900字范文 > 技术实现 technical implementation英语短句 例句大全

技术实现 technical implementation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-18 16:42:47


技术实现 technical implementation英语短句 例句大全

技术实现,technical implementation

1)technical implementation技术实现

1.,this article introduces the application,technical implementation and result of the computer-aided information management system for security and environmental protection.本文以武钢能动公司《安全环保管理信息系统》设计为实例,介绍计算机管理系统在安全环保管理工作中的应用、技术实现和实施效果。

2.This paper analyzes the Police Forces Geographic Information (System s) requirement and presents the general designtechnical implementation and introduces the configuration,main functions and character of the system.通过分析武警执勤作战对地理信息的特殊需求和用户特点,设计了武警地理信息系统主要功能,探讨了其技术实现途径。


work Shopping Realized by the ColdFusion Technology;用ColdFusion技术实现网上购物

2.The Technique Realization of Epss in Teacher Educational Technology TrainingEpss在教师教育技术培训中的技术实现

3.To Realize Good Practice in Undergraduate Education by Using Modern Educational Technology;利用现代教育技术实现优质本科教育

4.Innovation of file management by application of modern network technology应用现代网络技术实现文件管理创新

5.Modern Experimental and Measuring Technique for Fluid Flow ?现代流体实验测试技术

6.Achieving Cut-Across Technological Development实现技术跨越式发展

7.Realization Technologies of WebGIS Based on SVG;基于SVG的WebGIS实现技术

8.Research on Multiprotocol Label Swtiching Fault Detection Mechanism and Implementation;MPLS OAM技术研究及其实现

9.The Technology and Implementation of OSPF Protocol Based on IPv6;基于IPv6的OSPF技术及实现

10.The Study and Implementation of the 56kbps Modem;56 kbps Modem技术研究与实现

11.The IEEE 802.11 Specifications and of DirectSequence Spread Spectrum;IEEE802.11协议直扩技术的实现

12.INA Technology and MATLAB Accomplishment;INA设计技术及MATLAB实现

13.Implementation of FAMS Based on .NET 3.5 Technique基于.NET3.5技术的FAMS实现

14.Augmented Reality is a variation of Virtual Reality.增强现实技术是虚拟现实技术的最新进展。

15.Dynamic Web pages based on technology implementation technology基于技术的动态网页实现技术

16.Modeling the Ship Motion and Realized by Virtual Reality Technology;船舶运动建模及虚拟现实技术的实现

17.Research on Augmented Reality Technique and Its Realization on Flash增强现实技术研究及其在Flash上的实现

18.Based on Java Technology Physical Virtual Experiment Design and Realization实验教学中虚拟实验实现技术的探讨


technology realization技术实现

1.This paper introduces thetechnology realization of remote teaching supported by modern electronic and network technology, analyzes its advantages and limitations, expounds the development of remote teaching network, and provides the technical structure which is applicable in the remote teaching in China.介绍目前电子和网络技术支持下的远程教学的技术实现,并分析其优势与局限,阐述了远程教学网络的发展,提出适合于中国远程教学的技术结构。

3)implementation technique实现技术

1.The concept, theoretical basis,visualization process,implementation technique and visualization system of metallogenic visualization are introduced.讨论了成矿可视化的概念、理论基础、可视化流程和实现技术及可视化系统等问题,指出成矿可视化是介于矿床学和计算机科学之间的一门边缘科学,将成为矿床学发展的新的生长点。

2.This paper introduces the conception and features of the virtual consultancy service, expounds the similarities and differences between the virtual consultancy service and the traditional consultancy service, puts forward some mainimplementation techniques, and describes the developing trend of the virtual consultancy service.介绍了虚拟参考咨询服务的概念、特点、与传统参考咨询的异同以及主要实现技术,并且提出了虚拟参考咨询服务的发展趋势。

3.This paper minutely introduces the developes of digital logic devices, points out that the PLD Simplementation technique is important path of our country s electronic system and products to catch up with and surpass the international advanced levels.详细地介绍了数字逻辑器件的发展 ,指出了 PL D实现技术是我国电子系统与产品赶超国际先进水平的重要途径 。

4)Implement technology实现技术

1.In this article,the authors mainly discuss the connotation and the key and implement technology of knowledge discovery,and at the same time classify the implement technology of knowledge discovery and expatiate the connotation and function of these technology.文章主要论述了知识发现的内涵与其关键技术和实现技术 ,并对其实现技术进行了分类 ,同时阐述了各种技术的内涵和作用。

5)implementation techniques实现技术

1.The configuration of distribution automation system andimplementation techniques;配电网自动化系统体系与实现技术

6)implementation technology实现技术

1.In the process of implementing model component, the granular security approach, the applied method of simple distribution key were proposed, and the encryption and decryption process design and itsimplementation technology were also improved.分析了网络化制造平台信息交互存在的安全问题 ;建立了一种基于XML的网络化制造平台的信息传输安全模型 ;设计了该模型的整体加解密通信过程 ;在模型的组件实现中 ,提出了一种基于XML的细粒度加密模式以及动态密钥分配机制 ,并对加解密过程的设计和实现技术进行了改进。

2.Its objective is to solve one type of Complexity Systems where management issue、methodology、implementation technology and optimization theory are put in corresponding important positions.只有将管理理念、方法论、实现技术和优化理论这四个互相联系的层面结合好 ,才能成功地构造并运行现代集成制造系

3.Theimplementation technology based on the generalized model is developed,which only calculates the variables affecting the fusion results instead of all variables.研究遥感数据像素级融合统一模型及相应的实现技术具有重要的理论和应用价值。


简单工艺实现环保热转移印花新技术棉、涤/棉混纺和真丝织物经改性剂在室温下两浸两轧,80-100度烘干后即可实现热转换印花。热转移印花工艺与涤纶织物大致相同。其产品的染色性能符合国家标准,并且基本保留了天然特性。产品不含甲醛,也不会缓慢释放甲醛,并无重金属。 该技术已经过工业化试验。试验结果表明工艺简便易行,无污染、无污水排放,属清洁生产工艺。
