautical radionavigation service航空无线电导航业务

17.Study on Vision-Based Relative Navigation and Tracking Control Algorithm of On-Orbit-Servicing Spacecraft在轨服务航天器视觉相对导航与跟踪控制算法研究

18.It introduces particularly three models: city basic geographical information government affair platform, theme exploration and survey information service platform, and navigation location service.介绍了城市基础地理信息政务平台、题勘测信息公众服务平台和导航位置服务三种服务模式。


services navigation服务导航

1.Goal-driven mechanism forservices navigation in partially observe environments部分可观测环境中的目标驱动服务导航机制

3)service navigation system服务导航系统

1.Based on networked manufacturing integration platform,a structure ofservice navigation system is presented with work flow as the focus.提出了一种基于网络化制造集成平台,以流程为中心的服务导航系统框架,设计并实现了系统主要组件,包括事务过程分析处理器、工作流执行处理器、结果文件管理器的核心算法。

4)information navigation service信息导航服务

1.In conclusion,the article stresses four channels on how to do a good job ininformation navigation services need to improve the quality of the librari.本文论述了我国高校大学生上网现状与存在的4个问题,深入探讨了高校图书馆员开展信息导航服务的必要性,进一步阐述了网络信息资源导航系统开发、发挥电子阅览室功能、开展网络信息素质教育等4条内容。

2.This paper discusses the changes of the library under the network environment from the literature resources construction into the information resources construction, from the traditional library into the digital library, and from the literature transmission service into theinformation navigation service.论述了网络环境下图书馆文献资源建设向信息资源建设的转变,图书馆组织管理向适应数字图书馆发展的方向转变,以及图书馆用户服务由文献传递服务向信息导航服务转变的问题。

5)Personal navigation service个人导航服务

6)the urban satellite navigation service卫星导航服务


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
